Got the pre-order in place, and will log on at the stroke of midnight... Anyone else going to start off their villain tonight? Should be pretty fun... I think I am going corruptor for the DPS, but they aren't as powerful as blasters though... Stalker is always an option too, big time DPS and stealth to boot... If anyone wants to group with me and my friend tonight, post here and we can sync up to be on the same server...
I had the problem on my GF's account, but it was a letter/number that looked completely different than what it was supposed to be. I wrote Support and before the day was over they had figured it out, and sent me an e-mail.
I would be playing, but working tonight, so as soon as I get home at at 8 am, I'll be online. Thank god there's not a server downtime on Weekends Or is there? oh god I hope not.
definately going to make a villan
Thanks for reminding me.