Don't really have an issue with any of them to be fair.
If you want to play the game for free and not support it in any way you have all of the tools to do so.
If you want some additional QoL components like extra toolbars and extra customization options then support the game and drop a couple of quid to get what you want.
If you want all of the bells and whistles then sub,
Why should a load of cheap ass freeloaders who simply want everything for nothig undermine the value of those that pay a sub.
Answer: They shouldn't.
Originally posted by skulldron
For me, None. Restrictions are there for a reason, now if everyone is going to start whining and crying over it then the game community will be nothing but the "gimme, gimme" crowd who wants everything handed to them. Might as well make it Pay2win for you kiddies.
Leave the restrictions, infact add more. Make those FTP folks buy a sub. If you don't like restrictions go play Hello Kitty Online.
Because game is not worth a sub, even Hickman admitted that.
For me, None. Restrictions are there for a reason, now if everyone is going to start whining and crying over it then the game community will be nothing but the "gimme, gimme" crowd who wants everything handed to them. Might as well make it Pay2win for you kiddies.
Leave the restrictions, infact add more. Make those FTP folks buy a sub. If you don't like restrictions go play Hello Kitty Online.
Those F2P folks will never buy a sub, that's why the game is going F2P. Restrictions will end up killing the game if there are too many.
I figured that most subbers would (assuming it's done right) welcome F2P because it increases server population thus adding more options and items to the Galactic Market, more people to group with, and better helps the communtiy overall. Sure you'll get the occassional troll but you have that with every game. That's why games added the /ignore option.
Again, with a regular company with a model focusing on the influx of new players, that would be a correct statement.
In EA's case, more options and items to the Galactic Market - nope, f2p's can't use it, nor the direct trade so can't ask a buddy to market their stuff
and helps the communtiy overall - they will have limited chat, and no mail, hard to build a community this way
I figured that most subbers would (assuming it's done right) welcome F2P because it increases server population thus adding more options and items to the Galactic Market, more people to group with, and better helps the communtiy overall. Sure you'll get the occassional troll but you have that with every game. That's why games added the /ignore option.
Again, with a regular company with a model focusing on the influx of new players, that would be a correct statement.
In EA's case, more options and items to the Galactic Market - nope, f2p's can't use it, nor the direct trade so can't ask a buddy to market their stuff
and helps the communtiy overall - they will have limited chat, and no mail, hard to build a community this way
That's why I added what I would change earlier. I don't like this model at all. Seems designed to drive F2Pers away rather than draw them in.
For me, None. Restrictions are there for a reason, now if everyone is going to start whining and crying over it then the game community will be nothing but the "gimme, gimme" crowd who wants everything handed to them. Might as well make it Pay2win for you kiddies.
Leave the restrictions, infact add more. Make those FTP folks buy a sub. If you don't like restrictions go play Hello Kitty Online.
The problem is the game isn't worth a monthly sub fee, is still broken, and they aren't doing anything to fix that.
On top of all that, the restrictions they are placing on "F2P" accounts are just the most recent of a long line of events showing that EA couldn't give a shit about how their customers feel about their products, and it has naked cash grab written all over it.
Take the "free" cartel coins for prior customers. They're free - if you shell out another 14.99 to purchase them!
I think most people would be pleased as punch to have a decent Star Wars MMO out there, and would be glad to pay for it. I know I would!
The crap EA produced is just not up to snuff as anything more than a single-player game.
I figured that most subbers would (assuming it's done right) welcome F2P because it increases server population thus adding more options and items to the Galactic Market, more people to group with, and better helps the communtiy overall. Sure you'll get the occassional troll but you have that with every game. That's why games added the /ignore option.
Again, with a regular company with a model focusing on the influx of new players, that would be a correct statement.
In EA's case, more options and items to the Galactic Market - nope, f2p's can't use it, nor the direct trade so can't ask a buddy to market their stuff
and helps the communtiy overall - they will have limited chat, and no mail, hard to build a community this way
That's why I added what I would change earlier. I don't like this model at all. Seems designed to drive F2Pers away rather than draw them in.
Totally agree, someone on the other thread said it's like EA made this model exactly to keep out the folks.... But hey, there will be a shiny new cash shop for the loyal subscribers
Originally posted by gandles this game will shut down in 6months or less, this "ftp" model is a real joke as is EA
What do you expect for free? But you say in 6 months it will shut it doors?
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
Originally posted by gandles this game will shut down in 6months or less, this "ftp" model is a real joke as is EA
What do you expect for free? But you say in 6 months it will shut it doors?
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
Dont mix 2 of those together.
WHO - costed 80m$
SWTOR - 300-500m$
If their bean counters conclude it costs less money to shut it down it will shut down. Maybe they are just trying to find a way to get out of IP license contract by quickly diving game to the ground.
Originally posted by gandles this game will shut down in 6months or less, this "ftp" model is a real joke as is EA
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
I guess you'll win the bet, as I said I think it might be work for a longer run. Every cent they get from the Cartel Market is a bonus to EA, and once they successfully shove the store ingame, to fill it up with items will be a piece of cake. New cosmetic armor, few hours of work by a designer, if 5 players buying it, EA already made a profit. Just like AoC, you can hardly find free players in there, and it's still in a good condition via the subscribers and the shop.
This is why I say all the time, this f2p is not for the previous players or the new players, it's simply an excuse to put a cash shop in the game. And that's pretty sad, because this could've been a great game.
The whole thing is a massive con if you ask me, they entice you in with "F2P" but then your faced with subscribing or being fleeced by the purchase options.
The actual free content is littered with both subtle and extremely blatant attempts to make you subscribe.
They are being clever, but also a little crafty.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
Originally posted by Scummyman All the restrictions put upon players who bought the game in the first place. These people paid good money for a sub par game, paid a subscription fee but get nothing back when it goes F2P. The least they should get is to keep all their old characters.
I didn't get to in LotrO, would be nice, but makes sense that if I'm not subbing or paying for it that I can't.
We wouldn't want the company to make any sort of profits off this, now would we.
There will be ways in game to earn various amounts of Turbine points. In theory, you could never spend a penny in the store but still acquire enough Turbine Points to purchase everything you would want. It would take a great deal of effort, but it would be possible.
In contrast, subscribers will be able to earn points in game plus they will be given an additional 500 points per month for being a subscriber.
-Rick Heaton, LOTRO community Manager
yeah right if you play lotro continously for a week 24 hours a day you will end up with 300 turbine points after doing the grind. i am good without it really
yeah right if you play lotro continously for a week 24 hours a day you will end up with 300 turbine points after doing the grind. i am good without it really
I'm fully with you on grind-hating
but just to correct things, you can grind 300 TP in a day, as in 12-14 hours... I mean it's still a loathsome grind, but for some people it's a viable option (like the f2p kins on various servers).
Originally posted by gandles this game will shut down in 6months or less, this "ftp" model is a real joke as is EA
What do you expect for free? But you say in 6 months it will shut it doors?
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
Haters gonna hate but the fact is, any MMORPG apart from WoW would kill to have SWTORs number of players.
And that's AFTER it lost half of them.
People call SWTOR a failure, by that rationale every other MMORPG apart from WoW also failed horribly. Right?
So, I logged on and immediately logged off due to the hotbar limitation. Right now, I refuse to pay for UI functionality. The good news is that it's letting me log on with more than just 2 of my 6 characters. So, I could take advantage of this by leveling the lowest level characters until the hotbar limitation gets in the way or until they actually make me pick 2 characters to use.
I'm going to play D3 and minecraft for the next month I guess.
For me it comes down to the limit of only two character slots per server for F2P and Preferred customers.
My second choice would be the locking of the side action bars. You definitely need all of the action bars at the higher levels.
My reading of that was actually that it is 2 total characters, not per server. Of course my reading comprehension could have been dulled by the constant background noise of siblings fighting.
I don't understand some of the sentiment in this thread. You can get to 50 without paying. As far as i know from the past almost year of threads is that:
1: the personal story is the only decent quality of the game
2: PVP is just a CC fest and awfully unbalanced
3: The game ends at 50.
I've played the game, you don't need more than 2 action bars to come out on top of every pve encounter in the game (you have your own pet for gods sake). So what's the big deal? Any of the things people are looking for don't make sense for the f2p model they discussed before the patch. Honestly, if anyone has a gripe its the people that can't /hide helmet for rp purposes. If every facet of the game blows except the story line and the occasional fun interaction with another player i just don't see the issue.
What do you expect for free? But you say in 6 months it will shut it doors?
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
Warhammer is still going because it is actually a decent game that plays like an MMO:
1. World RvR don't get lag the crap out of by having anything more than 10 players each side
2. The public quest was actually a decent idea when it was introduced.
3. Sieges can be fun when it really happens.
The problem with WAR has always been balance (whether factional, class, or the fact there there was on 2 factions for RvR) and possibly the not very pretty graphics and animation. Other than that gameplay was fine and people actually behaves in there like playing an MMO.
All of the things which swtor is not or failed at achieving.Swtor's problem was gameplay. All they had to do to get subs back was to fix that (reduce CC, fix Ilum, make gear even more mod friendly and cheaper) and make new contents, but rather they chose the f2p path...
All of them its just a clear attempt to extort as much money out of this as possible. I left Swtor months ago due to lack of content. When i heared about th F2P switch i got kinda excited as it worked very very well for DCUO. But EA didnt have its greedy as shit hands on DCUO so it was able to do nice things for people who just wanted to try it. The amount of restrictions that Swtor F2P prefrered have you might as well just call it a limited demo.
At first I thought it was the limits on Warzones, Flashpoints and Space Missions...
Then I logged in and saw my freakingly ugly helmet... Have to pay to hide it (not a lot, but still...) and my missing action bars... So first 30 minutes were spent on trying to fit the more useful skills of my Sage on the 2 action bars you're allowed...
Have to say it's a nice "preview" of the game, but they're really making obvious that you won't have a whole lot of fun if you intend on not spending a dime on this one...
Because game is not worth a sub, even Hickman admitted that.
Those F2P folks will never buy a sub, that's why the game is going F2P. Restrictions will end up killing the game if there are too many.
Again, with a regular company with a model focusing on the influx of new players, that would be a correct statement.
In EA's case, more options and items to the Galactic Market - nope, f2p's can't use it, nor the direct trade so can't ask a buddy to market their stuff
and helps the communtiy overall - they will have limited chat, and no mail, hard to build a community this way
That's why I added what I would change earlier. I don't like this model at all. Seems designed to drive F2Pers away rather than draw them in.
The problem is the game isn't worth a monthly sub fee, is still broken, and they aren't doing anything to fix that.
On top of all that, the restrictions they are placing on "F2P" accounts are just the most recent of a long line of events showing that EA couldn't give a shit about how their customers feel about their products, and it has naked cash grab written all over it.
Take the "free" cartel coins for prior customers. They're free - if you shell out another 14.99 to purchase them!
I think most people would be pleased as punch to have a decent Star Wars MMO out there, and would be glad to pay for it. I know I would!
The crap EA produced is just not up to snuff as anything more than a single-player game.
Totally agree, someone on the other thread said it's like EA made this model exactly to keep out the folks.... But hey, there will be a shiny new cash shop for the loyal subscribers
What do you expect for free? But you say in 6 months it will shut it doors?
I will take that bet with you and say it will still be around after 6 months
The game is here to stay since it does have it's niche crowd of players. If they can keep WARHAMMER going, SWToR is going to be a piece of cake for them.
Can't argue that point.
Dont mix 2 of those together.
WHO - costed 80m$
SWTOR - 300-500m$
If their bean counters conclude it costs less money to shut it down it will shut down. Maybe they are just trying to find a way to get out of IP license contract by quickly diving game to the ground.
I guess you'll win the bet, as I said I think it might be work for a longer run. Every cent they get from the Cartel Market is a bonus to EA, and once they successfully shove the store ingame, to fill it up with items will be a piece of cake. New cosmetic armor, few hours of work by a designer, if 5 players buying it, EA already made a profit. Just like AoC, you can hardly find free players in there, and it's still in a good condition via the subscribers and the shop.
This is why I say all the time, this f2p is not for the previous players or the new players, it's simply an excuse to put a cash shop in the game. And that's pretty sad, because this could've been a great game.
The dumbest one? UI Hotbars. I mean seriously. I'm just subbing, but if I were F2P this would leave a bad taste in my mouth.
Here's an idea: Instead of UI bars and Hide/Show helm, how about just add things that all cash shops have, like character renaming? Idiots.
Joined 2004 - I can't believe I've been a member for 20 years! Get off my lawn!
The whole thing is a massive con if you ask me, they entice you in with "F2P" but then your faced with subscribing or being fleeced by the purchase options.
The actual free content is littered with both subtle and extremely blatant attempts to make you subscribe.
They are being clever, but also a little crafty.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
yeah right if you play lotro continously for a week 24 hours a day you will end up with 300 turbine points after doing the grind. i am good without it really
I'm fully with you on grind-hating
but just to correct things, you can grind 300 TP in a day, as in 12-14 hours... I mean it's still a loathsome grind, but for some people it's a viable option (like the f2p kins on various servers).
Haters gonna hate but the fact is, any MMORPG apart from WoW would kill to have SWTORs number of players.
And that's AFTER it lost half of them.
People call SWTOR a failure, by that rationale every other MMORPG apart from WoW also failed horribly. Right?
So, I logged on and immediately logged off due to the hotbar limitation. Right now, I refuse to pay for UI functionality. The good news is that it's letting me log on with more than just 2 of my 6 characters. So, I could take advantage of this by leveling the lowest level characters until the hotbar limitation gets in the way or until they actually make me pick 2 characters to use.
I'm going to play D3 and minecraft for the next month I guess.
My reading of that was actually that it is 2 total characters, not per server. Of course my reading comprehension could have been dulled by the constant background noise of siblings fighting.
I don't understand some of the sentiment in this thread. You can get to 50 without paying. As far as i know from the past almost year of threads is that:
1: the personal story is the only decent quality of the game
2: PVP is just a CC fest and awfully unbalanced
3: The game ends at 50.
I've played the game, you don't need more than 2 action bars to come out on top of every pve encounter in the game (you have your own pet for gods sake). So what's the big deal? Any of the things people are looking for don't make sense for the f2p model they discussed before the patch. Honestly, if anyone has a gripe its the people that can't /hide helmet for rp purposes. If every facet of the game blows except the story line and the occasional fun interaction with another player i just don't see the issue.
Warhammer is still going because it is actually a decent game that plays like an MMO:
1. World RvR don't get lag the crap out of by having anything more than 10 players each side
2. The public quest was actually a decent idea when it was introduced.
3. Sieges can be fun when it really happens.
The problem with WAR has always been balance (whether factional, class, or the fact there there was on 2 factions for RvR) and possibly the not very pretty graphics and animation. Other than that gameplay was fine and people actually behaves in there like playing an MMO.
All of the things which swtor is not or failed at achieving.Swtor's problem was gameplay. All they had to do to get subs back was to fix that (reduce CC, fix Ilum, make gear even more mod friendly and cheaper) and make new contents, but rather they chose the f2p path...
At first I thought it was the limits on Warzones, Flashpoints and Space Missions...
Then I logged in and saw my freakingly ugly helmet... Have to pay to hide it (not a lot, but still...) and my missing action bars... So first 30 minutes were spent on trying to fit the more useful skills of my Sage on the 2 action bars you're allowed...
Have to say it's a nice "preview" of the game, but they're really making obvious that you won't have a whole lot of fun if you intend on not spending a dime on this one...