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Upcoming expansion details!!

anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

This was posted in another thread on this site, but I felt this deserved a thread of it's own! All the details of the upcoming expansion and let me just say DY-NO-MITE!! Just read it, even non WoW fans must surely admit this is going to be one heck of an expansion!

I will be forced to come back to WoW to experience this.image

Originally posted by Karolis (sp?)

Currently, because it is only ten or so days from the revealing of the expansion content at Blizzcon, I have decided to release what is PLANNED to be in the expansion. Enjoy. If you do not believe any of this, wait until October 29th and see most of this actually proven.

World of Warcraft - THE BURNING CRUSADE

The "Burning Crusade"

Illidan has gone insane, and already the alliance between the Draenei, Naga, and Blood Elves has began to crumble. The Naga once again wish to return to the sea, and the Blood Elves' hunger for demonic energies increases day by day... Illidan was tortured by Kil'jaeden after he failed to defeat Arthas - but finally, Kil'jaeden saw another task for Illidan. One that, if he failed, he would be sent into the twisted nether to be consumed by demons... Kil'jaeden then told him everything that had happened since his defeat.

As unexpected as it was, Illidan returned to his three allies and told them of this new plan to destroy not only the Scourge, but all other enemies that would ever oppose them.

Kael'thas and his Blood Elves were to go to the Forsaken for aid. Though they were undead, Illidan explained that their leader was a High Elf - Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, General of Quel'Thalas... or, used to be, anyways. Kael'thas saw this as a great advantage, as he had personally known her in the past. Though their hatred of the Trolls and Orcs was strong, Illidan told them of the new plague they were creating - to kill not only the Alliance, but the Horde as well.

Illidan told the Draenei of the pact with the Alliance they would have to make. He told them that this Alliance would aid in the slaying of the remaining orcs, the Draenei's most hated enemy. Reluctantly, Akama, leader of the Draenei, agreed to this, though only because they were in debt to Illidan for saving them from being destroyed by orcs years ago.

The Naga were to go into the sea of Azeroth, and cripple the Scourge of Northerend by sneaking in, killing groups of Scourge, and fleeing back to the sea before the Scourge's main forces could catch them. Eager to return to the oceans of Azeroth, Lady Vashj and the Naga agreed to this almost immediately.

Blood Elves have made an alliance with the horde by becoming Allies of Sylvanas. The Blood Elves also have claimed to the orcs to want to be rid of the demonic powers corrupting them, and that they wanted to be redeemed of the dark powers they once tried to harness. The orcs, though slowly and unsure, finally accepted the Blood Elves. In turn, the Tauren and Trolls also followed the example of the Undead and the Orcs, and accepted the Blood Elves as part of the new Horde.

Akama went to the Night Elves to plead. They told them of the demonic orcs that had forced them from their homeland, Draenor, and that they wish for an alliance against the Horde. The Alliance, though suspicious of the Draenei true intentions, has accepted the Draenei plead for an alliance.

Soon after Kael, leader of the Blood Elves, Lady Vashj, leader of the Naga, and Akama, leader of the Draenei, had left Outlands, Kil'Jaeden once again imprisoned Illidan within the Black Citadel and closed the Dark Portal to Azeroth... The Blood Elves, Naga and Draenei were meant to never return.

In the Royal Throne Room of Undercity, Sylvanas entered with many of her most powerful guards at her side. She had found out of the betrayal of Varmithras, and that the natherizim Balnazzar still lived. To her surprise, many undeads had already been slaughtered in the Throne Room... and Varmithras was nowhere to be found.

A dark Nightmare has enveloped the Emerald Dream, slowly corrupting it. Rumors have emerged that Archimonde has found his way into the Emerald Dream by using the powers of the World Tree before he died...

Max Level Increased

The max level players may now reach has been increased to 75, and many new max-level raid instances have been added to the game world.

New Races

Five races compromise the Horde, the brutal orcs, the shadowy undead, the spiritual tauren, the quick-witted trolls, and the reckless blood elves. Beset by enemies on all sides, these outcasts have forged a union tey hope will ensure their mutual survival.

Blood Elves
Serving Illidan to satiate their magical addiction, the blood elves have grown stronger than they ever imagined. But even now, with demonic magic in constant supply, many of the blood elves are hungering for even more magic.

Racial Traits:
Demonic Corruption - Due to their corrupted blood and their hunger for magic, the Blood Elves begin the game with +10 resistances to all types of magic. In Addition, all of their resistances to magical spells and effects, excluding Nature, are increased by 8%.

Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Warlock, Spellbreaker

The Alliance consists of five races: the noble humans, the adventurous dwarves, the enigmatic night elves, the ingenious gnomes, and the mysterious draenei. Bound by a loathing for all things demonic, they fight to restore order in this war-torn world.

Nearly wiped out by the Orcs during the early days of the Horde and then faced with the destruction of their entire world, the Draenei have become adept at survival and avoiding danger. Even knowing that the Burning Legion is the ultimate cause for their suffering, the Draenei survivors hope that their pact with the Alliance, and Illidan, will someday grant them a new homeland and, most importantly, help them in the eradication of their most hated enemy, the Orcs.

Racial Traits:
Unseen - Once every ten minutes, the Draenei may go invisible for fifteen seconds. This effect may not be cancelled, and the Draenei cannot attack or cast any spells, and they are also considered to be "in combat" for the entire time of this effect.

Available Classes: Warrior, Rogue, Hunter, Spellbreaker

New Class: Spell Breaker

Spell Breaker - Among the Blood Elves, there are those who show such an amazing aptitude for magic that they can become almost immune to it's effects and can even twist the spells of others to benefit themselves. Called Spellbreakers, they were the elite, holding mastery over all forms of magic. Now, with demonic blood flowing through their veins, these Spellbreakers and their allies among the Naga and Draenei have begun to evolve into demons themselves, with the most powerful able to manipulate the fabric of the Twisting Nether.

Spell breakers begin the game with leather armor but are able to use mail once they reach level fourty.

Examples of Specific Abilities:

Shadow Orbs: Summons several shadowy spheres to circle the caster's body. This spell will increase the player's parry/block rate, with each parry or block causing shadow damage to the attacker. Each attack blocked/parried in this fashion will cause an orb to violently explode, causing minor arcane damage to the attacker and decreasing the number of orbs surrounding the player until all orbs are gone and the effect ends. 30 second cooldown.

Demon Fangs: Fangs are often the first demonic trait evolved by Spellbreaker characters. Using this ability will cause you to attempt to bite your enemy, causing shadow damage and causing a Damage over Time debuff on the opponent, unless resisted. 3 minute cooldown.

Fel Strike: The Spellbreaker's weapon is charged with demonic energy, causing extra shadow damage every hit. Lasts five minutes.

Dark Whispers: Has a 75% chance to temporarily lower nearby enemies' attack power by 10%, lower their hit points by 5%, or lower their mana by 5%. Has a 25% chance to buff nearby enemies' attack power by 10%, hit points by 10%, or mana by 10%. Effect is random on every target. 1 Minute Cooldown.

Fel Concentration: Has a 50% chance to either slow casting time of the target by 10%, or making it 10% faster. May be used on Party Members or enemies. Lasts 5 seconds. 15 second cooldown.

Talent Trees:

Fel Protection - Centered around defensive abilities that allow the Spellbreaker a chance to survive when up against melee classes.

Fel Combat - Talents used to improve offensive spells and abilities used by the Spellbreaker.

Spellbreaking - Talents used to attempt to increase spell the spell resistances of the Spellbreaker.

Example Talents:

Spell Alignment: The caster attempts to align his body with the next spell cast upon him. Once hit by the spell, his body 'aligns' to that spell's school, making him immune to that spell school for 20 seconds. Lasts until a hostile spell is cast on the Spellbreaker. 15 minute cooldown. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Fel Protection.

Spell Reflection: For 20 seconds, all positive and negative spells used on the Spellbreaker are reflected at the caster. 15 minute cooldown. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Fel Combat.

Spell Absorbtion: For 20 seconds, all spells used on the Spellbreaker will cause normal damage, but the mana cost of the spell is added to the Spellbreaker's mana. LEVEL 40 TALENT - Spellbreaking.

Improved Demon Fangs: Damage caused by the bite of the demon fangs does 5%/10%/15% more damage and has its cooldown reduced by 15/30/60 seconds. 3 ranks. FEL COMBAT.

Melee Specialization: Chance to cause shadow damage on hit with a melee weapon is increased by 10%/20%. 2 ranks. FEL COMBAT.Improved Shadow Orbs: Damage caused by the shadow orbs is increased by 10%/20%/30%. 3 ranks. FEL PROTECTION.

Shadow Shield: Increases your chance to block with a shield by 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%. Also gives a chance to cause shadow damage equal to the amount of damage that had been blocked to the attacker by 5%/10%/15%/20%/25%. 5 ranks. FEL PROTECTION.

Fire Resistance: Increases your resistance to fire spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Frost Resistance: Increases your resistance to frost spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Shadow Resistance: Increases your resistance to shadow spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

Arcane Resistance: Increases your resistance to arcane spells by 2/4/6/8/10. 5 ranks. SPELLBREAKING.

New Areas

The Goblins have finally accepted to allow the other civilized races of Azeroth onto their home of Undermine.

This is a level 60-65 zone, and is now the main hub of neutral transportation.

With the aid of the Horde and Argent Dawn, the Blood Elves drove some of the remaining Scourge out of Quel'thalas. The Blood Elves have started to rebuild their cities, and have unexpectedly found that some cities were untouched.

After a long struggle, the Gnomeregan Exiles were finally able to retake their home, with the aid of both, Horde and Alliance adventurers. The Clean Zone is the new starting area for gnomes. Gnomeregan can take the player to about level 12 afterwhich they have to go to other areas.

The New Echo Islands:
Farther south of the Echo Islands was a large chain of many islands, which ended up also being named the "Echo Islands".

Nothing but beasts had lived on these islands when the trolls found them. It is the new starting area for Trolls. These islands can take the player to about level 12.

The Horde and Alliance are now able to reach the continent of Northerend, thanks to the aid of the Goblins of Undermine. A zeppelin will take the players to the town of Valgarde in Northerend, where they will begin many quests to oppose the Scourge. Northerend is a massive level 65-75 zone, and contains many new max-level instances.

The Emerald Dream:
The Emerald Dream is the primal heart of Azeroth. It is an echo of what the world would be like if intelligent beings had not altered its surface. The ethereal layer of the Emerald Dream shares the same space of the Physical layer one on top of the other - a parallel realm overlapping the physical world like an invisible and intangible layer. It is characterized by its green hue and verdant forests. The Emerald Dream, though, is like a perpetual time-frame of creation, back when the Titans reshaped the planet to bring order to chaos. Yet both realms share the same time. Time passes normally within the Emerald Dream as in the Physical world. The Emerald Dream is ruled by Ysera the Dragon Aspect of the Dream, empowered by Eonar the Titan to watch over the Emerald Dream realm. Lately, the Emerald Dream has been affected by the Nightmare. It is not a place. It is an effect that roams the Emerald Dream randomly affecting other dreamers and attacks them during their sleep. The nightmare twists and reshape the dreams corrupting the sleeping dream-form. Those trapped within the Nightmare are known as the Unwaking. Their physical form may die of starvation, not able to wake up as the affected can't escape the Emerald Dream. There are many magical and planar ways to reach the Emerald Dream. Sometimes, Ysera can't detect intruders that enter the Emerald Dream by means of magic plane-shifting. There are rumors that somehow Archimonde was able to affect the Emerald Dream through the World Tree. Since the World Tree was bound to the Emerald Dream, Archimonde might have found a way to infiltrate the Emerald Dream before dying. Only time will tell... The Emerald Dream is a level 70-75 zone which will have players attempt to cleanse the Emerald Dream of the Nightmare - and, if the rumors that are told are true, Archimonde will once again need to be defeated by mortals...


All boats from neutral cities, such as Ratchet, and Booty Bay now connect to Undermine. New boats have been added to Steamwheedle Port, Menethil Harbor, and Theramore which will take anyone on it to Undermine. In addition, there is a new zeppelin which will take the player to Undermine. There is also a zeppelin on Undermine which will take the player to the shores of Northerend, to a town called Valgarde. All goblin-owned transportations now have atleast four level 62 Undermine Bruisers on them. Alliance-owned and Horde-owned transportation now force any members of the opposite faction on them into PVP, and are also now guarded by atleast four level 60 guards.

New High-End Instances

Naxxaramas Necropolis:
Within Stratholme, near the Slaughterhouse of Baron Rivendare, is the Naxxaramas Necropolis. Kel'Thuzad reigns the Undead Scourge from the Naxxramas Necropolis. This new 40-player, level sixty raid instance is equal in difficulty to Blackwing Lair, and will send the player to assault the Tower of Medivh.

The Tower of Medivh:
This tower was described by Medivh as an Hourglass. As the sand particles flow slowly through the hourglass clock, time flows in different places of the glass, allowing one to see the past - and future - of Azeroth. This is a 40-player max-level raid instance, much more difficult than Naxxaramas Necropolis.

Caverns of Time:
This is the lair of Nozdormu, one of the five great dragon aspects. Nozdormu, unlike most other dragons in the game, requires the aid of mortals. To repair damage done to the timeline, Nozdormu will send players on large raids into two 40-player, level sixty raid instances, and one 40-player max-level raid instance, the first two being equal in difficulty to Naxxaramas Necropolis, and the final being equal in difficulty to The Tower of Medivh.

The desolate place of Outland emits flashes of light and streams of energy. Outland is currently a way station. Many portals are still active within some of the floating asteroids, leading to other worlds. This new zone is for groups of five or more max level players. Among the creatures that inhabit Outland are Felboars, Phase spiders, Draeni, Fire Elementals, Fungal Horrors, Succubi, Nether Dragons(composed of nether energy, and not related to real dragons).

Beneath the Black Citadel, there is a very large prison. Rumors have been created that heroes from past wars are still being held within this prison, and that even now the ruler of the Black Citadel tortures these heroes. Other rumors are that Kil'jaeden, the most powerful entity of the Burning Legion, dwells withing this Citadel, plotting the destruction of Azeroth. This is a large, 50-player raid instance.

Rumors have emerged that Alexstrasza and her dragonflight are keeping anyone from getting near Grim Batol. They are protecting something deep within its walls, a secret power. Some say they are protecting a powerful artifact or creature.

Some have gone as far as to speculate that Deathwing has been held captive and imprisoned within Grim Batol, though, others believe in the possibility that the creature that now holds the essence of the Sunwell might be under protection of the Red Dragonflight. Anyone who dares to venture into this max level 50-player raid instance will find themselves standing against the power of the Red Dragonflight, Alexstasza, herself. This is equal in difficulty to The Black Citadel.

Malygos lives in Northrend in a deep and complex cavern. He is known to gather relics of arcane power, keeping them locked away from mortals. Frozen Orcs, Nagas, Trolls and Wendigos are many of the victims of the horror of Malygos' power, and to display what happens to those who venture into the Lair of Malygos. This is a 50-player max level raid instance, equal in difficulty to Grim Batol.

Icecrown mountain is the most difficult instance to ever be in Azeroth, and will challenge anyone to stand against the power of not only the Lich King's armies, and his most trusted lieutenant, Anub'arak, but also the Immortal Lich King himself.

This is a 100-player max level raid instance, and will challenge the Horde and Alliance to work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King. To have the full 100 players, 50 players of max level on Horde and 50 players of max level on Alliance must work together, merging both groups of 50 into one large raid party. Upon Icecrown, Horde and Alliance may not attack eachother at any time, but are instead able to aid eachother. Leaders of the Argent Dawn have also worked together to teach the Alliance and Horde to understand both, Common and Orcish, so they may communicate as they work together to defeat the Immortal Lich King.

Deep within the Emerald Dream is the Eye of Ysera. The Eye of Ysera is a large golden dome that randomly appears in the Emerald Dream, and the dome in which Ysera dwells. No one has ever been able to enter or penetrate the golden dome. That is, until the Nightmare came... And once again, if the rumors were true, this is where Archimonde will most likely be...



  • KarolisKarolis Member Posts: 6

    This whole thing isn't 100% sure or finalized. It's just a rough thing of what they WANT to put into the expansion. We will see in 9 days what they actually managed to do. ;)

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Here's the pictures!!




















  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378

    Originally posted by Karolis

    This whole thing isn't 100% sure or finalized. It's just a rough thing of what they WANT to put into the expansion. We will see in 9 days what they actually managed to do. ;)

    Either way, thanks man. Very exciting even to someone who is currently playing EQ2, this is HUGE.image

  • BarryManilowBarryManilow Member UncommonPosts: 701

    My god the colors on those pics could cause blindness.  Can those colors get any more gay?


    And I guess if those girls with the 2 feet long ears are blood elves for the horde, that will make all the mangina toons happy now.

  • scaramooshscaramoosh Member Posts: 3,424

    Sorry they have been prroven fake by blizzard


    go to the WOW forums and everyone will tell u the same thing

    Don't click here...no2

  • freebassxfreebassx Member Posts: 34

    Nothing has been confirmed from Blizzard, so do not take any supposed released pictures, graphics or release notes as being confirmed or real. Its all speculation and I wouldn't take anything serious till after Blizz decides to make information avaliable to the public.

    Even though Blizzard / Vivendi is now going to various sites and asking them to remove all pictures of the blood elves, this still doesn't confirm anything. Also, by you posting these screencaps (the same ones that everyone else has posted on other sites), you could've put and yourself on Blizz's radar for a *hopefully* nice request to remove the pictures as well.

    Though I can't confirm, some sites have reported being threated with lawsuits from Blizz / Vivendi if not removed.

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    These are the first leaked patch notes that I believe can be real. Since it's 8 days untill Blizzard reveals it all it's entirely possible that they can be leaked by now. I mean they should have the feature list ready 8 days before they are announcing it. Regarding the screenshots. It's clearly art made by Blizzard, no doubt about that. And it's all in the Wow engine. So how they can be fake I don't understand. I don't think Blizzard has so much free time that they make alot of areas just for fun.

    New territory: Outland.

    New instance: Karazhan, a 5-man instance in Deadwind Pass.

    Level cap raised to lvl 70, just as written on the cover.

    New profession: Jewelcrafting, gives ability to craft gems, to be used on armor and weapons, similar to enchanting.

    Two new races:

    Blood Elves for the Horde (yes, I'm sorry, the screens are true).
    Alliance race still unknown.

    Atmospheric effects:

    Rain and snow added to the world.

    The Expansion Set is scheduled to be released due May 2006.

  • JestorRodoJestorRodo Member UncommonPosts: 2,642


     Thanks for the great news about WoW, Boy you were on that like you are playing it all the time !

    Another post about the expansion is

    Love that Jestor - SOE does not!

    Unaware of the Jestor?

    Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -

  • PhoenixsPhoenixs Member Posts: 2,646

    It's amazing how much you find when you start looking into leaked expansion notes and screenshots.
    Found this:

    If that is true? I'm not so sure about it. I think the spelling should be better if you are a Blizzard Public Relations person.

  • Agent_X7Agent_X7 Staff WriterMember, Newbie CommonPosts: 515
    I find it amazing how gullible people are. You found it on the 'net, it MUST be true... image

    Agent_X7 AKA J Star
    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    I don't think anyone's taking any this 'news' as fact, but speculation. Of which, I've always enjoyed. It's kinda like trying to guess what the Christmas presents will be this year. ::::31::

    Besides, we'll all find out more next week.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • anarchyartanarchyart Member Posts: 5,378
    When the real news release hits, I will be quoting this thread and laughing at some of you. It's pretty obvious to me that most of this stuff will be in the expansion.

  • JestorRodoJestorRodo Member UncommonPosts: 2,642
     Hey , I trust him, A EQ2 player bringing the good news before me , SOE desginated non-player. What's not to trust?

    Unaware of the Jestor?

    Friends enjoy his classic Vblog -

  • Dru998Dru998 Member CommonPosts: 85

    If they are fake, then someone sure was bored.  I mean why would someone go to that much trouble to make fake patch notes and pics?image

    Science has never proven that what we see in front of us is in fact real.

  • locomonsterlocomonster Member Posts: 3
    cool i cant waitimage

    im not mean you just too dumb...

  • paravionparavion Member Posts: 422

    Do you have any pics of the new Ally race?  Anyways, thanks for the great info and I do believe every word you said.  I myself cannot wait to see this expansion and I did heard something about the Lich King before you even said it all this has to be true!!  However, it seems they are working so hard on the PVE but PVP is like kind of left out... well I'd still like to see some PVP improvements..I hope they will get new and better PVP gear at level 75 or some new BG or just something new for PVP players! 

  • Agent_X7Agent_X7 Staff WriterMember, Newbie CommonPosts: 515

    Originally posted by anarchyart
    When the real news release hits, I will be quoting this thread and laughing at some of you. It's pretty obvious to me that most of this stuff will be in the expansion.

    Good for you. Can I quote all the parts that were wild speculation and laugh at you?

    Agent_X7 AKA J Star
    Notice: The views expressed in this post are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of or its management.

  • RekindleRekindle Member UncommonPosts: 1,206
    true maybe untrue, I won't believe anything until I see it on the offical site.
  • Sephiroth9Sephiroth9 Member Posts: 127
    well, it may not be 100% real, but we can take it with a grain of salt.  look at it this way, new horde race, new alliance race, level cap increase, and new raid content, still pretty exciting.
  • millbromillbro Member Posts: 71
    If thats the bloodelf homeland, they dont really look like they would fit in with the horde lol, since everything is so shinny lol
  • DarkchronicDarkchronic Member Posts: 1,088

    I really hope this isn't true, because it doesn't fit in with the Warcraft lore, and Blood elves? allied with the Horde? I haven't checked lately, but I'm sure they were allied to the Alliance at some point. And Drainei (Probably spelt wrong) Don't like anyone. I think Pandaren should be the horde playable race and Furbolgs should be Alliance. But I'm stupid.

    No Userbar here, sorry to disappoint.

  • battleaxe22battleaxe22 Member UncommonPosts: 303

    oh my god .... this is wicked ::::03::::::03::::::03::::::08::::::29::::::29::::::29::::::32::::::20::::::20::::::20::::::20::::::20::::::04::::::08::::::20::::::24::

  • VolkmarVolkmar Member UncommonPosts: 2,501

    Heard the rumors before. They might be right or not. Surely the template "more races, more classes, more areas, level cap up" is common enough to be justified.


    That class, the spellbreaker and the ability described is completely crap. Come on! a buff/debuff that works only 50% of the time and for 5 sec? wow, big deal. The other one that work 75% of the time and the rest it increases the enemy's stat? what is this? the Gnomish Engineering version of a class?

    Considering no other class has such variable effects that can be actually counter productive, i highly doubt those abilities to be true.

    "If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, if you teach him how to fish, you feed him for a lifetime"

  • GervinGervin Member Posts: 159
    ...this most like has alot, if not, most of the truth in it...Hey it doesnt matter cause this is about the best post i have yet to see...and i thank you guys for this very informative post....


  • kiltakkiltak Member Posts: 103

    Look im gone say this just once, we have no knowledge of what is going to be in the expansion pack. We do know there is one slated for release some time next year.

    Now unless it comes from Blizzard them self or some offical company such as PC gamer then I would put to much stock in to what your reading, and more then likely if it is offical Blizzard will be the first to announce it.

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