Blizzard Entertainment has released a brand new trailer to show off some of the locations and denizens that players will encounter when the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria v5.2 patch goes live. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!
Begs the question to ask. Why is this impressive? Looks more of the same.
-Azure Prower
That’s the reason I stopped playing WoW after 7 years, it's just the same stuff rebranded over and over.
Yet there are some 10-11+ million players that continue to pay and enjoy that 'more of the same.' Its not always a bad thing and its not like anyone else has a better way of creating an MMO. This is working and provinding Blizzard with a huge monthly check so why change!?
Well said... if it's making $$ why change? Not like they have any competitors with those subscription numbers.
Hey it is what it is- nice to see they going darker again. Last i heard from a current player they were bringing back the troll lore again.
whcih i happened to love in WotLK. good for them!-this stuff works for blizzard and its players base.
no harm done.
Yeah, lets be real, you really believe that in the past 8 years there have only been 10-11 million accounts created total! HAHahahah
There have probably been more than 150 million accounts banned just for being bots and gold farmers, and I myself have had more than a dozen seperate accounts in that time. I wouldn't be surprised if Blizzard has had more than a billion accounts created since launch.
And in reality who cares if Asian players don't pay a monthly sub, thats how their society works, they still have to pay to play which makes them a paid account. And if they take a break for a few days or weeks its no different than a player in EU or the US taking a break for a month or three.
....versus hardcore mode that feels like a second job and makes a few select players feel important. Which do you think will garner more revenue? Doesn't mean either play style is wrong as your post would imply. They are a business after all and catering to small niches just isn't in their targeting bracket right now. Whatever the exact number of discrete accounts, there is nothing out there that even remotely gives WoW any competition.
Once more development companies start embracing the business model of SOE with their bevy of niche games, then you'll see more and more select audiences that combined help bring in the kind of money these companies want.
Don't suppose you have a source that isn't blizzard themselves? And sorry, a guy paying a few bucks at an internet cafe is a bit different then someone buying wow + all expansion + paying a sub. I love when the red-faced fanboys come out to defend their purpose in life. Christ, I didn't even say anything negative...I simply told the truth. Wow is a generic, Ezmode, faceroll. designed to make nolifer tryhards feel relevant. THAT IS FACT.
I don't even play WoW, havn't for years, but it doesn't mean I don't like it. When you come in spewing BS opinions as if they were facts, that is considering being negative. Just like with your last line there, thats your opinion, not a fact...heh
How would you know whether or not facts are hard to accept when you don't even understand the difference between a fact and an opinion?
As far as trailers go, that one was pretty weak.
I like WOW, but the storyline of MoP is the worst yet.
I do miss the trailers of old... Like the Troll one or the brilliant ones from Wrath.
MoP have done a lot more ot integrate cutscenes in to the gameplay but at the same time the puffs for the patches went to the wayside.
As for dumbing skills down... speding 3 points for 1.5 % in stat X increase is not smart... that is just tedious. Now at least i can focus on the fun and cool stuff in the skilltree and not have to spend a afternoon reading up on the "right" spec.
This have been a good conversation
Did you not enjoy the master chen and lili story arc? did you read the quest text? did you stick around to hear the voice over and banter - or just rush through it like so many others? me thinks the latter. Questing in Mists is best I have have experienced in an MMO in terms of story and attachment to NPC's - but that's just me I guess.
His statement is an opinion and is not true in my opinion. I'd argue that WoW has gotten far more complex overall than it ever was in Vanilla or BC. Just the sheer number of systems available to the player has risen.
Before, you had a talent tree and gear diferentiation. That was far more limited than the current system.
Now you have Glyphs, tiered skill choices that offer far more choice and differences than the old skill trees, specializations for all the classes that give them access to various different skills, gear differentiation... I mean, there are 34 specs in the game, most of which have a very different feel to them.
On top of that, they've added all kinds of strange things like Archaeology, Pet Battles, Hard Modes, More Races, More Content, Trans Mog, Scenarios, Challenge Modes, World Bosses, and the list goes on.
Sure, some of those older games like UO had a lot more freedom and had a lot more complexity in their systems, but his statement wasn't comparing WoW to them. He was comparing WoW to itself. Which in my eyes has so obviously became more complex over the years that I'd have to actually hear a valid argument to the contrary why that isn't true. The whole, "WoW is dumbed down," argument with nothing offered to back up the claim besides, "because I said so," doesn't cut it for me. It just sounds like something people that don't like the game toss out because they've read it somewhere before.
Don't get me wrong, I think WoW ( Like most Apple products ) allow a method for the mentally dim to enjoy a part of culture... but for the rest of us every update the game recieves these days is, well... "meh". I'd probably come back if it was fully free to play with an item mall supported system... but as it is, can't justify a monthly payment for one of the grindiest bastardizations of a good storyline known to man.
But hey, it's a MMO on training wheels for the kids, let's them know there is a genre of game they can experience online, once they take the training wheels off they get to experience a whole realm of online gaming outside of Blizzard.
I wonder what people mean by "dumbed down content." If you are referring to the "simpler" talent system, you really don't know what you are talking about. I will not go into details, it is your problem if you don't understand.
I love how some people look down on WoW players. "People who play WoW". As if their MMO of choice is superb in any way. There is an ubelieveable large and diverse community around each aspect fof the game which is far harder to achieve than to attract "hardcore" players nad have 50k subscribers.
Also, older MMOs do not give you validity over nothing and that's just nostalgia talking. They were "hard" just because they required obscene amount of time and they were grind heavy.
Not true at all. Blizzard releases quarterly reports and their last quarterly report highlighted that current active subs have again risen to 10 million (they dipped in Cataclysm).
I would guess that their all time accounts created number is very, very high - somewhere close to 50 million or more.
Also, 'if we are are just speaking of NA'....when were we ever just speaking of NA? These are world wide sub numbers.
Who said this was impressive?