well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
He said a good PVE system and class system.
So he stopped at big player base, at least he tried. I do agree with you though about the class system and PVE plus the OP may very get bored out of his skull after a couple weeks if he does buy the game. Then again, he may love it.
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
He said a good PVE system and class system.
So he stopped at big player base, at least he tried. I do agree with you though about the class system and PVE plus the OP may very get bored out of his skull after a couple weeks if he does buy the game. Then again, he may love it.
Like I said before; let the OP be the judge. For all we know, he could love what he sees, be meh about it, or hate it.
May I edit your subject to avoid the fanwars here, because there are no best mmorpg right now. It is all about what you want to play, just do a research read a review, features, and watch the gameplay demo to decide which game you gonna play.
If you want the game just have a big player base or community that you can join in so stick with the big title games, like eg.. WoW, GW2, SWTOR, Rift, TSW, Darkfall It's all about you love it or hate it. Good luck
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
He said a good PVE system and class system.
So he stopped at big player base, at least he tried. I do agree with you though about the class system and PVE plus the OP may very get bored out of his skull after a couple weeks if he does buy the game. Then again, he may love it.
Like I said before; let the OP be the judge. For all we know, he could love what he sees, be meh about it, or hate it.
That's what I said. You know the entire then again, he may love it part. I found the game BORING and I will not sugarcoat that because the OP was obviously looking for opinions. Besides, as we have read, the OP already tried the flavor of month and it didn't do it for him either, hope he has fun in Rift.
Originally posted by icemand1 Hello guys im looking for a new mmorpg, so what is the best MMorpg right now in your opinion and why?
2) INB4 "every new MMO sucks ass, and only the sandbox will purge us of these inferior pieces of shit"
Well most of them are inferior pieces of s**t lol. Why do you think people in here asking for a new game and tried the rest. The industry is bogged down with garbage and nothing seperates one mmo from another this day in age. Hasnt been a mmo released that made me go "holy s**t" in a long time. DO believe sandboxes, a true one, will help with the issue. Doesnt hurt having both sides of the mmo industry grow and compete with each other. We may see better games come out of it for both sides.
But i am sick of all the new age console rpg style games they call mmo's that offer no features of a true mmo.
Best MMORPG right now is far too subjective and you will get 100 different answers. I play games I enjoy, whether or not they are the best. My current favorite is far from the "best" and many stil have a bad taste in their mouth over it, STO. Personally I think TSW is an amazing game as well, though it doesnt fit into your class requirement. What I always recommend, try a 14 trial of a game with a sub or just d/l the ftp and give it a test run. The only opinion that will matter in the end is your own.
1) Depends on what you want.
2) INB4 "every new MMO sucks ass, and only the sandbox will purge us of these inferior pieces of shit"
3) What MMOs have you already played, so we can cross those off the list?
well i played almost every mmorpg on the marked
wow like every one else
well what im looking for in a mmorpg, is a big playerbase and a good pve system and class system
You could probably give GW2 a whirl; I have some emails left for a 3 day trial starting today, if you want one. Just PM your email address, and I can send it.
He said a good PVE system and class system.
Let him be the judge of that,[mod edit]
So he stopped at big player base, at least he tried. I do agree with you though about the class system and PVE plus the OP may very get bored out of his skull after a couple weeks if he does buy the game. Then again, he may love it.
Like I said before; let the OP be the judge. For all we know, he could love what he sees, be meh about it, or hate it.
May I edit your subject to avoid the fanwars here, because there are no best mmorpg right now. It is all about what you want to play, just do a research read a review, features, and watch the gameplay demo to decide which game you gonna play.
If you want the game just have a big player base or community that you can join in so stick with the big title games, like eg.. WoW, GW2, SWTOR, Rift, TSW, Darkfall It's all about you love it or hate it. Good luck
Well, nevermind.
i remember when mmos used to keep people occupied for years, im so sad that people have to waste so much time jumping around nowadays.
you may want to try darkfall when it comes out, it should be different than the stuff youve played before, slated for the 20th i believe.
played a million mmo's
That's what I said. You know the entire then again, he may love it part. I found the game BORING and I will not sugarcoat that because the OP was obviously looking for opinions. Besides, as we have read, the OP already tried the flavor of month and it didn't do it for him either, hope he has fun in Rift.
Played them all at point or another currently back in Rift and it's hot.
Trion is helping me to restore my faith that MMO developers really do have the ability to build and maintain a great game.
Well most of them are inferior pieces of s**t lol. Why do you think people in here asking for a new game and tried the rest. The industry is bogged down with garbage and nothing seperates one mmo from another this day in age. Hasnt been a mmo released that made me go "holy s**t" in a long time. DO believe sandboxes, a true one, will help with the issue. Doesnt hurt having both sides of the mmo industry grow and compete with each other. We may see better games come out of it for both sides.
But i am sick of all the new age console rpg style games they call mmo's that offer no features of a true mmo.
"EVE is likely the best MMORPG that you've never really understood or played" - Kyleran