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Hello again everyone
Being a Sandbox MMO fan I'm quite excited for Pathfinder Online.
They are a little short of their goal, probably a little to short to reach without some boost in media these last two days of their kickstarter even, so I did this info video on it.
If you feel like backing it,, now is the time to do so and also to spread the word (which is what the video is for)
Honest none-summarized friendly gameplay videos with commentary: MMO previews / Gametesting / Let's Play:
you should link to their KS page, not some youtube vid
or both
Game design seems to be everything I am looking for...
Experienced developers from both MMO and Tabletop RPGs...
They got my pledge.. and I haven't even pre-ordered a game in years!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Philosophy of MMO Game Design
You are quite right, I forgot to do that, done now.
The purpose of the video is to make it more acessible, both for people with attentionspan issues with rather large kickstarter pages such as pathfinders And to provide everyone an easy way to share the info with others to spread the message.
Kickstarter page was always linked in video description.
Honest none-summarized friendly gameplay videos with commentary: MMO previews / Gametesting / Let's Play:
Oh please....
Quite a bit... read up on it if you have an interest!
All time classic MY NEW FAVORITE POST! (Keep laying those bricks)
"I should point out that no other company has shipped out a beta on a disc before this." - Official Mortal Online Lead Community Moderator
Proudly wearing the Harbinger badge since Dec 23, 2017.
Coined the phrase "Role-Playing a Development Team" January 2018
"Oddly Slap is the main reason I stay in these forums." - Mystichaze April 9th 2018
Or let me read them up to you by watching the video
Honest none-summarized friendly gameplay videos with commentary: MMO previews / Gametesting / Let's Play:
To dream, perhaps to be.
Key Sandbox Features:
Core design concept is to create systems which enhance meaningful player interaction where players are the central content of the game. As above lots of take-homes from EVE.
Some of the specific MMORPG attractions of the kickstarter in short order:
For all you sandbox fans this will be a good one.
With your pledge you get tons of swag!!!
Support the RPG community and make a stand against the money hungry sharks in suits!
"It would be awesome if you could duel your companion. Then you could solo pvp".--Thanes
If they don't make the full amount, they don't get anything sadly..
"You are all going to poop yourselves." BillMurphy
"Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone."
What a waste of time and money.
They say the game will be out in 2016!!!
We just started 2013, by the time they are done with this game there will be a new generation of online games already and this one already looks ancient compared to todays games in terms of everything not just graphics.
I love sandbox, but waiting 3 years to play a game after paying, only a sucker would do that and sandbox companies like darkfall, mortal online, etc keep getting them to pay.
Affirmative, but it is pretty steep unless you are pretty comfortable. Alpha is $1000. Anything over that also includes alpha.
To dream, perhaps to be.
They can't it would be counter to the KS ToS. However they may have some angels in the wings. The top tier ($10,000) description (not the art lover one, the one below that) says they have 'several' who want to contribute $10,000 or more but what they want is apparently being negotiated.
To dream, perhaps to be.
no wonder I missed it. I didn't even scroll down that far. no alpha is worth $1000
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I kinda have the same exact feeling..
Generally kickstarters HAVE a prototype to show off what they're asking the money for, but these guys asked YOU to finance their prototype that they can show YOU to get more money .. and maybe to show to some investors.
That's part of it, along with while they have a very heavy experainced table top designing team and story writers, one also wonders where their experiance software team is. There is sadly just too much "fluff" in this kickstarter then actual information such as development scheduals, team of developers, time table. To me it seems like a bunch of ventern table top makers liking the idea of bringing this to an MMO setting. However, I just don't see the experianced development team that would be needed to take on a such a very large and detailed project. Being a developer with over 20 years of experiance, I have a good idea what is needed, I just don't see that team here to do this correctly. At least, the representation here is to make a AAA title and assuming this is the case, the time alone to say to do a descent interface would be months to years for just one person.
The depth the talk about this game having also means it has allot of automation and AI control, that sort of programing takes a long time to do. The more automation you add to a project, the longer it will take period.
Well I gota run, work in the morning, I do wish them all the best but there are just to many questions then answers for invesment. Maybe their next kickstarter will be more on the project then the fluff.
"The monster created isn't by the company that makes the game, it's by the fans that make it something it never was"
I pledged the lowest tier to get the game itself. Not really a fan of multiple kickstarters for the same project and the release date of 2016 is quite far ahead, but as I see there are zero MMO games of real interest (to me) coming out this year, I thought what the heck.
EVE will have to keep me occupied until ArcheAge comes west, sometime in the 2014 I would suppose.
Actually a heavily sandboxed game will take LESS time to develop than a heavily themeparked one. This is because for a themepark game, every piece of content will need to be crafted bit by bit, over and over again. In a sandbox game you design a tool that the players can use to create their own content.
Of course this game will also require a lot of ready-built PvE content to get it rolling, but if the sandbox tools are good and there are enough of them, there is no need to make tons of themepark content to compete with games like WoW, Rift and GW2. I would wager that building the world in GW2, with all the dynamic events, the personal story quests, etc. took easily the bulk of their development budget both time and money wise.
By 2016 they should have a nice amount of content created and robust tools to keep the players busy. A sandbox game will not get "consumed" as fast as a themepark game. After launch they can keep developing more content and more tools.
Look at EVE. That game was launched with a very minimum of content, but right from the start it had powerful tools for enabling a player driven economy and the conflict around it. Hell, they didn't even have player Sovereignty at launch.
This game looks like it will follow many of EVE's design principles, but softening the FFA PvP side a bit. Frankly, I think that's the best way to approach a sandbox game.
And yes, I'm pretty sure they will reach their goal.