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Have you ever thought that gamers have reduced themselves to little more then whiny little brats who throw a temper tantrum each time when there's something wrong?
Or that they all seem to move in a caravan when it comes to insulting a game? Try checking out each page on the GW player review part. You'll see at least 3 people say "It's not an MMORPG." EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE. I go to this site every single day, hoping and wishing not to see those words and actually see someone make a half decent comment on the game.
You'll continuasly see the words "It does not belong on this site." But niether do whiny little brats, but that seems to be 80% of the playerbase of the entire planet. I remember a time when I could check for a review on a game and it was less crying, more honest reviewing that depended upon the likes and dislikes of the general playerbase and not that particular person.
This game so far is getting it hard. The bad thing however is that people who hate this game are making others feel like idiots for liking it. That does nothing more then reduce gamers into two groups, the pricks and the real gamers. Unfortunately, the pricks group is growing in number by the day.
No offense to the creators of this website because I like this site a lot, but never on any other website have I seen such a high concentration of whiny babies like I have here. What happened to the times when you played a game and if you didn't like it that's fine? What happened to the time when we could check a comment board and not feel insulted because more then half of the comments are so rude that the gamers are insulted?
Is it because most of the rude gamers do not know how to appreciate the games that have been released? I grew up on games like Mario and Final Fantasy. I'm talking about THE FIRST final fantasy, not ff7 where most of them hopped on board.
But I go into forums these days and see people whining about things like "graphics" and "you can't jump" or "you can't swim" or "roleplaying sucks". It's sad what gamers have turned themselves into. I miss those old days when I could play a game and not have an entire message board full of people complaining about every single detail.
I know it's a sign of the times and it probably will not change. But go to a gaming forum, any forum, and just check through some of the posts and I mean truly read them from a whole new light. You'll see just as I have that gamers are pathetic. I'll still continue to play games all my life. But gamers today need to appreciate the games they have and not waste so much time crying about every single problem.
If you hate a game that's perfectly fine, but don't make other people feel like idiots when they like it.
It's a sad day for gamers indeed when a bunch of whiny children ruin the fun for everyone around them. It seems like they've all gathered in the Guild Wars comment section...sad.
At least I'm not the only one who feels this way.
Totally agreed.
Originally posted by Mandolin
Designers need to move away from the old D&D level-based model which was never designed for player vs player combat in the first place.
Yeah, the thing is most people state there preferences/opinion, then the actaul way it is.. Alot of people say the community is horrible, but it isn't at all, inless you are horrible yourself.. Plus its about the same as any other online game i've played, except a few which were MUCH worse(not saying its bad :P)..
I agree as well.
First off... (and I have said this before) Guild Wars is not touted as an MMO but it is enough of an MMO to be included on this site.
If Guild Wars was the first MMO then all other games would be compared to it and would be subject to the "it's not an MMO" whine.
And if that is the way people think then why not also say that Dungeons and Dragons online is not an MMO? It is very similiar to the Guild Wars model in that you meet in the cities, get a party and head to the instanced adventure.
And why not allow that MMO's need to evolve and that it is ok to allow differences, even significant differences, so that we don't get the "same old" "same old".
What I really hate is the "this game blows" people. Why does it "blow"? Because they don't like it.. because they didn't read about it and didn't realize what it was?
That is like saying an Apple Blows because it is not like an Orange.
Damn crybabies. If only their parents would take away their gaming rights. Let them get jobs.
Godfred's Tomb Trailer:
Original Skyrim:
Serph toze kindly has started a walk-through.
amm.. im not gonna read all that lol
Ahhh... Zork, the good old days of gaming. Wait, I take that back.
You have got realize that this forum is a safe-haven fire lifeless, skill-less nerds. And I don't mean the kind of nerd that likes to tinker, I mean the total geek that tapes his one inch thick glasses together, snorts violently when he laughs and often confuses reality with sessions of D&D. The sort of people that have nothing better to do than spend 900 hours every day farming and bragging about how leet their level nine-zillion elvish wizard is.
Guild Wars represents the beginning of the end of the mmorpg heyday for these people. When they look at this game they can see that it calls for adult communication skills to succeed in PvP and the forethought to design skill templates that work. More than anything, it levels the playing the field between those who don't have the time (or desire) to spend hours farming and those who have the brainless stamina to kill a billion mobs fr months on end.
And that is what scares them the most. In the past, these troll-nerds have been able to dominate those weaker than themselves -- A.K.A. those of lower levels or classes less intended for PvP. But that is not the case with Guild Wars. There are only 20 levels, leet items are not that leet and all of the classes are designed for the PvP endgame. So, of course they hate it. Of course they are going to come to their safe haven to smite the game that foretells of their inevitable ruination. They're certainly not going to thank Arena.Net for ending their leetness. I will though. Thanks A.Net!
I concur. So many idiotic babies are whining over something as ridiculous of a genre. Either you like the game or not.
But I know why the say "It's even not a Mmorpg"
It's because they want to find something bad about the game, and then because it's instanced they whine about that.
Also I wanted to add that the reason why I say this game is neither skilled based nor balanced, but very strategical. Skill (game-wise) is a person's ability to adapt to a situation with the knowledge they learned while fighting on an equal playing field. Skill is a personal glory that can't be shared since we all use different methods to get something done.
Teamwork is cooperating with others using strategic tactics to balance the playing field. EVERYONE benefits from teamwork in different ways. If the classes were balanced as people say then people wouldn't have to work in groups and battles would be more free-for-all then stragetical. The fact that each class is weaker or stronger against another class is proof of that.
Just some food for thought.
In response to your identification of the differences between Guild Wars (a corp) and mmorpg's...
I agree completely. I can't tell you how many ample warnings there have been that Guild Wars isn't a mmorpg but a corpg. Revelation: it's NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A MMORPG. Now, if people would just quit bitching about it not being a mmorpg and go play a game that is supposed to be a mmorpg maybe we could all get along happily.
C = competitive (e.g. PvP)
O = online (that means that it's online not that it's a mmorpg)
RPG = role-playing game (e.g. linear just like most rpg's)
In response to much of what you said in both of your posts...
The skills are not individually balanced, no. That's an impossible task with so many skills and there's no good reason for them to all be balanced against one another.
Guild Wars is not purely skill based because it isn't really twitch-gaming skill that wins the day. It is very much SKILL SELECTION based, in that the 8 skills that you choose can make or break you. Which, as you correctly stated, does indeed make it strategy more than reflexes that wins the day. But developing strategies is a kind of skill. And don't forget that at high-end pvp play, teamwork is the other major factor aside from builds. And that requires more than just those adolescent communication skills that you find in the general chat in towns. And experience playing the game contributes to one's ability to play (as you stated) because you still have to factor the intimate knowledge of each skill that only comes with using it -- which is indeed a sort of skill. And you also have to have (for the most part) a bit of perception and intellect to play GW, as you do with any game -- which is more like general gaming skill. People, such as myself, sometimes refer to this overall melding of strategy, communication, experience and brains as skill. Sue us if you don't like it.
The thing is that time DOES NOT directly, completely and unequivocally equal "skill" in GW as it does in most mmorpg's. There's much more to it than that. That pisses people off and then they have to gripe about it. They can't really find that many flaws in the game itself, so they bitch about the one thing that has been bugging them the whole time, what they thought the game should be but isn't; a mmorpg. (Which also happens to be exactly what it says right on the damn box that they were too stupid to read to begin with.) And then the ing starts.
No, if every class could do almost exactly the same things at almost exactly the same level of efficiency then it would be a free for all.
No, absolutely wrong. That proves that certain classes are weaker or stronger against other classes and nothing else.
Each class has a role to play; necromancers aren't supposed to heal as well as monks. There's nothing imbalanced about that. Certain functions, such as healing, may be more important than others, such as interruption, but that doesn't mean that the classes are imbalanced. It means that they are different. Which is a good thing if you ask me.
Oh good a low fact diet! Too much raw opinion for my tastes though.
While I may or may not agree, these last three posts were really good and made me think (that in itself is a wonder)
All these are interesting reads. For once, I'm not in someone's crosshairs.
My bad. I apologize.
Yes, because I'm evil, not because I misunderstood you or anything.
So you are agreeing that communication IS a skill? That was my only point. Sure, it's more important for the group's leader. I agree.
Thank you DrRPG. My personality type is SARCASTIC, which makes me a sarcastic smart ass.
Whatever you say man. I think you are reading too much into it but that's just my opinion of your psychoanalysis of the persona/class connection, so don't take it too personally.
My definition of skill in a mmorpg was, if you had paid any attention, time and levels. And maybe some uber l33t super duper godly plus 9 wand of studliness.
Fine, I'm not one of them but I won't argue with you over something that I haven't really seen.
I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. You can stand out in GW. There are a few "famous" GW people that come to mind. Read the GW guru forums once in a while. The difference is that you ACTUALLY have to be good at the game to stand out in the GW community. That means NOT levels, NOT gear and NOT even imagined roxxors. Does it make you mad that you can't 'be cool' without your l33t uber gear and 300 n00b PWNing levels?
Honestly though, go play a damn MMORPG if that gets your rocks off. Why keep bitching about Guild Wars on the Guild Wars forum?
According to A.Net, from the beginning was always about the paper, rock, scissors mechanic. If you see it as a flaw fine, go play something else and shut up.
So what? I can make a warrior that solo's griffons endlessly. Who cares? If 'skill' against mobs is what you are after then you should be playing a MMORPG not crying about a CORPG not being one when it wasn't ever supposed to be one to begin with.
Show me an example of what you think balanced PvP is where you can 'feel important' and still get a hard on over your unique mad skills. Then we'll have an actual comparison to make. For me, I would say Team Fortress. GW is a lot like team fortress in that it requires communication skills, timing skills, strategy skills, reactionary skills and hand-eye-coordination/reflex skills. Guild Wars is missing one of those: reflex.
P.S. Blizzard is synonymous with PvP uselessness.
Yes I exAggerated, so what? Are you implying that nowhere in any of your writings have you done the same?
And I thought it was pretty damn clear. Each profession has a unique function (save maybe rangers). Some of those functions are more important than others, which is the same damn thing that you go on to say in your lengthy, drawn-out, exasperating post.
Read my reply above. I'm not here to debate the usefulness of certain capabilities over others. Every game that I have ever played or heard of with a class system suffers from the same problem. Certain classes, like healing classes, are simply more important. At least GW lessens this separation by allowing one to choose two classes.
The warrior and necromancer have strengths and weakness just like all of the other professions. But that doesn't mean a damn thing. It's not about what a class can potentially do, it's about what a class can do with the 8 skills that they bring. (Or the 8 skills that you can bring with 16 class combo's on 8 characters.) Not everybody brings 8 anti-warrior builds to the fight. Now who's exaggerating?
It's all so clear to me now. Warriors suck so bad that those IWAY builds are completely lame and were never FoTM. And Ive seen a very good video of 6 necros and 2 monks kicking ass in HoH. So what?
Now, where did I put that big flashing neon OPINION sign at..?
So that makes them unbalanced even though they give up almost everything else to be able to neturalize people? Spirit spam was unbalanced but mesmers no.
Healing and anti-casters are important, yes. These functions are crucial to the PvP game. But if monks and mesmers are so overpowered then why doesnt everybody in the top 100 play just those two (or three) professions?
Mesmers are important because caster shutdown is important. Healing is important because keeping people alive is important. Damage dealers are important because killing your enemies is the end objective of the game. There are only a few classes to cover two of those aspects but a bunch to cover the other. But that doesnt mean that the classes are unbalanced, it just means that you need a healer and an anti-caster and a damage dealer and youve really only got one or two choices for two of them and five choices for the other. Maybe ANet could just delete three or four classes so that you can feel needed with your Killroy wannabe warrior.
I won't and didn't disagree with this. But have you ever actually played GvG? Because its not about killing the monks in GvG. Its about killing the lord and killing the lord alone. Everything else is just the path along the way to the lords house. It doesnt matter if you do it by DP, if you do it with a lure, if you do it with a rush or if you stumble through it with luck and stupidity. Monks have to die yes, but only because they heal, not because that wins the game. If this is how you GvG its a small wonder that you are even rated 3000 or whatever.
Only at the highest or lowest level of play. A level of play that 99% of us do NOT fit into. It must really suck to be 99% wrong a thousand times. Let me guess which 1% you are in... the highest? Am I right, huh?
You are the of gross generalizations.
Yes, sometimes chance can win the fight. But it's usually strategy, experience, communication and a bit of common sense that wins the fight. I find that those lacking in or two of these areas are the first to say that the game requires no skill. But that's just an opinion based on my experiences over time with repetition.
Random accidents happen and one single accident can make or break a fight but winning a couple of fights through pure dumb luck doesn't put you into the top 100. Next you'll be telling me that because football games can be decided by the luck of a single kick that football has nothing to do with skill.
You're right. You are so much smarter than I, and everything that you just said proves that fact beyond the shadow of a doubt. But at least I am smart enough to use a damn spellchecker.
Doesnt it make you feel better to vent?
Honestly, after reading many of your posts -- all of which are stupid -- I can only take anything you say half seriously. Thats why I am being such a smart ass to you. Youre a WoW fanboy and we all damn well know it. So please go troll the WoW forums. Or, if you would prefer, I could go there an bitch about how much I hate WoW, even though Ive obviously played it far less than you have (remember now, time = skill in a mmorpg).
Can't we just accept that people have their own views, preferences, likes, dislikes, on this game that decide whether or not they like playing it?
I NEVER thought I'd like a game like this. But I do. Just recently I joined a Guild full of a lot of really cool people. We all help each other out in missions and quests and generally have a very fun time. Many of us are on an actual first name basis. I'm having FUN in this game, that is what's important.
I've seen a lot of people complain about this game. I like the game so of course I stand up for it. Most of the time though, the complaints are based off personal views. I don't have a problem with even half the stuff people have complained about. They're not going to get everything right. Especially a new company who's working on something that no one has attempted before.
I know there are some diehard critics out there and most of them are fans of common MMORPG's. I am too believe it or not, but I'm cutting this game some slack. Even you guys can admit this game still has A LOT of potential. With an expansion pack coming out some time next year, new things will be added. It hasn't been confirmed but there will probably be new Professions, different Races, A LOT of new content, and probably a whole lot of fixes for bugs that people are complaining about.
Just give it some time to develope. Since it's release this game has seen more improvement and dedication then any game I've ever played. This games problems outweighs the lack of monthly fees to most people. But to me, I don't see them as problems. I just see them as another obstacle that Anet is probably going to end up fixing. I'm excited to see what they'll come out with next, and the many new features and changes that are to come.
I'd much rather enjoy this game now, and keep enjoying it later, wrather than hate it now, and wait until things change.
Please do continue, it's interesting to read. Also, if you guys continue like this there might even be a world record in "longest post without point" coming this way. Anyway, I agree with whoever started the topic. There really are to many crybabies surrounding this game. I also feel that I (undortunatley) can't take part in this discussion since I have no experience with other ORPG, thus I can't compare it with other games. The only thing I can say is that there is way to much "elitism" in this game.
Hey Aydrian:
Nice OP and as for your previous post, Ballsy...Stupid, but Ballsy.
Putting yourself between two big bad ram's ( or actually baby goats aka kids), you are taking your life in your own hands.
Minders, you would never believe what I found when I google searched your world record topic:
* *
* For *
* Longest Post Without A Point *
* While Being Completely Off Topic *
* *
* Presented To *
* *
* CaptainRPG and Zonzai *
* *
* *
You both must be so proud!!!!
Enjoy the games you play...if not, dont play them.
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Captain...there is some strange part of me that would be impressed to see a 50 page disertation on comics spring out of this thread. I say disertation and not discussion or arguement because I doubt anyone would get a word in edge wise .'s to pointed off-topic arguement with seemingly no end
Play games you find fun
"It is easier to be cruel than wise. The road to wisdom is long and difficult... so most people just turn out to be assholes" Feng (Christopher Walken)
Hey now, he started it.
Younger years? What were you, like two?
If you think that those rants were particularly long or off topic, welcome to the internet n00b.
I thought the point of my posts was quite clear -- to piss CaptainMMORPG off for being a WoW fanboy.
And I do play games to have fun. I come to forums to mock people like CaptainWOWFANBOY here.
I'm sorry I didn't have an hour and a half to translate your last post into english Cpt.WOW because this is becoming quite fun. Maybe later though.
Honestly though, since our debate seems to be bothering people, I'll just let you have the last flame (not to mention the first). You need all the help that you can get anyway.