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The original DarkFall game will be about the same size and UW, here is a good comparison with WoW on the size. Read the comment the Uploader made. What bothers me is the Sprinting time is so short for Darkfall and it seems like there is unlimited sprint. I hope there is not Unlimited Sprint in Unholy Wars.
As for the World itself, WoW may be a lot smaller but every single zone looked different and was very detailed. Unholy Wars does not look like it will have the same diversity of enviornments that WoW had, no really exotic locations, just Grasslands, Snow, Volcanoe Ashlands, Deserts and Wasteland. The world itself also looks very empty, I wanna see huge cities that are alive with people (NPC's).
There is not unlimited sprint, there's stamina that you run out of. But then there' the mana to stamina spell everyone gets. But then there's the reagent you need to keep casting mana to stam (formerly resin), and you better carry a lot of it to get you all that way. But then there's the possibility of getting rolled by some bad guys while you're out for your jog.
Better off just using a mount like every other player who doesn't want to die is going to do.
What about huge cities alive with NPC's? I also don't like that the game is not really faction based, you make a clan of players. There are race alliances but all that is ignored isn't it? Favoring individual clans to take over regions and have influence. I enjoy race based faction wars, I know NPC's will react according to their alliance but it is not enough. I hope their will be clans that start who specifically want to further the influence of their alliance in the world and not betray them.
I hope entire wars develop as clans in one racial alliance fight the clans of anothe racial alliance, then there would be a minority who are all rouge clans.
This game is player driven.
No artifical factions no forced alliances. You and your guild decide who is friend or foe or with which guild you create an alliance.
This is freedome and this is sandbox because it is player created.
You will have some safe zone NPC cities (small) so not everything is chaotic and starters can learn the game and a place to trade...
Screenshots are nice but unfourtunately the more important aspect, character animations, seems still pretty sub-par.
My gaming blog
every single place are different in darkfall , The world is so huge and so
diffrent from place to place. environment looking change.
From jungle to Dark place with Lava dessert... never compair darkfall to
wow again!! Wow is a fucking crapy game just go play
darkfall and u will see urself!!!
The years go on and I still agree with your posts hi5
We have to give them credit though - they are better than DF1
The sprinting time is short...but it's unlimited. Right.
For anyone who was apart of Shadowbane on this forum understands that this is the next best thing since SB ended. SB2 is never coming out. Ever...let's take a minute to soak that in...
When I played in '09 during launch, DF was amazing then. With the game being bought out, and new systems being implemented, and old ones being changed, I think we are gonna really enjoy ourselves.
One thing in your subject that I can really relate to my worries.......will it be empty. I KNOW THIS ISN'T SHADOWBANE. However, as similar as DF is, I'm scared this game will get shut down. Just like the only and BEST mmo ever (besides the glitches) Shadowbane.
-=The Abyss Of Humanity Is The Abyss Of Our Own Soul=-
Sick Ning - Mahirim Skirmisher
Why serve when you could rule in Imperium
I dont think that video is accurate but I do think darkfall still has the biggest, seamless, non randomly generated gameworld in an mmo.
towards the end of its life cycle darkfall's world WAS simply TOO big for its population. however thats not something we need to worry about for now.
you can sprint constantly with food/stamina spell but riding is faster, plus there are ships and limited teleportation.
there was plenty of variety between enviroments, each continent had a completely different biome/climate. and each racial land its own feel and slightly different biome (ie giant mushrooms only in alfar lands).
you will not see cities full of npc's, maybe cities full of players tho . mmo cities never felt like real cities anyway, only assassin's creed ever really achieved crowed npc cities.
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I stand corrected. I thought I read an article saying they got bought out--I'm mistaken.
-=The Abyss Of Humanity Is The Abyss Of Our Own Soul=-
Sick Ning - Mahirim Skirmisher
Why serve when you could rule in Imperium
DF was far from amazing in 2009 and the grind was unbearable for most SB players.
you probably mixed it up with Earthrise, which has in fact been bought from Masthead by Silver...something
-=The Abyss Of Humanity Is The Abyss Of Our Own Soul=-
Sick Ning - Mahirim Skirmisher
Why serve when you could rule in Imperium
they are actully much better than the first game
Out of curiosity, I've been told by several people on this site that DF:UW is basically pure PvP, with little or no PvE. What's the point of such a huge world in that case?
(I didn't play DF, so this is all new to me)
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
For what it's worth; I spent more of my time in DF doing PVE than PVP. I enjoyed the crafting (while not terribly deep), loved the exploration, and the game had the best mob AI I've encountered in the genre.
I never had any problems finding fun things to do when I wasn't doing some PVP in DF.
"Mr. Rothstein, your people never will understand... the way it works out here. You're all just our guests. But you act like you're at home. Let me tell you something, partner. You ain't home. But that's where we're gonna send you if it harelips the governor." - Pat Webb
Comparing a themepark map to a sandbox map is not a good comparison... By definition themepark and sandbox maps serve a completely different purposes within the games design. This would be like comparing DF:UW's item list to that of WoW and then drawing the conclusion that WoW is far better because it has 100,000 more items (because items serve a completly different purpose between the two game styles).
As to the DF:UW map... I'm not in the beta, so I don't know for sure what DF:UW will be like, but I assume it will be very similar to DF, which was pretty diverse and varied with, as others have said, tons of places to explore, poke around, and discover interesting things. I think it's one of the best sandbox maps in any current MMO (and one of the better aspects of DF). Although some nice semi-dense forest areas would be nice.
As to the argument that DF was just a huge map with tons of empty space... IMHO, that's all a matter of perspective. In my experience, sometimes it seemed like there was too much empty space and sometimes it seemed like I couldn't walk 10 feet without running into 14 people that wanted to kill me. That balance was balanced well, if you ask me.
A few things...
1) I will be extraordinarily disapointed if DF:UW is simply a reskinned version of the DF map with all the same locations/spawns/etc.
2) As good of a sandbox as DF was, one thing I _hated_ about the map, and thought was a slap in the face of the whole sandbox theme, was that _all_ of the cities/hamlets/villages were static with predefined values for size/defenses/assets. I don't see DF:UW doing anything to address this shortcoming, but it does seems like they're trying to change the rest of the city/asset system to help prevent some of the less desireable things that happened in DF (like comepletely worthless cities or people owning as many cities as possible for no other reason than to have them, but never using them). Some form of city mantinence (tax) would be nice
3) For all of SB's faults as a game its map was by far the best simply because of it's dynamic citys/environment. Still waiting for SB2...
There is as much pve as you want! From small solo mob spawns to large boss mobs that require large groups.
There will be huge cities that are alive with people, but those will be the player cities. In Darkfall 1.0 the NPCs used the same server-side resources as a player avatar, meaning that large NPC loads also created significant lag when decent numbers of players were present as well. My understanding is that is part of why they removed NPC guards in beta and put in guard towers instead. When they talk of "needing to remake the game from the ground up" they really did mean it, and need it - with the new designs, NPC 'fluff' citizens will likely be far more easily implemented, without causing significant lag issues.
As for diversity, Darkfall 1.0 had that in spades. I hope the world designers have left in large, grassy fields (etc), and not fallen into the WoW trap of feeling the need to jam clutter into every open space ever made. Some of the most epic pvp battles ever were such because of the huge open spaces around certain cities - there was no safe advance other than full on frontal assault, which led to cavalry charges and immense mage vs mage long range spell duels. Superb stuff, but only possible because the terrain was "empty" compared to WoW or other games on rails.
Also never forget - the moment you think the world is too big or too empty, you're going to realise this is a FFA PvP game, and no matter how far away from "civilization" you think you are, no matter how "alone" you think you are, the truth is the world is not nearly large enough to hide from the player killers who will be searching for you
i agree with all this (except the part about crafting, but it wasn't particularly bad, i just hate crafting in general).
i barely PVP'ed at all due to the huge noob-to-vet power gap that it was for the majority of its life.
all my 4-5 months of DF was PVE, mostly solo, altho i was in a couple clans for a bit.
but if the launch is anything like DF-in-2009's launch, you will be attacked regularly by players while you are out PVE'ing.
Corpus Callosum
This is totally true. I played Darkfall for a couple years, primarily as a pve / naval pvp player. Darkfall had some of the best pve ever, and taking down a red dragon with a bunch of new players with bows never (ever) failed to be incredibly fun, and kiling kraken & golems with ship cannons was just the icing on the cake
Anyone who says DF:UW is pure pvp has missed the point - the backbone of the player economy is people mining, chopping wood, and pveíng. Player cities were never built by PvP - they were built by socially minded harvesters, crafters and pve'ers. All of whom then rallied together to defend what they had built, when pvp players decided to just try to take it off them. As someone who baked bread and made arrows during an extended siege (and we won!), never let anyone tell you Darkfall is only about pvp. It's like EVE Online in that regard - there is a heavy focus on pvp, but that pvp simply could not happen without the rest of the game world. A mighty warrior in heavy armour with greatsword is the icon of pvp, but he or she would be naked without the pve and crafting that made all their gear!
Well, shit. I wish you guys would make up your mind. I all but abandoned plans to buy this until now. I love world pvp, but I don't want a game that is basically all world pvp with nothing else. When is the pre-order??
Thanks for the replies BTW.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.