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Announced today:
"Dear Community,
Thank you for the support over the last few months and to the Focus Group and the whole team, it’s amazing how far we have come. We are now inviting the whole community that has ever participated in Mortal Online to come and take another look at the game - so a free week of game time starts today for everyone.
So we hope you enjoy Awakening, spread the word and help us bring old friends and new to Mortal.
Good luck all.
Appears to be starting today.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
I got the email.
So, is MO worthy of my precious SDD hardrive space?
It's worth it to me (and its on my SSD).
The game still needs more polish, but has come a long way. More importantly to me, it provides a type of sandbox gameplay that's become too rare in this genre.
Of course, free time is great, in that it lets everyone try it out for themselves.
Hell hath no fury like an MMORPG player scorned.
To me its not only a waste of space in my HD its also a waste of bandwidth. The game is in so disasterous state that i recently removed it from my pc and decided not to bother ever again playing it. The team behind it appart from the fact that they are crippled to the bone they totaly lack the skills or the knowledge to make a game. Complicated or not its not up for me to say but the game last time i ve tried it after Awakening was released and after several days of running around the empty world of Nave -until the worthless patcher Paratus fails to make functional for almost 3 years now decided that it was time to corrupt several of my gamefiles- i am convinced that SV aint nothing but a joke as exactly their game is. Broken, outdaded, slappy and frustrating. After 3 years of development and the game is still in caotic state with mobs flying around the world, with the most pathetic AI i ever meet in an MMO and a brand new totaly frustrating and glitchy UI that gives the impression is pulled out from a late 90's game - another piece of art from Paratus the guy who is responsible for the patcher.
I got 2 emails to come back but i only wish i could answer back to Henrik which are the reasons will not even bother to redownload the client.
Ive gotten the same mail, but when I do try to log in it says that there is no current subscription for the account. Anyone with the same issue?
And the game has its faults, but its fun in small doses.
Good move by SV though, hope it brings some people back.
First I was like- "Free- Hell yeah!!!!!!!!" =D
Then I was like- "Hey, wait a sec. I bought a box already and resubbed a couple times to see what had changed and ended up playing about a week out of a months time..." =/
Then I was like "But its FREE-I dont even have a need to resub this time and I can see the changes. Hell yheah!!!!"
Then I checked my email, and thought really, really hard about this whole thing....
Then I was like " Wait another second...This is Mortal Online..." =(
Then I dreamed about DF 2.0 =D
Then I played GW2 =(
true story too-
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
They wouldn't be keeping the game alive if they thought the game was so buggy its unplayable.
But they still do. And keep doing developmental do-do.
Your justifications = moot.
Proud Member of the A.F-D-A. [Anti Fanboy-Defense-Army]Association for a Better Tomorrow or [A.F-D-A.]AfaBT, in short.
Game is in a terrible state bud-
Read the Official forums.
SV never learns and their lack of profesionalism is beyond astounding....Seriously. Do you see alot of vets returning? Or anyone even wasting their time fighting the downloader/patcher for FREE (SPOILER: They are not.)
In fact, do you even see any discussion on the "Awakening" expansion- Shes dead Jim.
Sure some fanboi is going to come along and say "People have said that before..." (and they have- with good reason too) but when a new Xpac and free game time is either a joke to people or they are totally indifferent- This does not bode well.
EDIT/ADD- And DF 2.0 is on its way. Start playing Taps for MO.
A couple threads from Today which have yet to dissapear at time of posting... Notice the talk of Bugs,and of bug reports being ninja deleted.
How much time to get an Xpac working?????? Its been a month and a half and "customer service and support" is same as it ever was. =/
I chuckled when a fanboi started to defend lack of updates on the mainpage of MO (where it still states awakening isn't released) by saying that SV doesn't want to let everyone know it is released till bugs are ironed out..
Well it could be a bug you know starvault, most of the features in the game has some sort of broken bugs.
Listen to this video with the sound on for the awesome commentary on vent while this is happening....! EDIT: LOLz, the guy who took this video had a small quote at the bottom I missed first time around...It says " the reason why we do NOT invite our friends to come and play this game. Fun times."
Here is some more of that SV "quality"- Working as intended with no reimbersment for lost items due to bugs...
Also, this guy makes lots of sense in many of his posts.
Gilder says...."Nope there is growth in population
because people can play for freebut the moment could not be worse
just starting the game already makes you aware of extremly annoying bugs
and worst is that Bug reports keep being deletet without further comments without anyone knowing wether or not they have made their way to the Devs
People come into Game see Bug!
and even more BUGS!!!!!!
they make an ingame ticket and dont get any response
they look into the forum and hardly find anything on Information
the Post a Bug Report and a day later its deletet without comment or anyone knowing wether it made its way to the deaths or was just blocked out
In the end
After the Week of Free Game time they wont remember how Fun this game was
they will remember why they quit it back then ......
You are so right. I missed your comment the first time around or I would have responded.
You make such an interesting point with that quote- The Fanboys even admit the game isnt ready, buggy as hell etc- SV promised "extensive" testing, no more placeholers , etc. and now here we are a month and a half on and SV is trying desperatly to get players to return but have done nothing to even add any decent "in game" support.
Bugs are rampant still (yes we know SV said there would be "bugs" and a "rough ride") to the point of nearly unplayability yet the price has not been lowered one cent. This is the most expensive MMO I am aware of.
And the person you quoted defends SVat every turn even while looking totally stupid doing it. SV doesnt "want anyone to know about awakening because its too buggy" (yet he pays for this lol) but here they are spamming emails to get people to :"come back and see whats new with awakening"
These fanboys have killed the game as much as SV has. By constantly defending everything they do, patting them on the back and making every excuse in the book on SV's behalf. It has been this way since Open beta when any critics were flamed beyond comprehenson and then banned for being "negative"- There was never the opportunity to have valid discussion .
You have some gaul saying that buddy!
"In MO, even the haters are hardcore!" - ltank
Sadly this is the state of the game. =(
Not sure if you are being sarcastic or not here =/
There is no "gaul" in stating what I see as "the way it is"- If you would like to discuss where you feel I am mistaken- By all means. But I have no clue what you are getting at.
It's too bad, really. Mortal Online was an interesting concept, but I think this sums up the way SV has developed and run this game:
They clearly don't, and don't have the manpower, technical expertise, or money to save it. It looks like it has been in a coma for a long time now, and it isn't going to get any better, especially with all the Free-to-play games of orders of magnitude better quality out there.
And my God, why would you want to put this bloated game on your hard drive anyways? Is the client still a ridiculous space hog?
there are 2 types of mmo, imitators and innovaters.
Never trust a screenshot or a youtube video without a version stamp!
I really wanted to see this game to do good years ago when they first announced it. It truly was a better game back then (open beta and prior) than anything that it has ever been after that. Every patch they bring takes months... only to introduce one new feature that stands out and 100000 bugs. Sure they try to fix it, but it just never will live up to standards.
That being said I have always been for Starvault just selling off the rights to a more suited company to finish the game. With the two man development team we just won't ever see a finished product with them.
Glad to see things are going so well. That "massive influx" will sure do the game good and with the quality such as it is I am certain most (if not all) will stay.
Once again, good to hear how good this game continues to do. population is ALWAYS on the rise and NEW WORKING features constantly implemented. great customer support as well.
-Always nice to hear the "truth" for a change- Have no idea why EVERYONE else "lies" about this stellar game and non existant population.
~"Even with a week of free subscription, the game was still empty.
No one, anywhere."
~"U find the pvpers playing Chivarly. I seen countless MO faces."
~'I don't think the free week promotion email reached most people."
~"Come play war of the roses or chivalry!
~`The free week convinced me to resub my Bernajos account, but all others I will be letting go down. "
~I think we all have to agree that Mortal has seen better days populationwise. I have been roaming around nave from meduli to cave camp and I hardly manage to find a soul on the way.
MO most be really booming while the last of the diehards flock to other games.
Troll = 0
Facts = +23242