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just few words about P2. I played beta for past few days and I want to share some stuff I come up with.
BTW: sorry for my English.
1. Graphic and stuff related
Graphic is medicore. But game still look amazing and I think that they are doing great job with it. Lighting is what make this game great. I can see bad textures, poor models and stuff like that but lighting make a huge difference and I really like this game. Bad side is optimalization on the other hand.
And funny part, I think that performance problems are not related to amount of players nerby. Why ? Because sometimes in heat of battle when we have 10-15 tanks with lot of infantry charging I have 30-40 FPS. With smaller fights 50-60 is nothing unseen but sometimes even when I'm in small location with only few enemies running around somewhere I have around 20-25 FPS I have no idea why.
2. Tanks
I really love what they did with the tanks. I had bad fealings about giving driver control over main gun but now I think it was good decision. Why ? It was pain in the a** operating tank by driving while main gun was shooting whatever the hell he want. Unless both of you had microphones - it was hard to do. Anyway - tanks are fun and they can make a difference but still they are useless if they have no support from infantry.
Two single soldiers with rocket launchers can put down a tank without problems. But with infantry support tanks are great killing machines.
3. Planes
Planes in this game on the other hand are useless. Bases have many anti-air guns, most vehicles have guns to shut down planes and in the end - except quick and usually suicide drops on enemy base (fly in, drop people and get the hell away from the plane) there is no point flying that things.
Forget trying to mess with enemy using few attack planes. You will be shot down quite fast. Sometimes even before you get close.
Planes are only vehicles in this game that I'm not afraid of. I hide when tank is nerby, I'm trying to flank him and make as much damage possible. I'm careful when there is enemy infantry nerby but even if I see few enemy planes above me I'm not threatened. Maybe it's because there is lack of skilled pilots ? I don't know. It was same with for example Battlefield 3. Only few people could really make a mess using planse.
And I think I have solution for that. They should allow planes to reach safe altitude. Place where they can fly safe unless other planes engage. You want to attack or drop someone ? Lower your altitude (only way players can get out) and pepare to be fired at.
4. Balance
Having so many different classes,vehicles, weapons and stuff I didn't think that balance is important but right now I changed my mind. First of all, reds (terran republic) are dominating in this game. They said that they have worst firepower but best mobility. And their guns are weakest of all while they are fastest. I think they are most powerfull in this game and it shows (most of the time they are dominating the map - at least when I'm playing in the evening). As I said - I'm playing as Terran republic because their traits are my most favorite. So it's not like I'm whining because of enemy faction.
- hig fire rate (even with low damage) makes their gun most dangerous in close combat. And close combat is what you usually do in base assault. We used tanks as cover to get close and then we engage in close combat. Why ? Because we hit more often and it's easy to score headshots. And having tanks as cover we don't need to engage in long range combat. I can kill people even if they start firing first and from behind. I have time to turn around and kill them. This not happens in Counter-Strik or Battlefield while it's common in P2. We literally dominate.
I did try yellow guys (rebels) because I wanted to check that "high damage" style but it was pointless. While trying a sniper I could kill faster one person but I had to reload every shot. As red sniper I could attack more than one people and still win against them. As heavy assault I had power but i had to shoot slower because of low accuracy. It was great on long range (i could even take down someone in base from sniper range using heavy machinegun) but most of the time you don't fight longe range in this game. Bases are quite narrow.
Maybe it's because of my style of play but in every game I always pick guns that have high rate of fire with as good accuracy as I can get. And I always trying to stay close to enemy. Because of the I always have KD (kill/deaths) rate higher than 1 (i kill more than I die). In BF I was over 2.0 and in P2 even at the begining 1.3, 1.5 was common. Only at first day I had it below 1.0.
Anyway - Fighting on the map is all abour vehicles. Fighting in bases are all about close combat. This is why terran republic dominating the battlefield. Even tanks do better while having less armor. Because with distance and mobility we can easly avoid incoming fire.
Again - maybe it's just me but balance between TR and other factions should be adjusted. Even colors are in our favor. It's easier to "hide" at night when you have dark red and black armor. When I played light assault first I bought silencer. I flyed to enemy base (behind lines) and I killed more than 10 people before someone got me. And he got me because I accidently hit "map" button on my mouse.
5. Fun
This is something you all probably know. Stay away from this game if you have something important to do. It's fun and it's addictive. While wanting 1- hour break around 23:00 (11:00 pm) I easly stayed to 1:00-2:00 in the morning. So first do what you have to do in real life and THEN start playing because after you start it's dam hard to stop.
6. Scale
It's bad that I didn't had fraps at that time. Around 30 people on the roof of a building and on nerby hill. Defending because around 15 tanks and other vehicles attack us. And in the heat of battle I see huge shadow on the ground. I look up and I see 20-30 planes close to each other flying in formation (friends ? guild ? I don't know but they were organized) and shooting everything bellow them (us). And in just few seconds tons of rockets fly to the sky shooting down some of them. It was night, lighting was great and whole scene looked godly.
It was most epic thing I ever say in any online game.
I agree with you just not on the planes, and here's my reasons.
This isn't a solo game by any means , and why you want to fly solo into a main base exspect some resistance like the turrets on the building, If I'm flying I wait for my team to destroy them and then fly in attack or use a galaxy to drop off more of my team mates, the fighter planes are for taking out ground troops and or their fighters as well, it just makes sense that buildings like this will have defenses.
PS2 is a lot of fun!
I agree on most of what you wrote, but I'm not on the same line with what you said about planes are usless. The death from above got me quite often. As a Ing. I have quite some trouble to figth or defend myself against a plane.
Even in a turret you don't last long. Esp. when they come with a whole squadron to take over a base.
As for TR to be OP. I think that TR and NC are on the same lvl and the VS are a bit less efficient. I play all 3 Factions atm to see what suits me the best. However, the winning team is allways the one which is the most organized one.
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
What would that be?
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
Take your pick.... CoD franchise, Battlefield 3, CS: GO , they are all better games. You can boast that PS2 has bigger battlefields but I say whatever, the game has rubberbanding issues, and I could run for long, long periods of time without seeing a single enemy.
PS2 is great fun and i cant wait for release : )
Ive played both NC and TR and personaly i prefer NC over TR, TR better for close range combat due to rate of fire they wont miss to much at short range however at mid range i found NC better because the lower rate of fire keep accuary quite well. I also prefer the vanguard over the prowler they all have there perk and disadvanatages i found them all fairly balanced. cant comment on VS cause havant played them.
And yes the lightning is absolutly amazing : )
First off rubberbanding is probaly your issue been playing the US server in australia and never had an issue with rubberbanding also ping hardly seemed to be an issue at all compared to the other games listed above. PS2 also simulate a battle field alot better because you never know how many people your fighitn agaist at any given time in the area. about not finding anyone i dunno where you were but if you stick round the front line you wont go 1 minute without finding somone, once you find a plantoon of your soldures the game gets intresting : ) It realy shines in the large scale combat imo.
Take your pick.... CoD franchise, Battlefield 3, CS: GO , they are all better games. You can boast that PS2 has bigger battlefields but I say whatever, the game has rubberbanding issues, and I could run for long, long periods of time without seeing a single enemy.
Do they have a persistent world? If not I'm not intressted.
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
I am not trying to rip your game, just being honest, battlefield 3 feels just as big when I am on the field even though it is not. That shit doesn't matter when the gameplay is good and I find PS2 lacking in that department....needs far too much polish to trump the big boys on the block. It's a cheesy MMOFPS that doesn't do either very well. Both half assed implementations imo.
the aircraft in the right hands can be super deadly.. sure the default setups aint the best but unlock a few of the weapons and well not much can take many hits from them.
No other fps comes to close to the fun you can get in the massive battles in this game.. but you realyl need to be with a good group of people gonig solo is not the best option.
Very true.
And for going solo, think it was easier in PS1 to play a lone wolf then now in PS2. So I'm super exited to head out with my Guild/Clan to cause some havoc.
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
I can't agree. I played solo because of lack of time and I must say - P2 is solo friendly
1. You pack more punch, you can take down light tank by yourself and 2 people can take down heavy tank if I remember.
2. Driver can operate main gun.
3. You have many means to travel. Drop into heat zone, planes, using nerby drop zones and you can drop near transport vehicle even if it's not yours.
You don't need guild/clan to have fun in this game. I play as lone wolf. As light assault I use silencer + reflex sight and at night I use dark as cover and I'm hunting enemies in base sticking to the roofs and places where they can't track me. During a day I swithc to heavy assault and I brind death to whoever I can.
About planes - problems is that during base assault planes are usefull only as transport. Attack ships have no firepower to quickly take down turrets. And if infantry take down turrets - it usually mean that their inside base and they don't need support from air anymore. Yeah, massive fleet can do some damage but also they are easy target from the ground. At least one plane can move while no one pick interest.
Maybe because I play as TR but I have been in combat against plane while using transport vehicle or tank and I must say - it's not so hard. Because of mobility I can avoid most of the attacks and they take quite a damage from turret operator. And because most of the time we are near base or move in packs - they are hardly a challenge. Maybe NC could have some problems since their tanks are slower.
About TR and balance - yeah, on longe range I also prefer NC but I must say - bases and other points of interest are quite narrow and this is why during base assault/defense - TR have advantage. Most fights in open spaces are done by vehicles. So while NC have their advanages I must say that game overall is in favor of TR and when I see that most of the time I play - TR dominate continent I must say - it's probably true.
No thats fine your entitled to your option and im glad you didnt rip into mine options like most people do back : P
"I'll never grow up, never grow up, never grow up! Not me!"
I don't think I've played a better shooter, and the first shooter I've played with 3 faction, persistant world, and that can hold 3k people per map.
The nerfed AA by the way. Pilots across Auraxis are pleased.
Optimasation of the engine still needs a massive amount of work.
I agree with all points with OP except Aircrafts are on the sweet spot.
They pose a real threat to any ground unit, letting aircrafts in the air means they prolly decimate entire tank collony's in a matter of minutes.
PS2 is not for any1 tough, even if you manage to play solo, you cannot get things done.
Capping stations and bases takes alot of time, and unless no other enemy plaer shows up you be spending 30 minutes capping it.
As a former Battlefield player i think its safe to say that PS2 is heading in the right direction.
massive battles are what makes this game epic, small scale battles are seen often but ive seen them in BF alot.
Its just hard to spot where you are most needed, where you faction is pushing or when your faction needs defence.
Still a great game tough, no doubt this will be a huge succes.
Capping should not be possible behind enemy lines by 1 person or whole battlefield would be a mess. So that's a good thing. I'm talking about fighting.
Also by solo friendly I'm talking about not joining squad or clan. Not about playing alone (except messing inside enemy base using stealth or jump pack + silencers) since in P2 it's almost impossible :-) But except capping I can't think of anything that is impossible without few players.
About hackers - I don't play too much so I just didn't notice until now anything like that. But I trust that it's the same thing like in many MMO. All anti-hack tools are disabled for various reasons until release.
[quote]Originally posted by dariuszp
That's what I meant. You can't defend a base on our own. This was more doable in PS1 as a Ing. with turrets and mines. So have to group up or atleast stay close to your faction comrades is a must, if you whant to take over a base.
And Guild/Clan > PUG anytime, exept the Clan is realy bad.
-Massive-Industries- Heavy Duty
PS- learn to use instant action or get some players together and start a fight. :P
I mostly agree with 3.
The aircraft lethality is too low. The default cannon on the mosquito for example should take 1-3 rnds to kill a individual soldier...not whatever it is at atm.
I equipped a 14mm cannon(cheapo upgrade)..14mm! (2mm larger then a 50 calibre) and nailed someone really good with least half the rounds 5-7 hit...and they lived! even with a personal shield that should =death. Point being I could have armed the default Infiltrator weapons and used less shots and got a kill.
Up the lethality and aircraft become meaningful..don't and they remain pretty nuisances in the sky.