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I played this game in beta through launch for 2 months. The game was simplistic with no real end-game. No pvp, no housing, no way to respec powers, etc. However this game had two great things going for it...
1. character creation - still the best of any mmorpg and that hasnt changed.
2. leveling - good steady pace and fun. Solo play was possible for every profession. I played a blaster, defender, and controller. I was able to solo them all 75% the way to lvl 30 within a 2-3 weeks each.
I quit after 2 months with no regrets or criticism of the game. It did what I expected, had some fun and was well worth the money.
I decided to give the game another look recently after growing bored with SWG again. Im honestly shocked with the changes.
First, its obvious xp and leveling was slowed waaaaaaaaay down. I've been playing a controller for 4 days now and Im only lvl 10. And its been a painful slow process to level. Ive practically given up on solo play and doing my missions. Im now just looking for any group doing patrols around the Hollows to maximize xp.
Damage output is definitely down. At level 10, I cant handle two level 12 minions unless I use all my inspirations up. And even then it takes 10 minutes to do bleh.
The one great thing about this game was the fast quick combat. Add to that the fun character creation, and it was easy and fun to create multiple characters and level them to at least the travel powers range. Now thats just not the case. The game is boring, combat is slow, and missions arent even worth doing anymore.
Shame, I was hoping for some fun again till my SWG batteries got recharged.
#1 fight ones your level...(THey upped the difficulty and upped the exp)
#2 Controllers always had a warning on them...THey were never meant to solo...actually it's supposed to be easier now than back then...
#3 you probably need to read the update patch notes
Playing Fallen Earth.
I've been playing this game since beta, and I have to disagree completely.
Firstly.... you are playing a CONTROLLER, and whining about DAMAGE output? Particularly a low-level controller.... sorry, something dont add up there. Controllers aint about damage. Pick... well, any other archetype if that's what you wanna do. Oh, they can deal some.... but it'll never compare to the others. Also, I hear they actually boosted controller damage recently via the inherant power that that class recieves.... if your foes are asleep/held/disoriented/whatever, when you go to damage them, you'll do alot more damage. That needs to be used as well.
As for slow levelling at the levels you are at? No.
Was on with my Defender last night, a Dark/Radiation defender. Grouping in the Hollows, couple of door missions. I started the night with two bubbles of EXP.... 8 to go. Level 9. In just a bit over ONE HOUR, I hit 10. How is that slow, at all? And we werent going up against purples or anything.... all yellows and oranges for those missions.
And soloing goes better too, actually. Mission reward EXP has been drastically boosted since the game released, and you can alter the difficulty.... Also, with the last update, EXP for enemies over level 20 was boosted.
Also, you mentioned that you could "solo to 30 within 2-3 weeks each". Well, there... OF COURSE they are going to slow THAT down! It's an MMO, designed to keep players monthly. They dont want people to hit higher levels that fast (and back then, 40 was max, so you were getting pretty close to it). I think only WoW currently lets you warp through the levels THAT fast.... and when people can level that quickly, they often get bored quicker..... I know alot of people that hit high level in WoW in a month, and quit. Devs, they dont want that.
With all of the updates, the EXP boosts (yes, BOOSTS, it's not "slow" if you know what you're doing...), PVP and re-specing added in, all the new areas, and the almost-here connectivity with City of Villains (which Im also playing, and it's coming along very nicely), there's alot going for it.
And describing CoH's combat as "slow"? I've been around this game since beta.... that's the FIRST time I've ever heard someone say THAT.
Hm, but, I suppose not every MMO is for everyone.... you mention SWG, which I, personally, hate. That game bored me to death... everything is so..... bland. Played it at launch for a couple months, got bored, quit... gave it a second chance later on..... got bored..... quit......
Guess it's all a matter of opinion.
Even still, it sounds like, with CoH, there are a few details you are missing here....
Oh well... this is an MMO board. Complaints are frequent.
There are really only 2 soloable classes in COH Scrapper and Blaster. I soloed my scapper from 1 to 38 and only had to group on a few missions. The deal is know what you can handle. The changes they have made are more to balance what you are fighting. You should not be able to solo a boss 4 levels higher than you are.
Each class has a role to play in the game. Tanks bring in the agro, Srappers are your fron line damage dealers, Blasters are your range damage and support, Defenders are your support teams and Controllers deal in crowd control.
If you do want to solo, yes it will take longer but also do not bite off more than you can do. Even a lv 10 Scrapper in the hollows would have issues with dealing with 2 orange mobs.
If you have to Aim a bit lower than you think you can handle. At higher levels I am sure you will be able to deal with a lot more and deal a lot more damage.
Those are my thoughts ... not yours
Lots of people levelled to the max and then moved on.
The dev's realising this, slowed down the levelling to keep people onboard longer.
The smaller the population gets, the longer they need each remaining player to stay.