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I don't really consider myself as a tech-smart guy. So I need to ask you guys who are why the hate for windows 8 is cirulating more so than anything good.
For example, I have no idea what "closed platform" means from this article.
"...concerned that Microsoft's move toward a closed platform will adversely affect game developers and publishers."
Thanks in advance : )
A closed platform would be something like iOS, where you can't get a program unless Apple approves it. The reasons why this would be problematic for gaming should be pretty obvious: if Microsoft decided they didn't like a game, they could make it so that no Windows 8 computer will run that game, and the game company would have no recourse. Apple has done exactly that to more than a few programs designed for iOS.
But a "move toward a closed platform" is not at all the same thing as "will be a closed platform". And I'm pretty sure that Windows 8 won't be a closed platform. The entire reason Windows caught on in the first place is that basically everything will run. Twenty years ago, that meant "the killer apps are written for Windows and not Mac OS or OS/2", but it's an advantage that Microsoft would sacrifice if they made Windows 8 a closed platform.
Basically it means they are going to be more restrictive of content and what they provide. A good example would be Apple with their market place. They are very strict on what goes through and is accepted. This makes it easier to fiddle out issues and allows for the 'idiot' users to not mess things up on their own, obvious they aren't intelegent enough to figure potential threats out. A bit harsh in how I described it but thats really how it goes and in some ways apple is right. Having it closed means windows is likely going to be restrictive of just what can be put on the system and what can be done.
This basically means you will see far less independant titles or games being tossed out and things would be more controlled.
Over-all for Microsoft, they tend to go insprees. They will release one good operating system and then deliver a bunch of lack luster ones to follow. 98 was a good one followed by poor Operating systems like ME or 2000 (which was okay but still poor) before finally getting to XP. Between XP and Windows 7 was Vista which was a horrible OS for both performance and its functionality, which Windows 7 basically fixed that up.
Windows 8 right now is attempting to have a 'tablet' feel and in that regard its very limiting on customization and the users choice. Its possible that it might be improved on but right now they aren't doing much in that regard and the concept floating around of a closed OS in particular is a very bad thing indeed.
Windows 8 is moving in the direction of their mobile operating system. Closed platforms usually require the platform creator, i.e. Microsoft to approve any application that is wanted to run on the platform. That usually includes getting money from the application creators and in the end from you.
The Apple mobile OS is a closed platform. The only way to add an application to a device using their OS is through their Apple approved app store. That is unless you jail break the device and thus void its warranty.
thank you for joining the site today just to give such a indepth, informative response.
and then promptly deleting said account.. lmao
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Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Microsoft wil not close off their desktop OS LOL.. they know its one of the main reasons they have been top of the pile for many years when it comes to desktop and server OS.. If they did it would be like shooting themselves in the head...
Look up Windows RT. They already did it.
microsoft is trying to tune down PCs to the xbox's lvl. nuff said ^^
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
It'd be bad, as others have pointed out, if practiced like it has been in the past.
Testing 8 I actually found it to be great for gaming as just an OS. I had more resources from my hardware for gaming and not processing an overly polished UI.
That said: WIndows will do the right thing in the end. They get a bad wrap constantly, but in the end they'll do whatever is most profitable.
If they modify the closed platform policy, or even condense it to a certain sector of software outside of gaming, I don't think any of the changes would affect me as an end user.
a yo ho ho
Closed seems silly.
What are the real issues?
I hope they eventually come to this conclusion with the way consumers and producers react to their changes. From a business perspective, can't really blame them for looking at Apple and wondering if they could do something similar and increase profits.
If they stopped creating an open OS who is the competitor atm that would benefit from that? Apple is a closed system too and Linux isn't a threat in its current form as it is not user friendly in the same way Windows has been. There is nobody atm that would sweep in and steal the market from them overnight so it's not a huge risk for them to test the water and see how the market reacts to a more closed OS.
windows 8 is meh.
they took windows 7, made it for phones and other not real computer devices like tablets and ipads, and called it windows 8.
the next windows after 8 might be a real pc os again but who knows, at any rate 8 is just 7 revamped for non gaming computer devices, aka a waste of money.
The real issue is that Apple and Google have shops on thier OS's that makes them 30% of all apps sold. MS wants to get the same. (At least on thier mobile devices.)
In the case of Apple they do buisiness differently on MacOS and iOS, so they kinda have the right idea. MS needs to keep on the same road. What worries Valve, Blizzard and others are that MS with the style of Win 8 to be steering Win against a mobile only world. And that world is to use Win RT according to MS. I think people would be much more calm if Win 8 was a clear desktop OS and then Win RT for teh mobile world. But MS seems to have left the Desktop out in the cold with Win 8.
Windows RT is specifically for Tablets running ARM processors. So yes Windows RT has no desktop, only Metro interface and thus requires the Marketplace to install apps on it.
Windows RT is no different than iOS is for the iPad. What's the problem here?
Devs make a jitload of money on iOS! Eventho they have to pay 40% to Apple. You don't hear that Minecraft guy complaining there? Hypocrit!
Windows 8 for PC still has a desktop and so will the tablets running the Pro version (with Intel chips). Which means you DO NOT need to use the marketplace to install apps.
Not to mention that pretty much all Windows 8 / RT tablets will have USB ports, so I am sure people find a way around the marketplace there as well.
So I do not see the problem, other than developers don't want to pay a fee to have their products end up in Microsoft Marketplace! But hypocritically have no issue with Apple's App Store! /facepalm
As long as WIndows 8 on PC is an open platform and I can stick to the old desktop/start menu UI style I dont care.
Playing: Nothing
Looking forward to: Nothing
Just my two cents, but I believe that all the anti-hype regarding Windows 8 is due to conservative thinkers blowing smoke and not accepting change in "their" operating system of choice. Windows 8 has exceedingly performed on more hardware than I would ever have expected, including machines running 128 mb ram.
On my current set-up using Windows 8 Release Preview, every single game that I play has received a bump in framerate, not a loss. Sure, they made a few changes to the GUI. Most of the complaints regarding these changes, and the "Metro" system (which I forget the name of in it's current state), are the same arguments people made against windows. "Why would I want to use this user interface when I could just type a command way faster?"
Windows 8 is Windows again, with more optimizations and a few changes to modernize the OS. People will adapt and stop complaining about it in due time.
Running Windows 8 as well. Happy with it. Biggest boon for me: 5 sec bootup time. Never got that on any previous Windows version.
Except for the horrible metro interface.
Except for the lack of a standard start-menu & desktop interface that has been key to the PC market dominance.
Except for the fact no one cares about touch-screens for a PC, except maybe rich old people that have $400+ to shell out per monitor.
Gaming on Windows8 is essentially gaming on Windows7. My Windows7 PC boots to desktop in under 7 seconds, and I'm not using an SSD. If your win7 PC is taking too long to boot it's probably either a piece of garbage or a low low $400 end PC of which you shouldn't be expecting any real performance out of to begin with.
Lastly, I've also tested Windows 8 gaming vs Windows 7 gaming, and found absolutely zero difference between the two. So when you get right down to it the only difference is that Windows 8 is Microsofts move towards the MAC closed-platform idea, the Startmenu has been removed, and you're left with a Mobile IOS device-like interface for your programs unless you manually do advanced user configurations after-the-fact to FORCE the start menu back and disable metro (which you can do with heavy reg-editing).
All in all, windows8 is a worthless pile of garbage, and there is zero reason to "Downgrade" to 8 from 7.
Windows RT is specifically for Tablets running ARM processors.
So much mis information. WinRT is an api for the metro ui.
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
Yoink ^
Metro interface I don't like, but it's not a deal breaker.
Yes, I am booting into Win8 on an old Intel Duo Core PC with a 7200 rpm SATA drive that used to take upwards of one minute to bootup in 7. That was without any aleration to any services or start menu items.
Same configuration for 8. Takes EXCACTLY 5 secs from bios post message to Logon. I've timed numerous occassions.
Also have an i5 with 8 gigs memory using 7200 SATA drive that took over a minute to bootup Win7x64. It was not a piece of garbage.
I have now updated that to Win8 and am getting better bootup times as well.
You are spreading misinformation or at least coloring your impression greatly.
Edit: You don't have to really use the Metro interface much either. Just click Desktop. True. the Start Menu isn't there, but right-click lowerleft corner and you get a lot of options...its easy to make due without.
Gotcha, An issue of priorities and resource allocation.
Who says they arent? theres a reason they are going for this way.. if its like you said it would all be pointless. they have money in their eyes and they want to grab it all.
So you're saying because you're having better boot times that Windows 8 is better than Windows 7 despite the fact that others aren't having boot up issues? I've tested this on my laptop & desktop PC. My laptop, being 6yrs old, takes about 14 seconds to boot up with windows7.
My Pc takes roughly 7 seconds, but i can't time it because I'm at work.
Regardless, boot times are a non-issue, and are not a key point whatsoever to be judged in order to consider Windows8 "better" by any stretch of the imagination.
Also, your boot time is most likely due to having too many processes turning on during startup. You should configure your PC using "msconfig" with "Selective Startup", and only boot essential programs up at startup. Also, virus scanners (Especially horrible McAfee) tend to add a lot of time to any boot up.
Bottom's to new. All microsoft products must go through at least a one year field test before I buy it (I learned this the hard way many years back when XP released).
New OS sytems will be cluncky, top heavy, obtain V.M.S.T. easily and not compatiable with alot of previously released game.
Stick with win7 or XP. Win7 is pretty strong and XP (while microsoft really isn't supporting it anymore), it's been around awhile and had most bugs fixed. Where as Win8 is going to be bug central for at least a year (maybe more).
imo....good luck
Yes I am saying that.
If you take 14 seconds to bootup to WIndows, I am apt to believe you have heavily modified your startup/services for bootup.
On both my Win7 and Win8 systems I have done ZERO I am saying booting up at 5 sec required no modifications at all.
Yes, I know all about msconfig and startup options.
Boot times when comparing 5 sec to 1 min may not be a big issue to you, but to me it is. I also know a lot of endusers that would agree with me
I didn't say Windows 8 was better. I said I am happy with it. The 5 sec bootup alone is worth it for me.