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Hello, all FF XIV enthusiasts! I am starting to think about trying this game once ARR comes out. I like subscription model, graphics, and whole FF world, its awesome deep history and lore.
Now, straight to my question. I didnt get the class system and how it works there. Can you please explain to me how you are choosing class, your specialization, and such a things, or post some link on english fansite where I´ll be able to get that informations?
I already read official site, and I like almost everything about the game. I am probably lucky that I didnt try it at its original launch, so I didnt see the disaster, and I have the chance to see FF XIV in its greatest light once ARR comes out.
Thanks for your answer(s)!
Armory System
In the game there are four base disciplines, which each divide into several classes. Each class has its own weapon type, and changing classes is as simple as changing weapons, which is referred to as the Armory System.[1]. Classes can be changed at any time, except during a battle. You can use most skills on any class after learning them, but skills are scaled with the current class level.
Players can use all skills learned by their current class, and set up other classes' skills based on his current max level. The maximum number of cross class skills that can be used is capped at 10 for a level 50 character.
Due to the nature of the Armory System, there is no kind of restriction for using equipment, as you can use any equipment on any class at any level (except shields that are limited to some classes), and the game scales down the gear based on the difference between current level to the gear's "Optimal Level" - the level where it will provide its full stats. Also, some gear may also have "Favored Classes".
While those pieces can also be used by everyone, using in any class that's not the favored will incur a stat decrease, even if the player's level is at or above the Optimal Rank. This system helps changing classes on the fly, as the player is not forced to have completely different equipment sets for every class he plays. However, due to player feedback, class and level restricted items have been implemented, with most end-game gear requiring specific classes and levels to be equipped.
Black Mage
1 Officially announced but unreleased. These classes will be released with A Realm Reborn.
One more class is already set for release after the implementation of jobs, Musketeer (Guns).
Introduced in patch 1.21, classic Final Fantasy Jobs appear as types of specializations inside the armory system. Upon reaching a certain level in a class, players are able to do a quest unlocking the use of a job, obtaining a soul crystal, carved with the deeds of past warriors.
Setting a job on top of your class severely limits the use of cross class abilities (can only use half the usual number - max of 5 skills at level 50 - and only from specific classes) but allows the use of powerful job only abilities and equipment. The main advantage of using a job will be the possibility of specializing on a role (like tanking as a Paladin) for high level party play, while using the regular classes will be more advantageous while playing solo or on smaller parties. Jobs also change the player's base stats to help fulfill its intended role.
Thanks for your answer.
If I udnerstand rigjt, to create a Paladin, I will need to have my character leveled to level 30 as gladiator, and to level 15 as Conjurer.
So, I can have ONE character, and he will actually have different levels at different specializations?
Yup, you can play every class ~ melee, magic, crafter or gatherer to lvl 50 on the same char. For example, say you don't like Paladin once you unlock it. You can always change to another class and play that whenever you want, no matter where you are as long as you have the weapon that classes uses to equip. Then later on you see someone else playing a Paladin and you like their advanced abilities, you can change back and start leveling that from whereever you left off.
No need to make a new char each time you want to play a different class, like pretty much every other MMO except FFXI. {a few korean MMOs have used a similar system} It boggles me why so few MMOs have adopted this method, it works so well and allows one to develop their charcater to the max and retain bonds of friendship better!
Yes, like in FFXI you only need one character, this mmo design allows greater immersion and the creation of virtual fame seeing as how unlike many other mmo's you can create one ultimate character.
Keep in mind you can still play every class with different specializations, when your done tanking on your paladin you simply switch gear to your level 15 Conjurer for example and can continue training that class if you decide you want some experience as a healer.
I've been curious for awhile as to how progression works for the job system. As in how will most people level their characters?
I'm planning on playing a Paladin at endgame so I'll use that as an example. It seems to me that I would first pick Gladiator as that is the main class I need to level. So I go through the content and get that to level 30. Well I can't become a Paladin just yet, because I still need Conjurer at 15. So I pull out my wand (which I wish was a mace) and bash things on the head with it til I hit level 15 (which I hope doesn't take long... casters... yuck). Now I can seek out the Paladin job and begin levelling that.
I guess my question would be where am I supposed to find all this low level content to level my job with? I've already done the low level thing twice, and now I'll have to do it again? Seems silly. Maybe it is best to save the story stuff for after you unlock your job of choice? Wondering how others are going to progress their characters.
There may be enough low level quests across the three starter nations. So for example, you could level your GLD in the Ul'dah area, and your CNJ in the Gridania area and never run out of quests. Also, if it's your first time playing, the main storyline quests give a nice healthy chunk of XP. Just change to whichever job you want to get the XP and finish the quest. There are also lower level dungeons like Tam-Tara Deepcroft in the Gridania area, a cave that I can't remember the name of in Ul'dah, and another cave-like area in Limsa. Although, I'm not sure what they're planning to do with those dungeons in ARR. Failing that, my guess would be leves which are really nothing more than another form of questing.
If it were me, I'd grab some buddies and explore the dungeons, or go find a nice camp and grind.
After leveling Gladiator to 30 and Conjuror too 15 as required to unlock Paladin {which will start at lvl 30} and then say you play Paladin and earn experience to level 31, when you switch back to Gladiator, it will also be level 31. Basically the job and its associated class share experience points and level. Meaning when you are level 50 Paladin, you'll also be level 50 Gladiator.
Answersoffered are as precise as they can be.
I will add, this is the only MMO I know of where you have the liberty of being a pure crafting character if that is the choice you make.
My Legacy char is 50 in several crafting and nothing else. Based on the new system I will extend that to where she can gather her own materials but the combat is still a second aspect of the game for me. You may chose another path. The point being, you can do that in this game. As a Tailor any mobs that are beneath my level will ignore me and I can move about as any 50 in the game.
Thanks for the replies.
That really sounds awesome. Glad that there will be lots of low-level content to level those secondary classes, and really happy that I won't have to start a job over at level 1 once I unlock it. That's just good game design.
Wondering about this myself, assuming they can be but would like a confirmation.
Yes, once you unlock a job (by doing a quest) you'll get a soul crystal representing that job. The soul crystal works as a piece of equip. So basically, you can just equip or unequip your soul crystal to "advance" to the class related job or "revert" to the basic class.
Hope that made sense
Also first post weeee
Well that about sums that up thank you.
Awesome, thanks for all the answers and explainations.
I cant wait for the game. (:
Yes the devs have stated they are bringing back exp chains and other party based rewards in 11, some of which were also present in 14.
Not to say that you can't solo but by forming a group with your friends you will be able to engage in more content or camp and grind mobs as efficiently as you can for xp chains like in ffxi.
They were considered the best tanks for the majority of game since the implementation of classes. This was mainly because of their ability to tank just fine, their high HP pool (higher than paladin's) in addition to their very high damage output. It was practically a handicap to use a paladin in a fight as you'll lose the DPS a warrior would bring and the slight extra defense they had wasn't necessary.
As time moved along they began to improve the paladin class by increasing their HP, shield affinity and increasing the damage of some of their weaponskills to compensate. Though, by the time the patch came along to "fix" them, people were still in the long standing mindset that warriors were best, and paladins got the shaft on most party invites.
Ultimately to be considered a "serious" tank, one had to have leveled both a Warrior and Paladin to max and have adequate gear to help with this. This is because there were times were Warrior was more useful in "speed runs" and when paladin might've had a niche role to play to help the group out.
In 2.0 there will be vast changes to the classes, so the paladin community is hoping that means a fresh start for them. It was especially difficult on the Paladins as their class was only good -- and made for -- tanking, and warriors could double as pure DPS if they did not want to tank.
I considered it bad design and am looking forward to seeing what updates they put in to make sure Paladins are top tanks, or at least have the ability to be a DPS role so they aren't left behind again, what with being trumped by their only role to play by another type of class.
Also Yoshida said sometime after ARR release they will add more jobs like ninja and samurai which were my prefered in FFXI
Also community asked about assasin type or as in ffxi thief which I guess will be added too sometime in the future.
Confirmed at release is just Arcainist/Summoner so far.