Even in this day and age with gaming, the claim that PC is greater then Console still is around. I for one do not necessarily disagree. My question is why. Yes I see the "upgrade" features to a PC but there has to be something else. Take for instance "Planetside 2." Why can this game be on consoles as well? "Eve Online" devs did it. Or "SWTOR?"" DC Universe" devs did it. Is it graphics? or......what?
Honestly, the reasons are so obvious that I am having a hard time about where to start listing them.
You can upgrade separate parts.
PC's are way more powerful in any regards, storage capacity, graphics power, processing power, memory speed...
You can configure it to suit exactly your needs.
Versatility. I can play on my PC but I also work, mix music, share files, edit video...
Mods. Something you can't do on consoles.
Multitasking. Play games while playing your own music, farm on one screen while watching a movie on the other one...
Besides the overly complicated control schemes impossible to replicate on a joypad (for the games you mentioned), there's the issue of hardware.
Most notably, in the examples you list, RAM size. There's a reason console versions of games like Battlefield 3 only support half as many players as the PC version does, and MMOs need to support even more. Wasn't possible in this generation, but many expect that to change in the next.
Prepar3d + Orbx + PDMG 737-NGX + OpusFX + Track IR + JetMax
This will show you black and white the differance between a PC and a Console.
"Be water my friend" - Bruce Lee
faster hardware, more options for forms of input (keyboard, mouse, airflight joysticks, mech controls, etc etc), easier deployment of games to the target market, easier access to internet (well in the early days).
What exactly did they do?
TSW - AoC - Aion - WOW - EVE - Fallen Earth - Co - Rift - || XNA C# Java Development
One of the very few advantages a console has is that when you buy a game for the console, it is usually guaranteed by the console manufacturer to meet the system requirements.
PCs have hardware to their advantage, you can use keyboard and mouse, OR joystick, or even a damn xbox 360 controller lol
I have never played a console game at 7680 x 1600 resolution, just sayin
It is easier for an indie game dev to not only release a game on a computer rather than console, but also to patch and tweak it as needed, and choose his own prices.
There's also the Oculus Rift - head mounted display for immersive head tracking, 3D, and field of view filled gaming
How many times has a game been released for PC that wouldn't be able to be run on a console because of hardware limitations?
How many times has a game been released for a console that wouldn't be able to be run on PC because of hardware limitations?
Hell, even steam has achievements.
A lot more options on PC for voice chat, headset choice, text messages.
You can't really say exclusive games are a disadvantage to PC, because for example I can't play Halo 4 on my N64.
The list just goes on and on in favor of PC.
They didnt do nothing, he's probably thinking of Dust 514, however Eve Online has never been put on consoles, and never will on any current console, its just impossible, console are too closed off and dumbed down system to even run games at 60 fps, you have to do 30 fps for most games, ... and the joysticks are the worst controllers for FPS games in the existance.
One huge issue is the difference between an open platform and a closed platform. On an open platform, the end user can install whatever he wants. On a closed platform, he can only install things that are approved by whoever controls the platform. Consoles are closed platforms, as are iOS and Windows RT. Desktop/laptop versions of Windows are open platforms, as are Mac OS X, Linux, and Google Android.
If you're a game developer, the difference between an open platform and a closed platform is enormous. Which you prefer will depend on what you're trying to do, however.
A single-player game on an open platform is probably going to be very widely pirated. A closed platform that can only run software that is bought through the official channels makes piracy much harder. A single-player game on a closed platform means most of the people who play your game will pay you for it. That's a huge deal, so if you're making single-player games at all, you want a closed platform. That's why a lot of console games never get ported to PC at all, and even if it does, it's sometimes clear that it's primarily a console game without so much work put into the PC version.
For an online game, on the other hand, that players have to connect to your servers to play it makes piracy nearly impossible. Thus, you don't need a closed platform to protect your profits. Furthermore, on a closed platform, whoever controls the platform will take a cut (e.g., 30%) of any revenue you get. On an open platform, whether a customer plays your game is between you and the customer, so you get to keep all of the revenue.
On an open platform, you can update your game whenever and however you want. On a closed platform, every single update has to be approved by whoever controls the platform, and that can take a while. For a single-player game that you're never going to patch past some certain point, or only have occasional DLC, that's fine. For an MMORPG in which you may inadvertently introduce game-breaking bugs that you need to fix immediately, that's a huge problem.
And if you want to do anything unorthodox (for closed platforms) with your business model, such as charging a monthly fee or having an item mall, or making the same game available across multiple platforms in which players on different platforms can play together, then you have to get whoever controls the platform to approve your model and how much of a cut they'll take of your revenue. They might end up demanding a lot more than you were expecting, or even flatly refuse to allow your game to run at all. Apple has been in a number of such disputes in which they blocked legitimate software (as opposed to malware) from iOS entirely. You really, really don't want to spend tens of millions of dollars developing a game only to have whoever controls the platform block your game on a whim or otherwise make it impossible for you to make a profit. Even if your game is initially approved, whoever controls the platform can later decide to block all future updates.
Quizzical, just want to tell you that I appreciate your posts. You help more people than those who ask the questions - I'm sure it isn't just me that has become a bit better informed reading what you write in a variety of topics. So, thanks. I mean it.
PC gaming is great for RTS games, FPS, MMORPGs, and some idie titles.
Some RPGs like Dragon Age work better on a PC even if they're still solid on a console. Likewise, other RPGs like Skyrim seem to be designed more with a console in mind.
For the most part, I prefer to play non-RTS, MMO, or FPS games on a console simply because optimization issues aren't a factor. Unless your system is about to break, your PS3 is going to play whatever game exactly like all the other PS3s.
Because of the huge amounts of hardware out there, it's easy to spend more money on your PC yet get less performance than your friend because you bought less common parts.
It really all depends on how the question is asked. In general the PC is superior because it offers more versatility, but in the case of entertainment/media consoles have the edge. As of now they pretty much do everything that pcs do, but have the added bonus that games are designed to match the hardware.
Why does it have to be "versus"?
You can have a PC and every single console if you wanted to. No reason to be forced into one or the other.
It's not like once you by a Playstation that you magically can't log into your computer anymore.