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The Black Prophecy team has posted a new blog article indicating that the game will be ceasing operations on September 26, 2012. The letter indicates that financial woes are to blame for the game's demise.
This past year-and-a-half has been filled with very bright spots as well as many hardships. It has been an honor to team up with the profound talent at Reakktor Media, and to have had the opportunity to bring a small bit of light to the space action genre. Along the way we’ve made many friends, as well as suffered the loss of a few very close ones. The Black Prophecy team put everything on the line for this title to succeed, working any and all angles to keep hope alive even after Reakktor had to shut its doors. Financial realities don’t always pause for effort though, which brings us to this point in time.
Read the full post on the Black Prophecy site.
Shame. It was a great idea. I wish it had been more like Eve though.
But these days, unless you've got big publishers, no one mentions you on the websites, and so the games don't get a chance to thrive... This game was better than most of the driven that gets released by AAA companies.
Hmm.. You all might want to check this link:
GW2 had nothing to do with it.. if you ever really played the game you will have realized in short order just how lame a game it was. what potential it had was tossed out the window with its extrealy long, and MASSIVE learning curve, and poor tutorials. Lack of any real content to speakl of and a seriously disappointing attempt to compete with EVE.
I am soo not surprised to hear this in the slightest.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
I knew the game wasn't gonna last long. I didn't play after the betas. But was there any story missions after you completed the main story missions at the start?
If not and was all faction PVP after wards. Then I could see why it also didn't last long if they're was no more story missions. Because that would had got old fast always pvping without a point.
Pretty sad news.. I actually enjoyed the game as it had action elements that reminded me of Wing Commander..
But with the crowded market, someone HAS to lose... This just one of those unfortunate situations of right place wrong time..
best of luck to all those involved..
It isn't surprising. There was absolutely no story and no reason to play other than pvp after you finished the tutorial.
Lol I followed this game for months after its release, waiting for news of more storyline missions or anything tengible like that. Whereas I DO beleive they had added one or two (at most) story-missions, it was clearly a case of too-little-too-late.
I think that a truly sandbox space mmo like EVE could exist very well without any real storyline-missions and etcatera, BUT Black Prophecy was no EVE and IMO it really needed a good storyline to get the game moving after the awesome initial tutorial (with its heavy emphasis on storytelling).
But in the end, the developers never delivered.... Personally I wish that they had spent more time adding additional campaign missions than just more skirmishes and random fights. Eh,, as others prolly also think; ''Wasted Potential''.
PS; Lag was bad too (at least during the release).
Another F2P game takes a nose dive...
Seems the model is showing more and more cracks as it matures.
Even if it was say 50% better than Eve,do you think Eve players would drop Eve and play it?
This is the problem in this industry and why devs should not copy other games.
Timing is also a huge component,either be first with your gimmick or find a nice long boredom spot and catch all those bored gamers that will buy anything at that point.
All thes job losses are painful to see, i still remember all those poor people at Cheyenne Mountain that worked a long time for free until giving up then we had the 38 studio guys working some time for free as well .
I think it is easier to be a President,benefits and salary for life,void of any illegal wrong doings,the best lawyers,lots of titles to point fingers at until finally we lose track at why the fingers were pointed.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
That's a shame. I played the game in beta, and thought the idea was very good, but the (combat) controls were BAD. Decided not to play it when the cash shop became a real P2W one.
MMOs don't need scripted storylines.
The best ones never had any.
I like the idea of Eve, but I don't like the combat. I like the combat of this game, but I don't like how instanced the world was.
A mixture of the two would have been a winner for me.
It has nothing to do with the f2p model. This game just wasn't all that good. This game wouldn't have fared any better if it was using a p2p model.
"Chemistry: 'We do stuff in lab that would be a felony in your garage.'"
The most awesomest after school special T-shirt:
Front: UNO Chemistry Club
Back: /\OH --> Bad Decisions
Intriguing ideal but bad execution. I was originally stoked on it as I loved the WC series. But I didn't like the world or the heavy instances at all, felt like the fligt sim in WC. Really wish CCP would make a space flight sim in the EVE universe, think it would really be awesome as their world is very rich in lore and would love a game the delved into that.
Sad to hear they are closing their doors.
Why do people say shit like this?
Why can't a game just be its own thing? Why do players have to "wish it would be more like <insert some other game>"
I realize you may like EVE... so just... play EVE.
EVE has an awesomely rich untapped lore that a space flight sim can do incredibly well with. I would rate EVE as the top Sci Fi world in regards to lore quality, very much higher than even WC. Really wish that instead of a FPS Halo game CCP did a space flight sim game tied into the EVE game.
Because BP wasn't very deep, and I wanted a deeper game.
Because BP has lots of instances, and I don't like instances.
I think both these things would have been improvements.
I hearby declare the death of the F2P payment model, clearly it had nothing to do with game design, LOLOLOL.
But yeah, in all seriousness the gameplay was waaay too shallow, its a shame really, I thoroughly enjoyed the graphics and the storyline, but in the end it was really just a shoot'em up game barely deserving the title of MMO.
They said they will focus on Neocron now and it's a good thing
Neocron best game ever !
More news like this will follow in coming months and years.
Market is bloated and oversaturated and games will die.
No amount of being 'creative' with business models can save game if there is simply not enough mmorpg players (and theor numbers dwindling in west) and too much games. Especially if game is weak like BP was, but well every game has it fans and will be good to some. Some games will just shut down or go into forever maintenance mode - no matter if they will be p2p, freemium or f2p or any other model.
i play Black Prophecy in beta and i have to say its really sad they are shutting it down....
it was more fun than space in Swtor, but i usually dont play games that focus on space rather than ground gameplay
The reason the game didn't do well was because it sucked, it's as simple as that.
I had great hopes for it as i love sci-fi but it just wasn't well made. The actual method of advancement and the basic mechanics of the game were bad and it never changed for the better.