There is a lot of talk the "shard" system that they are using that places people with similar tastes in the same "instance" or "shard" (PvP, Solo, Group, etc). Would you as a player like to see an age preferance added to this system? Something similar to backets, with along the lines of Any, 18+, 25+, 30+ idea?
I know maturity and age are not the same thing. However, you can't deny that both things are closely related, specially at certain age.
If given the option, yes, sorry, I don't want to play with teenagers. And again, I have played with very sensible and mature teenagers in many occasions, but the occasions when such teenagers were a bunch of spoiled brats outnumber those by a cosmic difference.
This works for Korea, because the mmorpgs there are made for that country alone. I don't see how that could work in more global mmorpgs.
honestly this was just a passing thought.
I would love to see the option for this. It would just give me a greater chance to meet the few people my own age that still play MMO"s. I don't have anything against teens in mmo's, they are the future of the gaming industry after all, I just don't find I have a lot in common with that age group.
I figured as long as TESO already has this type of "e-harmony" system in play, this would be a pretty simple addition that some people might really enjoy.
IIRC i did read that they will be putting something like that in their "survey"
I think u speak
I have a teen son that is more mature than a lot of adults I run into in mmo's, so, no, an age bracket shard would do no good. Besides how would you determine the persons real age? I don't see any game company spending money to ensure people are the age they say they are for an mmo. They barely have customer service already with all the automated responses you get instead of talking to a real person.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
personaly i would like my "Shard" full of 20 something blondes with a minimum B cup.....just preferences..
...but yea you can have all the "full of old people" shards you want, as long as i get mine.
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
Age should never be a metric used in a game like TESO into forcing people to play in a system of such potent control. So long as one can block someone then there is no issue and no reason for linking conversational maturity to number of years lived on the planet.
Similar tastes should rather be based on common experiences had in the game so far.
That would be cool.
Age means nothing. Just look at EVE (goonsquad and just in general), Darkfall (worst I've ever seen), Haven and Hearth (as bad as Darkfall), old UO, darktide Asheron's Call...all those have pure PvP in common. Minus Age of Conan which is an 18+ rated MMO, and focused on PvE...and that was in some ways, WAY worse than goonsquad ever was...
And all those (while having an average age of 20+) have the most horrid communities I've ever seen in an MMO. So, age doesn't mean much. I found the "kids" in WoW to be (generally) a lot friendlier than the people I generally saw in the above MMOs. But I mostly played PvE and PvE-RP servers in WoW, so maybe that made a difference.
My Skyrim, Fallout 4, Starbound and WoW + other game mods at MODDB:
Maybe it's just me, but I think Kids and maybe people just below their 20s are still trying to look for a place they belong in MMOs, so they are much more polite because they don't want to offend anyone. Adults, generally more established in their own identities (and perhaps their egos in some cases), aren't as afraid/less caring about what others perceive them as, hence their more rowdy behavior.