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The controller with a HD video screen on it is just so awesome. You can even blow on it to make your character jump or whatever. I am certain that the new PS and Xbox will replicate a model after that. It's industry standard now I believe. And the Xbox and PS will probably cost 700 euros, which Wii U does not.
This is the best console ever. I so much hope that a lot of 3rd party games will be released for Wii U. I've heard good opinions from the indie part, but not yet from 3rd party AAA developers. Does anyone have info about that?
Quite of a few AAA developers working on games, here is a good list
As for buying it, hmmmm, I don't know really, I think I will wait and see what PS4 is like. Maybe some info about it next year? Not sure.
You do know the blowing thing has been in Ninty stuff since the DS?
Also based on stats and current market behavior the PS4/Xbox will be appx the same price as the U.
The only thing the U currently has is appx a 1 year head start. Will this be enough? I dont know, but Ninty need to get the backing of the 3rd parties and with them decent versions of the games, without them like the Wii as far as a "proper" gaming machine goes it will flop again. Will i buy one? I really dont know, after the gimmickery of the Wii faded for me i lost interest, certainly wont be soon as the 1st party titles seem a long way off, and i will really need a decent Zelda at least to make me part the cash for atm seems to be a slightly upgraded xbox 360 released 7 years too late. If the games come and the screen doesnt feel like a gimmick i may pick one up next year sometime.
Wii U is interesting, but if nintendo dont get exclusive support from developers they will be toasted. This controller has a freaking awsome potential but it can only be that good if the content is made with it in mind. If they don't get that support the pad will be the map and inventory of every game, just gimmicks to say "hey... we are using the second screen =D".
Also when PS4 and next Xbox releases they'll have trouble if all the publishers move their resourcers to the new Gen... wii u will be left behind as Wii did and i don't think Wii U will survive that, not as Wii did.
I want one, maybe next year if i got some spare money i'll buy it. I love the concept of the new gamepad.
*gets into the fetal position on the corner while crying*
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
zombiU uses the screen brilliantly. using it as another screen to manange inventory was cool, but i never thought of just how crazy it was to take your mind off the screen and scan through your backpack, only to pop up and have a zombie bite your face off.
there will be titles that will make the WiiU look like a joke, but there will always be some gems. so far the indie games on the Eshop are neat (not as if you cant get them elsewhere but it is a nice addition) and as long as nintendo keeps working on the internet and adding to the shop and expanding the MIiVerse (which is alot better then i expected as an open fourm but could use a lot of work) for instance i would make it more like twitter, and you just follow your fav games/ devs/players/friends.
there is plenty to want, which I could speak too but it would be much longer then what I have time for now.
I beg to differ. Blowing on nintendo stuff always been there since the beginning. Had to blow in the NES, and the cartridges to get em to work half the time.
Really though I like the way they have incorporated things like that into the system.
Very good point - i take my hat off to you good sir!
launched with Black Ops, Ninja Gaiden, and ZombiU.
all those ultra casual games.
lol... notice i said the wii.. not wii:U. if those games are done well and aren't kiddy.. then sure... but like others say in this forum.... when you build up a history and you are very consistent.. u have to do a lot to change ppls minds about you.. and nintendo has had the same companies being the primary producers of games for their consoles for the longest
edit: at one point i considered buying the wii.. but when i noticed that only one game had come out that i was interested in.. that decided it.. the wii wasn't an option..
edit: not to mention the wii was marketed as being a console for casual gamers and those interested in its exercise/fitness games and control use.
''/\/\'' Posted using Iphone bunni
( o.o)
**This bunny was cloned from bunnies belonging to Gobla and is part of the Quizzical Fanclub and the The Marvelously Meowhead Fan Club**
If any new console fully supports oculus then thats all Im buying.
Hell I'll even break down, scream, throw a tantrum and still hand over the money for an accursed nextgen XBOX if they support oculus...its enough to make me a console skipper!
Wii-U is already in the past, for me.
There is no way you could sell me a wi of any type, the first ones were junk the remotes came aprart and sometimes the fell off the cords. I know one guy who trashed his td tv by tossing the remote into the screen playing bowling.
what was it like?
what are your favorite games/types?
and lately consoles have seem more rpg than a lot of mmos... dragons dogma.. dragon age.... infamous assassin's creed
it was a lot like super mario brothers except there were 5 of us playing at once. with collision between us it was good fun. yu can alos pick eachother up and throw eachother, and jump off eachothers heads to get higher. also, you can eat eachother if you get a yoshi. best mario yet. even better than mario 3. fred and ben savage in the wizard with the power glove. oh yeah.
for the most part, any game you can play with others is so much more fun.. so i can imagine.. thats mostly why i went to mmos...
I"m not bashing the wii... i considered getting one.. and my girlfriend occasionally asks me to get it.. but she doensn't play games at all... and only watches.. and i'd hate to buy a system for only one game.
my cousin had a wii.. i took a turn playing a combat game on it.. it was relatively fun.. but i'm a rpg/fantasy/martial arts guy myself.... so i can't imagine buying one.
a lot of the games on systems are going that route.. but i'd believe the wii/nintendo is the most group oriented system.
i havent owned a console since gamecube. im visiting my sister and her husband (my bro in law) bought a wii-u. i was impressed. not at all what i expected. it's actually really really cool. im not too into the moveing the controller or whatever thing they got goin but the connection to the internet and being able to group with people is really really cool. for a console.
Black Ops = port with no online community
Ninja Gaiden = bad game
ZombiU = mediocre game