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Every game deserves a chance at an 'official' review, The War Z included. Even with its troubles of late, it's still a released game. We have a few thoughts to share about the upcoming review and want to get some of your input as well. Read on before leaving your thoughts in the comments.
This is a tricky situation. I firmly believe that the ideas for The War Z put forth by Hammerpoint (the features they aspire to on their official website) are interesting and solid on paper. But the fact of the matter is that the game is simply nowhere near what it presents itself as being in that feature list. Normally, in alpha/beta stages, we can turn a blind eye towards some of a game’s faults because we know it’s in the testing phase and all we are seeing is a preview of things to come. In The War Z’ case, the preview of things to come, when all that’s happened is considered, is not a promising harbinger of any sort. And what’s more than that? Hammerpoint is considering their game now released in its “foundation” state. The company that makes the zombie shooter MMO itself claims the game is “launched” but not final. What does that mean? Well, for us her at, it means we’re obligated to put it through its paces and review the thing.
Read more of Bill Murphy's The War Z: Review Forthcoming.
No mention of the trademark suspension, no mention of the fact your forum graphic is copyright infringed and stolen from the TV show Walking Dead, no mention of the fraud perpetrated on Steam.
Way to look out for your readers.
Try to be excellent to everyone you meet. You never know what someone else has seen or endured.
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+1 sir, good game with shity dev and bad marketing
Anyone have a guest pass to spare?
Wanna see what all the fus is about!
Danish SWTOR community!
So what happens if The War Z and other sites don't follow the court ordered cease and desist letter. Looks like nobody is taking it seriously. I wonder what paramount's next step will be.
It has a great chance to do.. nothing. By summer mid year they'll have moved on to the next project and abandoned War Z (like they've done with every previous project), they've already done the financial moves for it in preparation.
The only profitability from this game was the genius move of getting Steam to sell it to begin with, under false pretenses. Without that it would have been nothing, they were lucky and the consumers unlucky they got that far.
All forms of promotion for this game should be seen as immoral at this point.
There's no defending this gigantic scam.
Bill, you are calling their ideas solid. Do you want them to be implemented into the game? I definitely do. Yes, they are somewhat misleading people calling the game launched and released but it's better to release the working core of the game and build on it further, listening to players' ideas and feedback than to keep working for three-five years, run a six month beta and still release some crap of the game. Is the War Z a paid beta? Of course it is! But still some players want to pay for it and help to implement their ideas to life. Because then it will be a unique game, the one we are excited to play after years of Everquests, WoWs, Guild Wars, Rifts and dozens more that made me tired and bored after 7 years of MMORPG gaming to the point that I consider Guild Wars 2 as a boring copycat of several other games, ideas and characters from books, movies and even some board games. But it's not the game, It's probably me.
Do not let the rage and disappointment take over you. Don't publish the review or don't put a score. That'll give the game some chance for the future.
P.S. 15$? really? consider it a donation, like on kickstart.
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so much hate over 13$ ?
MMO players today, hopelessly broke and impatient, always waiting for the next hate train?
that would be an interesting column
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Developers a lot of things I hide. To make game for short terms, to deceive users and quickly to sell the not a ready-made product is a small part not logical actions.
- Recently, at game forums - messages of people who bought game simply are removed. Developers in every possible way try to hide similar indignations.
On mine, them will close soon, or will suggest to be closed...
We haven't had a good scandal of an MMORPG going down in flames in such a creative and outlandish fashion since Stargate Worlds. So at least Hammerpoint managed to deliver that.
But like most such scandals, it's funnier if it happens to someone else, and not if you were actually going to play it.
There is always that one person that has to go negative before positive and you mam get it today!! God made Debbie downers for a reason, was this it?
This site tries very hard to be positive and upbeat about games and normally I would credit you for it. However, the War Z doesn't deserve any leniency if one is honest. It's an ugly mess from banning innocent players, to threatening their CC accounts over refund requests, to stealing IP from other properties, to the game play itself. You might be better off brushing it under the rug and cutting ties because this is not a "positive" story in the works.
There are several people with the ability to present solid ideas on paper but once put to the test and asked to implement them fail miserably. The promised features are not there and will not be there in the future because they can’t market the game. I am reminded of a Christmas tree sapling I bought a few years ago. It was sold and labeled as a blue spruce but the first time it was watered the dye washed off...
A scam is a scam.
Say what you wanna about modern games, but the drama that surrounds them never stops giving
Unfortunatly what hammer point and its main spokesman/producer are doing is reflecting on the game. If your gonna review on an mmo you have to pay for you should include customer satisfaction rateing as well as a customer service rateing which im sorry to say isnt that great for this game. From no refunds should you buy from the offical site to the develepor calling spawn campers f##s to the point of people who speak out against it in the forums getting perma banned to even getting a copyright infringement about the name being so similar do world war z.
Yes I do agree with a lot of potential and with the right guidance and a name change as well as solveing the other issues mentiond before hand it can go to really high places. They just need to rename it wor on there customer care staff and forum staff and for the love of all things godly get rid of that dam producer that ruining everything with his mouth!!!
Is he really ruining it though ? I would of never heard of the game if it wasn't for him. What are the odds there would be so many people scrambling to do an " offical " review on the game if it wasn't such a hot topic ? Is this review about the game or about getting people who are already foaming at the mouth about all this, in here to comment on it
Would any of us be talking about this game at all if it wasn't for him ? How many people who have said they wont buy the game now! would even know about it anyway. How many people are going to try the game just to see what all the noise is about ?
He may end up being a great publicity stunt.
You don't seem to get their intentions. It was to make money without spending a lot of time making a good product. They have no intention of ever improving this game much at all. Do you always donate to all lost causes? I can think of far better places to spend your money.
People need to remember that staff sitting at computers writing lines of code or creating 3D models and artwork are not the same that create marketing strategies, website print, or Steam liasons.
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