I have been looking for a mmorpg that has this things for a very long time but could not find it:
- a nice pet system
- Very much party playing involved
- Turn based
- Not 10 years old
I will give you some youtube links of how the games should be..
Altis Gates-
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBPcR4HNwN0 - you can skip to min 1:20- this game never came out, been looking forwoard to playing it
Mythwar Online
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56u0uGueSjo - this game i have played alot for about 2 years but its 7 years old and it is kinda dead now...like 50 people/server online
I also tryed this, it is the best out there but i got tired of it:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1K0Wt3uEOlcI also tryed this but it is very bad and boring and chineese like
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BK2RvwPktYASo if anyone knows a game like one of the ones i mentioned before that is kinda new
preferably 2012..i doubt there is.
well, wakfu is an interesting turn based mmorpg
you have to embrace its unique atmosphere though, could be a turnoff at first
deep down it has a lot of potential
It's definitely an mmorpg worth giving a shot. The colorful cartoony look can be deceptive. The game offers a lot of interesting features and the mechanics can become very deep and detailed.
How old is Wakfu ? Isn't it 8 years old or something like that
And i think it is just turn based..is it also party based and pet based?
Less than a year?
I checked like 10 videoes on youtube...thanks for the game but it does not seem fun but i will try it.
I am really looking for something elts..things with magic and stuff:) like the videos i posted in my original thread:D
Anyone has any idee of games like that ?
Turn based
Pet system
Important party play
Wakfu is not THE perfect game, but it does meet the criteria you list very well. It's free up to a point too, might as well try it out.
It has plenty of 'magic and stuff', heh.
It is the sequel to Dofus, which was quite successful. But, you asked for a *new* game. Honestly not sure what else to suggest with turn based in mind.