Originally posted by Psychow If they gave me a month or 2-week "welcome back" free trial I'd try it, evaluate it, and decide if it's the game I had hoped to have bought when it first released.
Originally posted by Decadentia I definitely would if it were a trial basis.
Originally posted by Vhaln Will there be a free trial? Otherwise, definately not.
Originally posted by Zarriya I would have to trial it though. Nto that i am looking for a freeby i actually have 3 active subscriptions (TSW,WOW -SOE all access for planetside and EQ2) .I beta'd it and was very surprised how awful it was, I would like to give it a second chance because the orignial concepts for the game were really nice.
Originally posted by Caldrin
Ill give it a shot if its got a free trial... hell i was up for buying a digital copy but for some reason in the UK it was never available..
Yoshi has already confirmed that if you had an activated copy of the game they you automatically get 30 days free play on 2.0 ARR
But I am sure more will become known after the 14th.....
Sweet, then I guess I'll be giving it a try (again)!
If the game supports old school elements then.... Hell, I'll forgive the lack of PvP just to find a nice challenging group based MMO.
I haven't done any research yet so maybe the current FF XI fans can help me answer a couple questions...
1) Can players easily solo their way to max level and not need to rely on other players, like some lame sinlge player PRG / Multiplayer Lobby MMO ?
2) Are there any type of significant Death penalties besides the standard 2 copper repairs and running 60 seconds back to where you died ?
3) Are there character classes that have useful unique abiltities that can add to the strength of a well played team/group, or is everything homogonized so basically all the classes are the same except for the character models ?
4) Is the character progression well scaled to give you consisent slow progression over 6 month - 1 year playing about 15 hours / week , or is progression some XP jackpot where everything you do awards XP so fast that you are max level in a matter of a few weeks ?
5) Are the MOBs and Dungeons challenging , or can you win by just spamming 3 keys while watching TV ?
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
I'm sorry, I just can't get over my hatred they turned the class sytem into weapon based. Why would you do that? It makes the classes feel so much less worth wild and just so much more bland. FF11 for me if I want to play an FF online game.
I voted yes. Had bought the CE when the game launched and although it failed, I've been playing it on and off every now and then and seen the major changes that SE made to the game (FFXIV). Seeing how dedicated the developers have been towards improving the game, I can only show my respect by giving 2.0 a chance as well. Very few developers and studios have the balls to admit they failed, support the game for free for a year and improve the game until they feel happy enough to charge a sub again. If more developers were like that, I don't think I'd be as cynical towards the MMORPG industry.
Anyway, yes I'll be giving FFXIV-ARR a shot when it launches. I highly doubt I'll be able to get into the Alpha to try it out before but oh well, maybe in Beta.
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
They've pretty much remade the game from scratch. Only the theme and the graphics engine is same as in the first release. However I had zero issues with the engine running an up-to-date rig. In all honesty S-E has one of the best engines out there and they are constantly developing the luminous engine.
Because the developers are really dedicated to improve the game and there's a huge company behind them I don't see any reason why FFXIV: ARR wouldn't be a massive hit.
S-E is probably the only company to take a failed MMORPG and turned it to a polished gem.
Game is going to be great, I'm playing now, cant wait for ARR and anyone into MMOs should give it a go. I played XI over 6 years and havent looked back since I restarted XIV. The new dev team is on point!
Originally posted by Psychow If they gave me a month or 2-week "welcome back" free trial I'd try it, evaluate it, and decide if it's the game I had hoped to have bought when it first released.
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
They've pretty much remade the game from scratch. Only the theme and the graphics engine is same as in the first release. However I had zero issues with the engine running an up-to-date rig. In all honesty S-E has one of the best engines out there and they are constantly developing the luminous engine.
Because the developers are really dedicated to improve the game and there's a huge company behind them I don't see any reason why FFXIV: ARR wouldn't be a massive hit.
S-E is probably the only company to take a failed MMORPG and turned it to a polished gem.
from what iunderstand they actully put a new engine under it
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
They've pretty much remade the game from scratch. Only the theme and the graphics engine is same as in the first release. However I had zero issues with the engine running an up-to-date rig. In all honesty S-E has one of the best engines out there and they are constantly developing the luminous engine.
Because the developers are really dedicated to improve the game and there's a huge company behind them I don't see any reason why FFXIV: ARR wouldn't be a massive hit.
S-E is probably the only company to take a failed MMORPG and turned it to a polished gem.
from what iunderstand they actully put a new engine under it
If the game supports old school elements then.... Hell, I'll forgive the lack of PvP just to find a nice challenging group based MMO.
I haven't done any research yet so maybe the current FF XI fans can help me answer a couple questions...
1) Can players easily solo their way to max level and not need to rely on other players, like some lame sinlge player PRG / Multiplayer Lobby MMO ?
2) Are there any type of significant Death penalties besides the standard 2 copper repairs and running 60 seconds back to where you died ?
3) Are there character classes that have useful unique abiltities that can add to the strength of a well played team/group, or is everything homogonized so basically all the classes are the same except for the character models ?
4) Is the character progression well scaled to give you consisent slow progression over 6 month - 1 year playing about 15 hours / week , or is progression some XP jackpot where everything you do awards XP so fast that you are max level in a matter of a few weeks ?
5) Are the MOBs and Dungeons challenging , or can you win by just spamming 3 keys while watching TV ?
Sorry for the bump.
I am sorry if my previous post came off gruff or sarcastic but I honestly want to know more about the game from a fans view.
Can anybody help he out and give me a quick point by point on my 5 questions compared to the current FFiX 2.0 ?
no i will not try, i bought 2 ffxivgame boxes and i did credit card chargeback on it sent back ffxiv gamebox after playing 10 hours and got my money back.
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
They've pretty much remade the game from scratch. Only the theme and the graphics engine is same as in the first release. However I had zero issues with the engine running an up-to-date rig. In all honesty S-E has one of the best engines out there and they are constantly developing the luminous engine.
Because the developers are really dedicated to improve the game and there's a huge company behind them I don't see any reason why FFXIV: ARR wouldn't be a massive hit.
S-E is probably the only company to take a failed MMORPG and turned it to a polished gem.
from what iunderstand they actully put a new engine under it
Yeah, it's a completely new graphics engine, too. It's based off their new Luminous engine, but modified specifically for FFXIV.
I knew FF14 was pants from the beta, but picked it up when it dropped to 4 bucks with no sub. It never really saved itself, but the graphics were great and I love the FF feel, but the UI was just unforgivable.
Having said that, I really like what they are doing with the remake. If they can give it a solid UI then I think this will be a very good MMO.
No and NO, XIV is a travesty, and a mess. It alienated the XI fans and was a joke to the themepark crowd. They failed to please anyone. The formula was simple to make a long lasting profitable game. All they had to do was make a slightly (I stress slightly) more casual version of XI in a new world with a new story and they would have been rolling in the cash right now.
Would it have been wow numbers? nope but like XI proved you dont need wow numbers 300-500k subs over multiple years is insanly profitable. Sometimes these devs out smart themselves.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore) Now Playing: N/A Worst MMO: FFXIV Favorite MMO: FFXI
No and NO, XIV is a travesty, and a mess. It alienated the XI fans and was a joke to the themepark crowd. They failed to please anyone. The formula was simple to make a long lasting profitable game. All they had to do was make a slightly (I stress slightly) more casual version of XI in a new world with a new story and they would have been rolling in the cash right now.
Would it have been wow numbers? nope but like XI proved you dont need wow numbers 300-500k subs over multiple years is insanly profitable. Sometimes these devs out smart themselves.
I would have hung around if they just would have filled the game with content. Now I'll never go back and I will never buy another SE game again.
IMo it all started a number of years ago when Tanaka started to step down and let others make decisions.The Wings of Goddess xpac i believe was the one that rehashed old maps to show their greed and laziness.Then it was kind of odd how Tanaka took all the blame for FFXIV even though he had very little input,he let others make the decisions.He mentioned this in an interview before the game even launched,i was not surprised because following Square as clsoe as i do ,i saw a bigtime change in thinking at Sqaure.
I have not seen many good decisions by Square over the last 4 or so years.The whole Book burn/Leves/Abyssea were brutally bad decisions.I have also noticed there is an incredible amouint of stubborness at Square by the team in charge.Even after an increbily bad luanch,they still tried to stick to their guns and had to completelyu fail and shut down subs .Even now i just see a lot of the same old mistakes but they finished content that was missing from the rushed product.
Bottom line for me is they took a great design in FFXI and turned it into a really bad version and called it FFXIV.I do not see any indication this team "GETS IT",yo usee the same ideas pushed over and over and fact FFXI is pushing yet anotehr Abyssea Xpac proves it.You would think after a large exodus in FFXI and a fail in FFXIV ,that someone there would wake up,but simply put a real STUBBORN team is going to cost Square's MMO vision a lot of money.
IMO it is all about the guy in charge,you need a brilliant mind to oversee projects,without that guy the games wil lbe sub par.A guy like Tanaka will only come around once ina blue moon,the same as i have seen in other genres,the great leaders are few.
We saw Lord british and John Carmack and his whole stable of games that changed gaming for years.EA became famous for it's sports games.Then we saw Epic games and the Unreal series and their great game engines.We saw the two that started the COD series now a shambles as they left for other ventures.Then we got Smedley who pushed out Eq,then Tanaka that is not a lot of real smart people over a 20 year span.
I cannot give the guys at Blizzard any credit becuase 90% of their design was a direct ripoff of Eq,al lthe ydid was make it easier and more soloable,not hard for anyone to do that really.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
Been there, done that, have the scars... No intention of going back.
They squandered their day in the sun, now only hardest of hardcore FF fanatics remain loyal. The rest of us are still recovering from the feeling of betrayal of the FF IP train-wreck that was the FFxiv launch.
Sweet, then I guess I'll be giving it a try (again)!
I never played XI. Is it any fun? Thinking of trying it out, just because I think I've tried out most others.
If the game supports old school elements then.... Hell, I'll forgive the lack of PvP just to find a nice challenging group based MMO.
I haven't done any research yet so maybe the current FF XI fans can help me answer a couple questions...
1) Can players easily solo their way to max level and not need to rely on other players, like some lame sinlge player PRG / Multiplayer Lobby MMO ?
2) Are there any type of significant Death penalties besides the standard 2 copper repairs and running 60 seconds back to where you died ?
3) Are there character classes that have useful unique abiltities that can add to the strength of a well played team/group, or is everything homogonized so basically all the classes are the same except for the character models ?
4) Is the character progression well scaled to give you consisent slow progression over 6 month - 1 year playing about 15 hours / week , or is progression some XP jackpot where everything you do awards XP so fast that you are max level in a matter of a few weeks ?
5) Are the MOBs and Dungeons challenging , or can you win by just spamming 3 keys while watching TV ?
There are so many things that were done poorly in this game I cant believe the things they plan to change or add will be implemented any better than the original ones.
Plus this has to be one of the worst performing game engines I have ever seen. No matter how much horsepower or graphics processing you through at it it just stumbles along. That alone makes the game unplayable.
This game should of been flushed, I wonder whos continuing to pour money into it and why.
Most likely? No.
I'm sorry, I just can't get over my hatred they turned the class sytem into weapon based. Why would you do that? It makes the classes feel so much less worth wild and just so much more bland. FF11 for me if I want to play an FF online game.
I voted yes. Had bought the CE when the game launched and although it failed, I've been playing it on and off every now and then and seen the major changes that SE made to the game (FFXIV). Seeing how dedicated the developers have been towards improving the game, I can only show my respect by giving 2.0 a chance as well. Very few developers and studios have the balls to admit they failed, support the game for free for a year and improve the game until they feel happy enough to charge a sub again. If more developers were like that, I don't think I'd be as cynical towards the MMORPG industry.
Anyway, yes I'll be giving FFXIV-ARR a shot when it launches. I highly doubt I'll be able to get into the Alpha to try it out before but oh well, maybe in Beta.
They've pretty much remade the game from scratch. Only the theme and the graphics engine is same as in the first release. However I had zero issues with the engine running an up-to-date rig. In all honesty S-E has one of the best engines out there and they are constantly developing the luminous engine.
Because the developers are really dedicated to improve the game and there's a huge company behind them I don't see any reason why FFXIV: ARR wouldn't be a massive hit.
S-E is probably the only company to take a failed MMORPG and turned it to a polished gem.
yea you do you get the free 30 days back
from what iunderstand they actully put a new engine under it
diffreant dev team i think
Yes they have. It really isn't the same game.
Sorry for the bump.
I am sorry if my previous post came off gruff or sarcastic but I honestly want to know more about the game from a fans view.
Can anybody help he out and give me a quick point by point on my 5 questions compared to the current FFiX 2.0 ?
no i will not try, i bought 2 ffxivgame boxes and i did credit card chargeback on it sent back ffxiv gamebox after playing 10 hours and got my money back.
Square enix tried to rip me off.
Yeah, it's a completely new graphics engine, too. It's based off their new Luminous engine, but modified specifically for FFXIV.
It's more like reconstructive surgery.
Only about 10% of the original game will remain intact. 90% of a game being completely redone can hardly be called a "bandaid".
If the changes aren't compelling or interesting to you, then fine. But to dismiss them as "bandaids" just seems a bit dishonest to me.
I knew FF14 was pants from the beta, but picked it up when it dropped to 4 bucks with no sub. It never really saved itself, but the graphics were great and I love the FF feel, but the UI was just unforgivable.
Having said that, I really like what they are doing with the remake. If they can give it a solid UI then I think this will be a very good MMO.
Been 'knocking doors doors' trying to get into the ps3 beta...Nn luck thus far
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
No and NO, XIV is a travesty, and a mess. It alienated the XI fans and was a joke to the themepark crowd. They failed to please anyone. The formula was simple to make a long lasting profitable game. All they had to do was make a slightly (I stress slightly) more casual version of XI in a new world with a new story and they would have been rolling in the cash right now.
Would it have been wow numbers? nope but like XI proved you dont need wow numbers 300-500k subs over multiple years is insanly profitable. Sometimes these devs out smart themselves.
Waiting for:EQ-Next, ArcheAge (not so much anymore)
Now Playing: N/A
Favorite MMO: FFXI
I would have hung around if they just would have filled the game with content. Now I'll never go back and I will never buy another SE game again.
My theme song.
IMo it all started a number of years ago when Tanaka started to step down and let others make decisions.The Wings of Goddess xpac i believe was the one that rehashed old maps to show their greed and laziness.Then it was kind of odd how Tanaka took all the blame for FFXIV even though he had very little input,he let others make the decisions.He mentioned this in an interview before the game even launched,i was not surprised because following Square as clsoe as i do ,i saw a bigtime change in thinking at Sqaure.
I have not seen many good decisions by Square over the last 4 or so years.The whole Book burn/Leves/Abyssea were brutally bad decisions.I have also noticed there is an incredible amouint of stubborness at Square by the team in charge.Even after an increbily bad luanch,they still tried to stick to their guns and had to completelyu fail and shut down subs .Even now i just see a lot of the same old mistakes but they finished content that was missing from the rushed product.
Bottom line for me is they took a great design in FFXI and turned it into a really bad version and called it FFXIV.I do not see any indication this team "GETS IT",yo usee the same ideas pushed over and over and fact FFXI is pushing yet anotehr Abyssea Xpac proves it.You would think after a large exodus in FFXI and a fail in FFXIV ,that someone there would wake up,but simply put a real STUBBORN team is going to cost Square's MMO vision a lot of money.
IMO it is all about the guy in charge,you need a brilliant mind to oversee projects,without that guy the games wil lbe sub par.A guy like Tanaka will only come around once ina blue moon,the same as i have seen in other genres,the great leaders are few.
We saw Lord british and John Carmack and his whole stable of games that changed gaming for years.EA became famous for it's sports games.Then we saw Epic games and the Unreal series and their great game engines.We saw the two that started the COD series now a shambles as they left for other ventures.Then we got Smedley who pushed out Eq,then Tanaka that is not a lot of real smart people over a 20 year span.
I cannot give the guys at Blizzard any credit becuase 90% of their design was a direct ripoff of Eq,al lthe ydid was make it easier and more soloable,not hard for anyone to do that really.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I bought the game and hated it so bad that I tried to return it.
I'm out 60 bucks and I'm never playing this crap, I don't care if it turns into the final fantasy 11 with better graphics we all hoped it would be.
Trump 2016
Been there, done that, have the scars... No intention of going back.
They squandered their day in the sun, now only hardest of hardcore FF fanatics remain loyal. The rest of us are still recovering from the feeling of betrayal of the FF IP train-wreck that was the FFxiv launch.