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Let me just start by saying I backed the project, but there are a lot of red flags here and I don't fully understand what they are thinking here:
1. The fact there is a subscription at all. Look at a list of upcoming MMOs and you'll see more and more moving to buy to play and F2P model. You don't need a sub to maintain your game. Subs do not increase player retention either, in fact I'm less likely to casually log on because it's difficult to justify paying for a sub if I'm only playing the game for a couple hours a week.
2. On top of the sub there will be a cash shop. Even if it's not pay to win it leads a bit to the whole double dipping argument.
3. Beta requiring subscription time which is flat out ridiculous. Even if your beta is closer to release I see no reason for doing this.
4. Beta being gated by number of players can join, so mechanical advantages gained from beta due to lack of character wipe will be even greater than those that didn't get in the first round beta or worse starting at release.
5. Kickstarter rewards offering mechanical advantages (especially the new addons posted) even if they are minor to give people who funded the Kickstarter even more of an in game advantage at the start. Keep in mind this is a sub based game, not pay to win.
6. Kickstarter page initially lacking information on the game which required you to dig through pages of pages of blog posts to get a sense of features in game. This has since been remedied, but I feel it may have been too late.
7. The fact that they already raised $300k from another kickstarter for their "technology" demo.
8. The fact they have investors and probably don't need to be using Kickstarter. They basically have publishers/investors (Paizo) so why are they asking for crowdsource funding? The idea behind it is that you don't need to be controlled by outside sources such as investors and publishers for your project.
9. Daily deals benefiting early backers the most means the Kickstarter likely won't gain the massive momentum that projects tend to get the last few days of Kickstarter (traditionally about 20-25% of your funding comes these last few days). The whole concept of daily deals is a bit lame to be honest and I consider this more a failure experiment personally then a success. Those items should be given as a bonus to all backers, but now it's simply too late to go back on that.
10. The release and beta being so far away. I think they would have benfitted from spending more time on development (which they clearly have funding for) before starting the Kickstarter. Funding something we won't see tangible rewards for in almost 3 years time is a bit too much of a wait.
Keep in mind despite all this the game looks fantastic and I'd hate to tell people who might be interested in backing to not back it, but these things need to be noted and it's not exactly an attractive deal to MMO players even if the game is promising several outstanding features that should pull the genre forward.
Again, I'd hate to see the Kickstarter fail. I backed it, but it might be for the best. It might send a message about things like sub fees, paid betas, cash shops, and pay to win (however minor the advantages). At the moment it looks like it's going to come up short (by at least $100k, probably signficantly more) so we'll have to see their reaction when it does. I guess at this point it could still possibly succeed, but it's highly unlikely.
1) After Early Enrollment the game with go to a hybrid sub/F2P model. You can sub to get extra benefits. Otherwise you can earn in-game coin and buy training time with in-game coin.
3) The point is to have customers that want to build the community in the early days and advance the game to a really solid state as far as the community is concerned before the masses join. Additionally, the way they are talking about their early enrollment is that it will be more like you would see quality wise for a release of a standard MMO rather than the beta of a standard mmo
4) With the estimated full-level in one class taking a significant amount of time, a few months won't make a significant difference. They've mentioned their goal is to minimize the level gap so that a vet character isn't crazy overpowered compared to a couple new characters.
5) I think they do need to clarify this, I am hoping the mechanical advantages aren't actually game influencing advantages but rather fluff mechanical advantages.
7) The tech demo and the this KS are completely different and serve seperate purposes. This tech demo was to get the demo funded so they could obtain initial funding. Now that they have initial funding this KS is meant to help speed up development and allow for about a 1 year jump in release. Whether this KS is funded or not the game will still be released, just a year later.
8) See point 7 above.
9) They may offer an addon for them, like $5 or something at the end?
To dream, perhaps to be.
Yep it was retty bad but it did what it was supposed to and got the project off the ground and funded. My understanding is that they only used the budget they targeted in th kickstarter which left the other $220K or so for picking up middleware and the like.
I think the conclusion you project has no merit.
To dream, perhaps to be.
WIth all due respect...
Here's my take on it:
We'll see. So far they have not shown anything that would give me confidence that they are actually able to pull this project off.
You mean other than the fact that they have worked on numerous projects in the past?
Also... did you actually see the Environmental Tech Demo? If not.. go here
It didn't cost $300k but rather $50k.. and it has just been ported to the unity engine (note actual game will likely not be browser based but just the enviroment demo)
Very few people are as skeptical as me when it comes to these things. Trust me, or go ask the folks at StarVault how I react to shady business practices. These guys do not seem to be the typical "garage gang" with big dreams and no actual skills. They are industry vets of BOTH the MMO and RPG worlds. Some of the folks involved have been working on RPGs before the world had even heard of an MMO.
Is there a guarantee that they will deliver? No.
Is there a likelihood that they will? Well, I think so but you can feel differently
All I ask is that they say what they mean and do what they say. On those occassions that they cannot do what they said, I would like them to just honestly explain in a timely manner. Don't wait until the day before beta to postpone it by 4 months. Don't talk about features being "worked on" that will never be implemented.
So far, they have my money... and hopefully they can raise the remaining $300k over the weekend.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
No I haven't checked out the environment demo yet, just their tech demo video. Maybe I'll check out the environment demo when I get home, as I don't have UWP at work.
Don't get me wrong. The ideas they have are brilliant and I support their design concept fully. I've just experienced too many Aventurines and Star Vaults, so excuse me if I remain a bit skeptic. Maybe these guys are able to pull it off. I really hope they are. In any case, they need to show something more to get me convinced.
Some people throw their money on Kickstarter just for the ideas. I only do so if I believe they will be able to create a solid product. I am not going to pay the guys for merely trying.
I'll admit, you're right. History says these usually crash and burn: How many times can you throw a pre-order or collectors edition (I remember those stacks of WAR ones a couple of years later in shops!) at mmorpgs and pick the pieces up after they invariably fall to pieces?
I'll also say, did you check their blog update on the Middleware process? Bit gutted they missed BigWorld. So I'm little worried they can pull off the server stuff for Unity: But they have Mark Kalmes as CTO so that's a small reassurance.
Overall, I like the backgrounfs of these guys (PnP, EvE etc) and genuinely think the design ideas tick all the right boxes. I think there's a good chance I'll enjoy PfO (sooner the better that said) except the biggest check to that is if the combat just does not inspire - then even if the rest is good, it could still be a let-down.
Overall I'm still in support and want to be part of the process that brings in fresh developments in the mmorpg genre (it's an exciting genre despite all the negative noise that is the acoompanying "background music" in most of these games!).
I dunno i see the OP's thread as more as a complaint about there being a sub than anything else.
You kids have enough free games out there to last you a lifetime, let there be some p2p games, i dont even care if they have a smaller population....actually i find that to be a postive these days tbh.
If they have a good track record they should be able to secure money via investments, not donations.
The only way the whole kickstarter thing should work is if you pledge money, you get 105% (or more) in game credit: you sub for free/cash shop for free until it is used up. Anything else is unacceptable.
They do have funding and it will launch no matter what happens with Kickstarter. The Kickstarter will allow them to move up the release by a year though.
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
I only care for ingame trinkets, dont really want minis or pdfs. So I thought well I go with the tier who gives me most ingame stuff. Seems like I have to pledge 1000$ to get all dailys I missed. Thats just insane. Why not have all dailys at 100$? They would still be rare and a lot more people would up their pledge to 100$. Well I will go with a lower tier then. Sad.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
Well this put me off totally. I wont pledge at all. I just dont understand why the ingame trinkets and fluff stuff is so far out of reach for us late backers while tabletop minis and pdfs is thrown at me while I try donate my money to this mmorpg PC game project. I dont care about the Pathfinder TT. I care about PF:O and it would be a nice gesture to award me with ingame items for the pledge. Im willing to donate 100-150$ for all ingame daily items in this kickstarter but 1000$ is insane.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
I have to agree with you regarding the dailies should be open to all at $100 - possibly? But they can't reign in their promise for attracting people sitting on the fence early with the daily deal, so that's why I think.
Tbh, I don't think these items will be very serious in game: I think they are mostly fluff and have zero mechanical use. But they do as above entice early support (for momentum with the project) and also reveal (daily) some of the abundance of unique items there will be planned. Which is again good and more mmo value too than just TT value.
Tbh, you still get a great deal at the $100 level and fluff only has collector or resale value once the crafters get busy maybe??
To dream, perhaps to be.
I think you underestimate the value of fluff items. There are MMOs that make a killing just selling vanity stuff. And if PFO has appearance slots like most other MMOs, these items will be coveted.
I think they did a poor job with the daily deals. Instead, they should have allowed you to select any of the items depending upon how early you made your $100 pledge. If you did it the first day, you got all of it. If you did it the last three days, you could select any three. That way people could still pledge a bit later and not feel they lost out on items they really wanted and could ignore items they didn't care for.
You are speaking as a committed backer. A lot of people aren't committed as you so it's difficult to say it's overkill for those folks.
Each to his own I guess. Im not backing it but I will still keep my eyes on it.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
True, I've pledged more than most, but the flip side of that is I get all the daily deals and what have you anyway, no matter what anyone else does or doesn't get.
I cannot speak for others though, so your point is well taken.
To dream, perhaps to be.
I share only a few of your listed concerns, and I'm not going to support this kickstarter based on those.
It's a big enough company to not need this. Avoiding a publisher is cool and all, but taking donations plus offering a product via commerce from a community seems a touch greedy.
Plus I kind of doubt their goals now.
I hope it all pans out for the better, but feel free to color me a skeptic.
a yo ho ho
I agree.
They could also have set the daily rewards by the pledge tier i.e. at 35$ you can choose 5 of 30 dailys, at 50$ 10 of 30 dailys and so on tier by tier. At 150$ you get all dailys. They could still have unlocked one daily reward a day.
And instead of making the deal lesser interesting each day for us "fluff collector nuts on the fence" it would be a better deal by each day and a bigger reason for us to throw more money on GW. The whole KS, from start to end. As it is now only the "first day" backers get a better deal each day for their money and the potential backer gets a bader deal for not spending their money each day.
Well I know its volentary to join the fund raiser, but after funding 10+ KS I just find it weird that I should be punished for plegding late in the KS. Why not make the system above where it gets more and more rewarding to pledge and for all.
Well Im not backing so no need for me to rant here.
SWG: Astromechs & Friday Features and Guides from SWG O-forums (2003-2005) (Read last post first for clarity)
The Daily Deals are just little fluff items to reward people who back early. I missed out on 21 of them while I looked into the game and decided to pledge. To me the far more important factors are Destiny's Twin (which allows backers to skill up 2 characters at a time) and the Early Enrollment to be in on day one of a sandbox world.
If fluff items are the most important part of the pledge to you, then it might be best to skip the pledge and play when the game hits release. For me, the package of goodies that are included at the crowd forger level is just too much to pass up. I'm not even a tabletop player but I'm looking forward to seeing the Core Rulebook and the Guide to the River Kingdoms as well as the novel...
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018