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My experience: Grade F

OsmanthusOsmanthus Member UncommonPosts: 105

I spent 2 hours downloading the game.  After much gnashing of teeth, I managed to get into the game and playing.

I walk out of my apartment; the ambience is very haf-life-esqe.  I don't have any inventory but I do have 10000 credits, so I go check out whats up.   I wander around the empty hallways for a long while.

Suddenly, a player! Frabjous day!  "Hello" I say fumbling around trying to figure out how to get to the chat window.

Next thing I know, I'm staring at the celing. Apparently I have been killed.   Time passes, I cant move.  Then, I am in a cloning chamber.  Still can't move.  Minutes go by.  Just as I guess its crashed, I am notified the cloning is done. I walk around, the cloning lab, and then go out the door. 

More barren corridors.   O Frabjous day!  I find a merchant machine.  Hmm, I need a gun I think to myself.  Fiddle fiddle. The interface blank but I figure out how to find the pull down for weapons. I buy a gun.

"You have purchased the item" it tells me.  Great!  I press the weapon key.  Nothing.  I look in inventory. Nothing!  I look at my gold reserves: I am dow the 7k I spent on the gun. But I dont have a gun.  I fumble about trying to find out what happened to my credids, and where is my gun.  Next thing, " would you like to send a bug report to microsoft?" and I am at the desttop.

I reboot and relog.

I am back in my apartment.  I am broke and have no gun. I take the tube down to the first floor.  Someone shoots me.  I am dead oh yeat again, still having no money.

Wait wait wait.  This time I am more careful.  There are only about 5 people in the city of New York tonight, but all five of the are sociopathic killers.  So i try to lay low.  I run around the "city" which is sort of like a habit trail, never quite letting you outside.  Vast expanses of nothingingness.

There is nothing. This game has nothing in it. 

As far as I can see, all that happens is people use their starting 10000 credits, buy a gun, then go shoot noobies. Thats all there IS to do. 

Grade: F


  • grimbojgrimboj Member Posts: 2,102

    Before I join you in whooping this crappy games arse, ill explain what happened to you.

    You were either:
    1) LED/FDC faction in NY and were killed by another LED/FDC or a rebel faction (probly BoS/Mercs) looking for a quick kill or on a mission to kill your faction.

    2) You were a rebel faction and walked into some trigger happy LED/FDC with your faction set as kos (kill on sight).

    This game is open pvp everywhere except turret-guarded places (dunno if the turrets are back up yet). The looking at the ceiling is just the death animation (fade-out) and the not being able to move is because your hp must reach 20% before you can leave cloning and it goes at less than 1hp/sec :(

    Players have the ability to be elected the power to make missions and the game is what the higher up players make it, everyone low level does missions and can kill freely as long as theyre on a mission. Players who arent on a mission get arrested if theyve made a non-mission kill. There are a set of idiotic power-hungry beaurocratic players who jus take pleasure in ordering each other about, that ruin the game. FoM has made no mechanism to control these players and the games just become a job for everyone except Mercs (who are under-staffed and poorly organised as a reverse effect of no beaurocracy).

    If you want fun, become a merc - kill everyone you see after porting into a back entrance to brooklyn, then put everything you get in storage before an LED kills you. This is what i do in different cities and you make dosh and have fun. Jus dont get arrested - Logging out usually avoids this. However, the fun generated by this lasted maybe a day in total, its a bad game thats half finished and being alpha tested on a massive player base. Who the hell changes the game engine during beta? (Game engines cost $500,000 or take months and months to make).

    Note: PlayNC will refuse to allow you access to your account if you forget your password and can't provide a scanned image of the product key for the first product you purchased..... LOL

  • VenerableDVenerableD Member Posts: 41

    Originally posted by grimboj
    (Game engines cost $500,000 or take months and months to make).

    No the best engines cost that.....the Lithtech Talon which I believe they started out using is nowhere near that much (I think one price is $10,000). It is established practice for independent games companies to use a cheap engine to develop the game to a certain standard and then purchase the rights to a better engine once they have more funds, and then switch over.

    I agree however that you wouldn't really plan on waiting until Open Beta to make the switch.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Originally posted by grimboj
    If you want fun, become a merc - kill everyone you see after porting into a back entrance to brooklyn, then put everything you get in storage before an LED kills you. This is what i do in different cities and you make dosh and have fun. Jus dont get arrested - Logging out usually avoids this.
    So let me get this straight: you gank people and use cheap logout tactics to circumvent the punishment system in the game.

    With players like you, it's no wonder that people stopped playing this game.

  • VenerableDVenerableD Member Posts: 41

    Originally posted by Ranma13

    So let me get this straight: you gank people and use cheap logout tactics to circumvent the punishment system in the game.With players like you, it's no wonder that people stopped playing this game.

    But in an Open PvP MMO you have to accept that a number of players will behave like that and legislate for it. The FoMk devs seem to have completely ignored that possibility.

  • Ranma13Ranma13 Member Posts: 747

    Just because other people do it, does it make it right? Just because there are eBay scams and people ripping off others, that makes it ok for me to do so too?

    Before you make the "but everyone else does it" excuse, try reversing the tables. Would you want to play a game where an impossibly stronger player ganks you and then runs away before he/she can receive their due punishment?

  • VenerableDVenerableD Member Posts: 41

    It is obvious that a significant number of players will go around ganking newbs and then cheat the justice system if you let them. Duplex must realise this and by not making any sensible attempts to prevent it are saying it is part of the game......therefore there is nothing wrong with doing it, the Devs are effectively saying that they want it in the game.

  • FaraxFarax Member Posts: 9

    The problem is in the game right now people can get away with killing for fun and ranking up Penalty points (Given for each reported murder, reporting the murder is optional), the reason they can get away with it is because once they get too much of these Penalty points and get arrested (By a law enforcement faction, played by other players) they just simply create another account. So you can imagine at the moment people are just killing for the sake of it, theres also the factor you could of created an account and walked into a place of war. The game is so unnewbie friendly is unreal, it takes alot of patience at the moment but thats being changed after the next update. When they are adding new things to get new players started and working out the game.

    I think people shouldn't judge the game too soon, wait till the end of this month, there adding alot and improving the graphics throughout (Many people complain that the new update didn't change the graphics by much, the problem being is that they didnt update the textures. Crappy textures on a good engine won't make much difference, they are also in the process of updating these).

    Right now people get killed loose there equipment and then spend the rest of the time lost because the community is made up of assholes, theres alot of people trying to help new players, but theres also alot of people who won't be continueing to play after it hits Pay to play who are ruining the game for alot of people, killing for no reason or bad mouthing everyone. Because this game takes ''skill'' and by skill i mean strafing around one another firing like hell till one of you drops, it can be hard for new players. But thats all changing by the next update.

    Just give the game some time to mature (and the community), Face of Mankind has great potencial, but needs patience from the player.

  • DelgadoDelgado Member Posts: 173

    Seems to me that you had NO IDEA what was going on. Did you bother going to their site and checking out the forums for guides and such? Theres all the info you need to get started there. But I have a feeling that you never bothered to check and just jumped ingame... Kinda harsh to give a grade like that when you don't even take the time to learn... Very sad indeed...

  • IIRLIIRL Member Posts: 876

    This game is actually good if you get involved with it due to the solely player driven missions(quests), economics and so on.

    Played it for three weeks while having a break from WoW and really enjoyed it, you just have to dive into it deep and endure it to really enjoy it.


    <3 "<Claus|Dev> i r pk"


  • javertjavert Member Posts: 19

    Yay to those who don't read the manual, forums, or quickrefs and expect to get the gist of the complex mmo in two hours.

    I advise to look into the FoM world deeper before making judgements.  The same goes for everyone.

  • osc1006osc1006 Member Posts: 13

    The game is a happy supporter of PKing(if you look at it deeply its more like P+PvP or something like that)
    After the game becomes p2p than people will stop making new accounts and it might discourage the common login-gank someone-log out pattern
    Duplex Systems(Game Development company i think its only about >5-12 people<.)sees what goes on in game missions not the real game.why don't they try playing it without their godmode and what will the find.right now a normal game.
    if they happen to see a noob and an expert then they see how people start the game.i think they should start normal noob accounts and experience the game from the beginning today not in Feb.the game is very well balenced when you get into it.if you are my grades

    Starting Game-D-
    In Game-C-
    In Game with more authority-
    Aliens and other stuff-E

    master of games.

  • donz0rdonz0r Member Posts: 101

    lmao oops i didnt realise its old thread

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