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Unless you plan to only play with friends from other games, don't even bother playing this game. This game has the most horrid community yet seen so far. Just a terrible gaming experience unless you are on the winning team.
Players play to waste your time and blame others for their lack of ability, and while Riot puts a ton of updates and work into it, their management of this behavior is nill. They rely on the horrible community to manage itself.
Waste of time, stay far away.
That's a common misconception. When you report someone, if you mouse over the "Unskilled Player" option on the dropdown, the tooltip informs you that it is not a bannable offense. If a player receives numerous Unskilled Player reports, it will slightly affect their matchmaking in unranked games so that they play against worse players. Riot hasn't released information on how many reports are needed or how much of an adjustment it gives. I suspect that it's very slight. It probably exists as a way of letting off steam, so that when someone is upset at a teammate who did poorly, they can report them in a way that does no real harm.
Unskilled Player reports don't go to the Tribunal, but Intentional Feeding is another story. However, if a player does their best and gets reported for Intentional Feeding anyway, they're very likely to get pardoned. We don't see a whole lot of posts in the Tribunal forum for people who were wrongly banned for feeding.
I agree that the community is bad taste. Otherwise, playing this game among friends is the most enjoyable experience I've had so far.
It is a bad bringing up good (if a community is bad, I'd rather play with good-old-times friends. )
Glad to know I'm not the only one thinking that way.
MOBA communities are horrible. I'd actually like the genre but I can't stand all the nerdrage, racial epithets and general stupidity.
It's too bad they don't have a sub MOBA where you must be 18 and pass a basic literacy test to join the server.
I don't like people who report for being bad. Some champions just naturally counter others and i believe it's just how it goes. You can't report someone for dying too much when that guy uses someone that naturally counters you.
Since this is a why stay far away from this game i also like to share what i dislike about this game. I hate this game because of three reasons
1. There seems to be fix roles in the game. No where or no one from riot or their rules did it say there must be jungler, support, carry, etc. but people keep on demanding these roles all to be here. Yes, it does increase the chance of winning if you play good but no one thinks otherwise. What if the person is bad at that role? What if they don't want to play that role? If you insist on staying as a champion, they will report you for not listening to them.
2. Riot don't seem to keep their word to me. Two champions, evelynn and twitch, are known to be op because before they can sneak up on enemies and kill them before they can respond. They nerfed it saying that "Our purpose is not to have champions walk between other champions." Good, I have no problem with that but a new champion, rengar, was recently released. Yes, can stealth for the same amount of time but he receives sight and can basically pounce at people near him. He also doesn't seem to have that effect where when you are hit, you get the stealth delayed. This provides extraordinary escapes and walking between other champions without being noticed which was the point that was made when the previous champions were nerfed.
3. They don't do the same nerfs to other champions. Another champion, irelia, was also nerfed a lot because of her passive health regeneration per hit with riot saying it's op but irelia isn't the only one with this ability. Nasus, another champion, basically have a passive % vamp (which is a lot stronger then a flat amount of heal the more damage you have) and it never got nerfed.
To conclude this i want everyone to know this is my opinion and please don't attack me with "You are wrong" , "Omg are you noob", etc. because i made it clear that this is my experience and opinion. Whether you want to agree or not is your problem and not mine. On that note, have a good day
Par for the course.
Since when is Tuesday a direction?
Unfortunately, MOBA's by nature are bound to have terrible communities. Even though LoL is considered the "easy" game of the genre, it's still hard to get into unless you've got a friend whose willing to teach you. With the way games can drag on for an entire hour, in which mistakes become less and less forgivable, it's easy to see what causes so much tension amongst teams and why so many players have very little tolerance for having inexperienced teammates.
I first started playing in September of 2010, during the Miss Fortune patch. At the time, there was only around 50 or so champions, I think. Now there's over 100, and in a game where so much of a player's skill is based on knowledge, that's a lot to learn. It's why I've been so reluctant to invest any time in HON, DOTA, or Smite, because I just don't know if I want to go through what I had to go through to get good at LoL.
It always amuses me that people expect only 'nice' people when there are 70 Million accounts.
That's 10x the amount of people that live in Los Angelos.
If I go to LA do I expect only to meet 'nice' people? No.
So why would anyone expect that in a game where there are 10 times more people?
I don't get the logic.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
People just like to come on here, stand on their little box, and complain. And then they say "Wah wah the community" instead of putting the blame on the individual who upset them. This thread could apply to ANY online game. LoL is just an easy target due to its popularity.
Not really, it's more than that. You don't interact with people as intimately in MMOs. If someone's bothering you, it's nothing to disregard them or mute them. You interact much more closely with strangers in a moba so they have more opportunity to get under your skin.
There's also the team aspect behind it. If your team loses, you lost, so you look bad. But if you can blame someone on the team for the loss, then that means you didn't necessarily do bad. And if you do anything wrong, you've got incentive to blame someone else proactively, before they can start blaming you. There isn't as much of a focus on "winning" in other massively multiplayer games, so this situation doesn't happen as often.
P.S. As an aside to willy123096, opinions are fine and everything but Evelynn was faaar from OP at that time. In fact, prior to patch (July 19, one month before Rengar's release), Evelynn was considered the worst champion in the entire game, hands down. Eve was the pick of choice for trolling your team or forcing people to dodge. She was absolutely worthless for anything other than stomping noobs (which you can honestly do with just about any champion). She was completely remade in patch to be MUCH stronger, and received more buffs to all of her abilities in the two patches that followed. At absolutely no point leading up to Rengar did they Riot announce "We're giving Eve a nerf and it's necessary because she's OP."
It's a small consolation, but those same people that never figured out how to spell "you're" correctly are finally graduating from college (well, some of them) and finding that there are no jobs or future for people that spent their entire education insulting people online.
The moba community overall is very rude, but in truth LoL's in game tantrums aren't as bad as some others, HoN in particular. Havent played LoL in a while, but the main issue is the so-called pros running streams and acting as they do set up a particular "accepted behavior" that those who watch seem to take note of. The recent banning of a "pro" by the tribunal for the entirety of season 3 may be a move in the right direction. His antics cost him a full season of paychecks.
Advice is, if you don't see yourself as the next tour pro, play unranked and ignore the chat.
So far I've been playing for 3 days, I've been practicing on Co-op vs AI and I've had a few pvp matches aswell.
I think the only anti social people I've come across so far is the ones who join a game then go and roam the map as they please without any kind of communication with the team.
In terms of being abusive or being talked down at, I haven't experienced this side of LoL yet and my overall experience has been quite good so far.
They see me lurkin' they hatin...
this is more or less how i would reply to this thread.
also, mobas are like the dark cave that Luke had to walk in. The negative energy that you go in with, will strike back immediately. be nice, respectful, and work together, and most games will still be enjoyable.
when they insult, be the better person and ignore them, and just play to your best ability. don't return the spite because it just throws fuel to a fire and you might find yourself trolling the game worse than the person who called you out.
i ignore the ragers all the time and later the same person comes around usually and were fine, at least long enough to finish the match.
and if they are the abusing type, just use the actual ignore option and report them afterwards.
it's a shame when adults complain about childish behaviour, yet freely take part in it just because someone hurt their feelings online.
"I'm not heartless, I love beating."
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to
Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
I tried it out in beta and purchased the game as soon as it came out; when it did, assholes came out of the works and took over the game and its been like that since. It may be popular, but this game wont last. It sucks ass now. Elitists ruined the game. GG.
This game won't last? It's the most popular game in the world atm and it's only getting bigger.