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Why would anyone like an anime sandbox themepark game? I don't get it, first they put out the anime pillows now they expect us to play games with a bunch of anime characters? I don't understand.
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I know, anime is so unrealistic! now excuse me while I go get my quest from this elf with an exclamation point over his head.
lol.. exactly.
Frankly, the game's features and community are much more important than the look. I would prefer something other than anime styling, but I'll take what I can get in a sandbox game with a list of features like this one has.
A sure sign that you are in an old, dying paradigm/mindset, is when you are scared of new ideas and new technology. Don't feel bad. The world is moving on without you, and you are welcome to yell "Get Off My Lawn!" all you want while it happens. You cannot, however, stop an idea whose time has come.
Also, Archeage has an open beta for large parts of the world, and several closed betas that did not require a 30 dollar purchase to get into. It also has an amazing amount of content in an incredibly detailed world from ocean floor to flying in the air, as well as pvp that can have you drop items. Some games are completely overshadowed by the amount to this game and left in the Dark, as they Fall short of everything Archeage has to offer.
I like anime and I believe a good amount of other players do as well. Sign me up for a One piece MMO (Kidding they would ruin it) Point is I like anime and I like the style so I can see why it is a good idea. Realism is fun in real life, I personally like to rub a bit of unrealism into my fantasy life
Exactly! anime is awesome of course. An MMO that is really "realistic" would be very unfun as well. Time to work for eight hours in my in-game job! Oops, got disconected and it counted it as leaving early, guess I got fired! Time to prepare my in-game resume to find a new in-game job! This is so fun, way better than anything like treasure hunting, hang gliding, or fighting huge monsters!
Should they all be following DarkFall UW instead?
Not all Asian mmos are anime some are very realistic and based of the ancient lore.
ArcheAge and AOW are leading the way for hybrid and sandbox features, even though AOW is more sandbox than ArcheAge.
Ill be logging back into AOW in 6 days and carrying on where i left off three weeks ago.
Oh, my! So much bait! Where to begin?
First, no one expects anything out of you when it comes to entertainment. Unless, of course, you are an entertainer.
Second, since you are new here (at least on this alt), I'll help you out: Different people like different things. Your understanding is not a requirement.
I want a mmorpg where people have gone through misery, have gone through school stuff and actually have had sex even. -sagil
Dunno cause they're different from you I suppose. You know they have a word for people that believe every should conform to one belief, system and religion, but for the sake of remaining civil I'll avoid your obvious ploy to kick up dust.
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
I am not sure on this new age jargon but anime to me =cartoon and AA characters are not cartoon looking.As for the animation part,EVERYTHING in a game that has animation is computer generated.
I am looking forward to this game,but i am not blind,i can see some fault in this game,i just feel it will give us more of a game and effort than every single developer since perhaps Wow/Vanguard and i guess AOC,although AOC imo was killed by the fact that Funcom does not understand the term MMO other than to have lots of players login.The actual game world needs to always feel open ended to ALL players.
I really have no idea what type of characters the OP is looking for as he/she did not tell us but i do knwo this,i don't want anything cheap looking like Wow characters.There is a difference between cartoons and graphics that look cartoony.
Never forget 3 mile Island and never trust a government official or company spokesman.
I see what you did there
Players that are more concerned about art style then gameplay are usually bad reviewers.
Feel free to go play FF14 - they have the best art in any mmo.
WoW is more "anime" than Archeage, especially after Pandaria.
Archeage looks more western than Eastern, look at the ships, the castles, the kraken.
You mean most people can't throw fireballs?
Next you will tell me all those people I killed didn't come back to life.
That's more for a religious leader to comment on than me :P
My only concern with this game is i heard it may be F2P............... F2P sandbox............. ummm............. not sure what to think.