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After one day of uptime on the new website, the forums are already being actively moderated to keep dissenting opinions from reaching the public. I made two posts and they've already muted me -- not banned... muted.. How many players out there are posting away thinking they're contributing, not even realizing no one can see their posts? I bet many, since the forums used to be WAY more active before this cleansing.
Already GuideMihr has lied in this thread about past event rewards:
GuideMihr also shared his ridiculously childish logic on event rewards here:
"... the events turn out it's been very low lately, [valuable rewards] is a way to make the event more rewarding and "interesting" for players to take part."
I guess he's incapable of applying that logic beyong the event? He doesn't realize that by making his events more rewarding and "interesting" to attract more players, hes making the rest of the game less lucrative and less "interesting". Not to mention the fact that this makes player ran events completely dull in comparison since they can't offer unobtainable rewards. Too bad you get muted for pointing that out to him. Destroying the game so he can convince people to pay attention to him for 30 minutes as he puts on his 5th lame ass maze event -- definitely GM worthy.
GuideMihr also buried some dude's criticism here:
Nothing like a GM moving your post around and posting an ominous message over it to spark a good conversation.
Seeing as other members have posted pretty much that same critisism in the thread and I can view it, I don't see how it is about keeping "dissenting opinions from reaching the public". They are there, in plain view, as I was not even logged in and could see them. More likely you were not able to keep your comments constructive and they were removed because people are fed up with your poison pen.
It is too bad, when you cry foul about everything, most of it totally exaggerated, then when you once in a while have something worthwhile to contribute, noone will listen to you because you have made yourself known as someone who is not helpful, who is not reasonable. Well, why would they listen to you? You just stated that you felt the forums being hacked after you were banned was a sweet payback, and implied you had something to do with it. And then you actually expect them to circle round, pen in hand, taking notes on how to change their game when you show up to impart your wisdom? Seriously, if you really want to be critical and helpful, look at MrDDT, he is very vocal about the game and what he believes is lacking -and yeah he treads the line a lot of the time but he is mostly relevant, and he has credibility in his opinions as he actively plays the game and clearly likes some of it and wants the rest of it to improve. You just want to sabotage it and people pick up on that.
This is just a crybaby tactic of first making yourself persona non grata in forums, and then coming here so you can cry about being censored. Ingenious.
Sound like the moderator who banned me from Mortal Online forums. Persona non grata, or unwanted person. Which I find is the lamest excuse of a use of a latin term. If you cant come up with a better term than, "I dont like him/her." then you should ban yourself from moderating. But I digress this is not the topic of this thread.
The post that the GM moved is in the correct forum and I was able to post in it, so I dont see an issue with it. But crying about posts being moved on Xsyon is just sad. That forums moderation team has been probably the most mild I have seen in years. If you want to cry about vanishing posts and censorship post on Mortal Onlines forums or WWIIOL. Then you will see the Gestapo at work.
So much crap, so little quality.
LOL This.
MO forums are beyond normal "censorship"- They make censorship an Art Form.
Anyhow, glad to know Xylon is still alive, for some reason I thought it closed down- Maybe I am thinking of something else =/
You are not a truth-sayer if what you are saying isn't true.
Dude, you are not unbiased. LOL. Liking a game and wanting it to be judged on it's real merits, and therefore being against the spreading of lies about it doesn't make someone a fanboi. I am not uncritical of the game, but I am critical of you. For someone who believes in the power fo hard truths, you seem to have a hard time taking that in. You are a fanboi of yourself.
"LIstening to player feedback recieved over a year ago doesn't really count..." No of course it doesn't because that would deflate your reasoning. We can't have that!