For those who believe XFIRE is the holy grail of judging video games, GW2 had its worst day on xfire since being released. I dont play WoW but at this clip GW2 will be out of the top ten by the time Pandas invade the world. What do the XFIRE followers make of this??
You're late. There was already a thread about this. I think it was locked already too, so, i don't this will go far.
And my reaction, as always with anything xfire related: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
Although I think any thread related to XFire numbers as a means of judging how well any game is doing are fairly pointless, why would they be locked? 99% of the threads on this site are equally as pointless.
GW2 will continue to decline on xfire all the way until Sept 25th when it will tank and reality will hit it and hit it hard.
Why would you spend time on something you do not like? Is there really anything less intelligent than spending so much time hating? FFS grow up, find something you LIKE and post about that. Uninformed haters are nothing but comedy and they fail to understand that.
As my posted hinted at I feel the same way about xfire. But I was asking those who were proclaiming GW2 to be amazing based on Xfire numbers what are their thoughts? And what will their thoughts be in a month when reality hits in about month when GW2 continues to tank on their site.
I dont hate GW2 I enjoyed playing it, I felt its was an ok game. There is nothing wrong with asking those who were all up in arms about how many people GW2 had on xfire a week ago. What is wrong with bring the topic back when its starting its decline?
Not this stupid thread again.
Because all your posts about GW2 seem to have an agenda, and enjoying the game never seems to be mentioned unless you are called out for being what you are.
Are you playing GW2 still?
GW2 will continue to decline on xfire all the way until Sept 25th when it will tank and reality will hit it and hit it hard.
Why would you spend time on something you do not like? Is there really anything less intelligent than spnding so much time hating? FFS grow up, find something you LIKE and post about that. Uninformed haters are nothing but comedy and they fail to understand that.
I dont hate GW2 I enjoyed playing it, I felt its was an ok game. There is nothing wrong with asking those who were all up in arms about how many people GW2 had on xfire a week ago. What is wrong with bring the topic back when its starting its decline?
Because all your posts about GW2 seem to have an agenda, and enjoying the game never seems to be mentioned unless you are called out for being what you are.
Are you playing GW2 still?
You talk like someone hoping this game fails. I find it odd that you enjoy the game yet your posts all seem to be the type baiting people who really are enjoying the game. of course you can have your opinion, but I find it odd that its not your main game but you already have a character at 32, that tells me you are playing a couple of hours a day. If you are enjoying the game enough to play a couple hours every day I would expect less antagonistic posts and some praise to go along with honest criticism of the game. But you only seem to be looking to start trouble with people who like the game.
I spent no time hyping the game, I never even posted about it until I played it.
Your wrong about the level thing. I was in the early access and was level 20 by the time the game was released. Well it may seem like that but anyone who tries to express anything but postive about the game will be attacked and accused of trying to pick a fight. Again go back and read my post. In a nutshell if you dont want to read them again, I had about 10 major issues with the game. I brought those issues to the tabel when I posted to a post about the game being the greatest MMO over, or the game being groudbreaking or the game being a "WoW killer". I apologize if my post came across a little harsh, they were my thoughts on an ok game. No I dont want anygame to fail not even WoW.
I joined a conversation about how pointless xfire was because of the #'s that were there. Of course one reason is as good as another to argue and blow things out of proportion so there you have it. What will I do if GW2 switches places in xfire come the 25th? Care less than I did already probably, I know which is the better game
Gah, Monday was the holiday and my days are all mixed up. But the data is from Tuesday? Why don't you show us the weekend stats?
Gah, Monday was the holiday and my days are all mixed up. But the data is from Tuesday? Why don't you show us the weekend stats?
The other one was locked, and for a good reason.
Locking this one too.