Well, I really wanted to play this one. But since NCSoft's total lack of care for thier community, by cutting the cord on City of Heroes in the manner in which they did. I wont be giving them any of my hard earned dollars. To those that do eventually play, I hope you enjoy it, and you dont get the rug pulled out from under you by NCSoft.
I didn't see them as doing anything wrong in this case? CoH/CoV, very old by MMO standards, had a great run, I had fun with them. But if they aren't making a profit anymore(I don't know if they were or not). But likely they weren't or not enough to feel it was worth it, they are a business, so nothing wrong with them shutting down?
I just personally can't see what they did wrong here, illuminate?
The main issue is that NCSoft didn't do it for money reasons. As far as anyone can tell, CoH is still making them a profit, but they're doing it for corporate structure reasons.
the manner is they pulled the plug without warning, and all the while allowing paragon studio to continue developing and maketing future content that was generating a reveue stream both in the form of continuing subscriptions and micro transaction.
COH was still making a profit, it was not a drain on thier botom line, like some other titles they publis are.
ugh /
Well I can say I played City of Villains a couple times last year, had fun on it for a month or two each time. Does suck that they don't want to leave it up even on life support then if it is at least making enough profit to keep the servers going.
Not real related to this but I wish Tabula Rasa would be put up or had been left up even on life support. I had bought the game, planned to play it just hadn't quite gotten to it yet and then boom plugs pulled, doh, lol. Only got to play it in beta then kiss $50 bye
Please do not hype any gam.. oh wait, nevermind... forgot what forum I was on.
Given NCSoft's actions with Dungeon Runners, City of Heroes or Tabula Rasa, I'll be giving a pass to Wildstar and a warning to anyone who does try it. Don't get too attached to it, NCSoft doesn't care. They may pull the plug on it and never give you a response.
To clarify, you'll pass on playing a new, potentially fun game because you don't like the publisher? You're not punishing NCSoft by doing that, you're punishing yourself by denying yourself entertainment and you're punishing the studio who has been working hard on the game. Boycotting Wildstar hurts Carbine Studios, not NCSoft...
I doubt they'll be using the actual servers (unless it's a virtualised environment with enough beef) but they may well be using the space/power/pipe the servers were occupying.
Admin @ http://wildstar-central.com/
ZapRobo (PlanetSide 2) | Zap-Robo (The Secret World)
@Master Zaprobo (City of Heroes) | Zaphod@Zap-Robo (Star Trek Online)
I disagree. Your argument might be correct that I am punishing myself if Wildstar was the only game in existence or one of a very limited few, but there are several other games and MMO's where I could choose to spend my free time and my money.
As to punishing Carbine, perhaps, but money spent on a Carbine product goes back to NCSoft, something which I find disagreeable so I chose not to do so. I have no animosity towards Carbine and actually am a bit sad that they are tied to NCSoft given how that company treats its development houses.
I'm in the same boat. As someone who has played a number of games published by ncsoft (City of, Dungeon Runners, Tabula Rasa, Auto Assault, Exteel) I'm tired of investing time in a game that the publisher will pull. City of was the last straw in how it was handled. I've seen worse games that are still on life support, and that's ignoring the fact that as far as I can tell City Of Heroes was still using black ink in their ledgers. I'm sad that I will not be buying and play WildStar. Much like I would like to buy/play GW2. I've just made the choice not to support NCsoft any longer. Nothing against Carbine. If they publish a game with a company other then NCsoft I will be happy to play it. Until then I will be speaking with my wallet when NCsoft is involved. I know my money doesn't matter to them, but my money matters to me.
Twitter: _Alethia Steam: vikakova23
Nonsense. While I wish Carbine all the best, they are the ones who picked NCsoft as their publisher. Given NCsofts past history of closing down western games, I've NO idea why Carbine picked them as their publisher. These games tend to be long term commitments (time and effort wise), and I've had too many NCsoft games shot out from under me to really want to see it happen again.
I seriously doubt anyone at Carbine is going to address this in a forth right fashion (how can they? NCsoft has them by the short and curlies) but its a serious concern.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
I don't disagree with the boycot but you make it sound like publishers line up to take on these small companies. Stand up for what you beleive in, more ppl need to when it comes to games and the companies that make them but..... We don't really know what Carbines option where when they made their deal with NcSoft.
The trailer for Wildstar's housing was very amusing, but the game itself seems to just be further dumbing down the IQ of MMORPG players.
I hate the combat, and all those red circles / cones / triangles to show EXACTLY where an upcoming attack will be. It's unrealistic, and downright silly. As an example from a developer walkthrough:
It's like every fight, even when fighting rats or giant slugs becomes the old mundane cliche, "don't stand in the red stuff".
NCSoft did generate some hate with recent decisions, but I'm looking at the game qualities in what I've said, not specifically NCSoft. I'm likely going to take a pass on this game, unless something fantastic comes along..
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
sorry... did not want to derail the thread
- Al
Personally the only modern MMORPG trend that annoys me is the idea that MMOs need to be designed in a way to attract people who don't actually like MMOs. Which to me makes about as much sense as someone trying to figure out a way to get vegetarians to eat at their steakhouse.- FARGIN_WAR
Pff, you don't know what the true motives where behind. CoH was very old game, perhaps based on techniques that were expensive to upkeep in long term. Just because something makes few bucks every month it isn't wise business, cost structures of huge company like NcSoft are really hard to understand even inside company. MMOs just die simply because everything has to end someday.
[mod edit]
Might I suggest that you don't know the motives either? No one out side of NCsofts high suit levels, likely knows. What is known is that it was making NCsoft around $11 million a year. How that factors into the equation is unknown at this point.
What is also known is that NCsoft has a long history of axing western games. If I remember right this is the 5th or 6th. So much so, that one can't trust them when it comes to western games. Why Carbine would make such a poor choice for publisher, given that past history, is also unknown.
From what I've seen, Wildstar looks like an entertaining game. But these games are a long term investment time wise. With NCsoft as a publisher, that investment looks more and more doubtful.
Right you are.
If this game doesn't net a million customers come launch day, it'll be over in less than a year.
"Its sad when people use religion to feel superior, its even worse to see people using a video game to do it."
"...when it comes to pimping EVE I have little restraints."
--Hellmar, CEO of CCP.
"It's like they took a gun, put it to their nugget sack and pulled the trigger over and over again, each time telling us how great it was that they were shooting themselves in the balls."
--Exar_Kun on SWG's NGE
sorry to the fans of it, but for me, CoX was always always a horrible game. My girlfriend loved it because it was so easy. I hated every minute in that world. Boring repeat missions, dont get me started on the face grating riki invasions. Man I was SO happy to see this game go. No more torture trying to force myself to play that crapfest.
Bottom line, if CoX was a better game, with more players, they wouldnt even consider shutting it down. You want them to keep your miserable game running? Play it and sub, or at least buy $15 worth of crap a month. Amazing people cry about $15 for 30 days of 24/7 entertainment. Nothing on the planet beats its cost for 30 days of entertainment.
I plan to play wildstar, in celebration of NCSoft finaly doing what I have been BEGGING for since day 1 in City of Boredom.
Cheers NCSoft!
Here's hoping Wildstar brings you joy and that NCSoft doesn't pull the plug on it while you are still enjoying it.