I saw this post on WOW forums and thought i'd ask here 1 - 9 (1 being the most feared and 10 being the least)
For me:
Priest (shadow)
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1. Shaman
2. Shadow Priest
3. Mage
4. Druid
5. Hunter
6. Warlock
7. Rogue
8. Warrior
9. Paladin
As a Hunter I can keep most melee players at range.
Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.
for me, the worst class to play is warlock, the rest are about the same.
I am the type of player where I like to do everything and anything from time to time.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holodomor - pre-WW2 genocide.
Maybe I suck at PvP or my spec isn't that great.
But as a horde hunter I absolutely hate paladins.
1. Paladin
2. Warrior
3. Mage
4. Warlock
5. Rogue
6. Hunter
7. Priest
8. Druid
Essentially, the problem is, you need a lot of room to duel/gank those players and if i'm in the middle of friggin winter spring and i have to run around and Concussive shot fighters and paladins i'm bound to run into monsters and then i'm history.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
I have a LVL 60 in every class :P
I'm just talking about which class you fear the most and not by your class
I normally play Shadow priest and i find that we have no weakness :P I can easily beat every class (druids and paladins harder than most)
Also i don't fear Rogues because i have a shield and FEAR, just FEAR them and nuke them Can also mind control them off a cliff!
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You should fight a good shaman.
Theres no defense for a priest against a shaman, if he knows how to use totems/purge/earth shock.
I played as an alliance lock pre the wotf nerf so I hate undead, rogues/warriors to be more specific because unless I specced for soul link (at that time that meant about 20 wasted talent points on useless talents) I had 0 defence against them.
In a 1 v 1 duel there was nothing I really feared as if I had enuff shards I could counter most classes with a specific pet.
As a level 60 Paladin the most feared class is a shaman. They have an answer for most paladin spells and the totems are just annoying.
As a lvl 60 Mage most feared class is arms/fury warrior and maybe a druid depending on its spec
"A day without denial is a day you've got to face."
How come people dont fear hunters, there's no better character to find people to gank them, I guess rogue can do it, but as a hunter who is absolutely addicted to ganking, I always find people questing and come from behind them and nail them.
I'm purely a marksmanship spec so if i get the first shot off on any non-paladin and non-warrior class they will usually die (exceptions for those rogues and/or druid who are epicced out). Right now with crappy items, a mixture of blue/green, and at lvl 58 and a crit % of about 12-14% and crit range of 2.33x dmg to humanoids, I can crit for about 1600+ on cloth wearers with my aimed shot. Basically if i come from behind a caster I can fire Aimed shot, followed by concussive shot followed by a multi-shot, then an auto-shot comes in and then an arcane shot goes off, then a serpent sting. If we look at dmg without crits, it's about 600 for aimed shot, 350 for multi-shot, 157 for arcane shot, and about 220 for an auto shot. All this will occur in less than 3 seconds after the aimed shot is fired. That is a total of 650+350+157+220 = 1350 dmg which I assume will be about 60-75% of a normal cloth wearer's life, then i assume pet dmg will be included and it would only be like 150 by that time, so we'll say 3 seconds after auto-shot i'll do about 1500 dmg, if the aimed shot crits, the caster will die by default as the aimed shot alone will do 1600+ followed by the volley and then serpent sting, the multishot if it crits will do around 900 dmg and take the total to close to 2000 where the serpent sting will finish them off.
In truth, i know it's easy to beat a hunter if you are a mage, just teleport close frost nova or whatever and the nuke, warlock just has to mind control then nuke, i assume priest can do the same, I understand if the classes know i'm there and come attack me I'll get screwed, but in general I assume hunters come 2nd to rogues in terms of outright ganking. I personally have ganked (non-bg) about 250 players lvl 45+ whereas many of them have been 55+, and I nail cloth wearers with impunity in town. It's quite bad on my part, If i'm in gadgetzan or everlook or silithus even (but silithus kind of tough), i just aimed shot, MS, serpent sting and then feign death, hopefully they are dead by then, if not i keep firing taking hits from the guards, then I eventually feign.
I just think that people should hate hunters more because of their ability to kill very quickly especially cloth wearers. I mean if I get a crit with the aimed shot, the person is dead 3 seconds later no buts or ifs about it. My crit dmg with aimed shot should go above 2000 once i get the last rank upgrade to it.
Oh well this post is useless really, i just feel that people should fear hunters more than they do just for their ability to come from behind and put arrows in your arse, but then again, i guess every class is feared if they have a pre-emptive strike, but then again not every class has track humanoid. I can't imagine playing without track humaniods i'd feel so naked. I know people hate rogues, but I think hunters come from behind more so than rogues.
Sorry for the drivel, i just need a study break more than anything.
You can see my sci-fi/WW2 book recommendations.
Shadowmeld hunters own They just steath and their pet attacks you and your trying to work out where they are!
Shadowmeld hunters own Shaman too easily
As a priest i've never been beaten against a shaman in a duel. If i didn't have FEAR and Mindcontrol tho i'd probally lose.
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