I bought the game on release day, quit after a month, because it was terrible. I went back for the f2p and really enjoyed the game, however..... They had it setup so that you couldnt compete in anything pvpwise, with 100% of AA advancement and really the entire end game only available to people that subbed, even if you bought the expansion.. Is this still the case? Because I was hovering for the purchase button, and I do not want to pay monthly to have access to the entire point of the end game. The 2g thing and the char slots thing, meant nothing to me, as gold in the game has almost no value at all, the economy in a themepark game is more or less pointless, with no real item loss. Thanks!
Yep, Conan's original f2p pushed players hard toward subscription, especially in the higher level range. The changes didn't altered this, only (I mean 'only' in brackets, 'cos I think the changes are good) making it easier to play through the game free.
So if you want endgame, moreso competitive pvp endgame (why would anyone want that in an awesome pve game? ) it's still needs a payment, and it's still cheaper to subscribe. No change in that part of the f2p model.