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Man, i am tired of this cartoonish kind of MMO publishers are making this days.
Can we make a list of good MMOs that uses Realistic or something else instead?
Has to be 3D hehehe otherwise we will start talking about old games
I can't find any really to start listing.
Help me out, please.
Ohhh, by the way, i searched the forum about this, coulden't find nothing of the kind.
Thanks for your reply : )
HUmmmmm, is this kind of thing?
I diden't know the term, it was nice to learn about it, very interesting.
But i don't know, Skyrim for example, is not cartoonish.
Why they don't do stuff like this for MMO? or Fallout, for example.
There is a lot of single player games that can be found with no cartoon thing.
I don't know, just saying.
Played: SWG, SWG:NGE, EQ2, Vanguard, LotRO, WoW, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Dark Age of Camelot, Mortal Online, Rift, Guild Wars, Fallen Earth, EVE Online, Ryzom, Dungeons and Dragons Online, World of Tanks, Aion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2
Realism works OK until the game shows the characters talking. Accurate animations are still far away as well though.
There are plenty of MMOs that go the "realistic" route such as Age of Conan and Lord of the Rings Online.
Guild Wars 2 is kind of in the middle to me. It's highly stylized but mostly "realistic".
A good example to me is "Polar Express". It's not as creepy as many of the realistic japanese robots, but it's still unsettling none the less.
I thought Half life 2 nailed the believable characters talking thing years ago.
Half life 2 is in the middle between realistic and stylized too, i guess.
It wasn't a problem for Vanguard or Darkfall or Dark Age of Camelot, or EQ2, or Age of Conan.
Those are some of the only recent non cartoon MMOs I can think of.
Thanks Davis i will check then out.
: )
At least Vanguard and EQ2 of those games are actually infamous for their horrible visual style, the only one of those that I can honestly say nailed the realistic representation is Age of Conan.
Yeah i diden't know how to call it at first. : ) but stylized it is.
But there are some that is too much cartoony.
Well the most obvious games would be The Secret World and AoC. Also Lotro and VG's environments aren't super cartoony. I never played AO but that doesn't look like a cartoon either.
I'm sick to death of stylized/cartoony fantasy games as well. Everytime I see that upcoming Wildstar game I cringe.
Generally agree. Although the running animations in VG, with all that hip sashaying is definately on the far side of the valley.
I love the cartoony stylized MMOs. Then again I grew up playing SNES 16bit sprite-based RPGs.
Vanguard was the most realistic MMO in terms of gameplay. But yes the character models were beat with an ugly stick. I'd consider EQ2 Hyper stylized. So stylized they try to look realistic. Great game but couldnt get past that (and the 7 hotbars for combat!)
Right now I bounce between EQ1 and VG.
Yeah i know how you fell Mardukk.
It's always the same, the floor looks bad, the trees looks bad.
Don't know, it's like it's for kids. Or something.
I like the graphics and animations in EQ2 thought they were actually very good. The dark elf (with the asian SOBA style (think it was called that) was exactly like what I always pictured them as. The EQ cats were way better then EQ2 though.
Age of Conan had great graphics and combat/general animations, but IMHO was really bad when it came to talking characters, I think it was mainly because of the eyes, they always felt like they were wide open staring at open space while talking.
BTW, also add The Secret World to the list of non cartoony MMOs.
What can men do against such reckless hate?