this guild is based on the terenas server allaince side. there are alot of expereniced players already in the guild that are willing to help out whenever needed, i am one of those people. We are looking for new players to the game who would like help in understanding WoW. However any lvls and classes are welcomed as well. If you would like to join us please send me ( Tengen, that my ingame toons name) a tell and i will welcome u into our growing guild. We are a very respectful fun loving guild. I myself came from a guild that betrayed me, worse of all the two people who i came to terenas to help them build their guild i once called my ingame friends, but they turned their back on me and the guild leader of the desiciples. So thats when me and her built this guild. Help us grow and rid terenas of the lions of stormwind they are backstabbers who only use you to help their guild grow and then when they dotn need u anymore they throw u away. If u wanna join a honest fun loving guild contact me in game. Ill see you there thankyou
Play today.
Die tomorrow.