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looking to build a gaming pc price range 1000-1200 give or take. never built a pc before but i could use alot of help when i get the money together. so if you guys help me fill in the blanks for the parts with tips and links for what would fit the case,price would be appreciated.
case-phantom 410 (still working on what color i want)
video card-GeForce 660 (using a radeon 5770HD but wanna try something different)
Operating system- Windows 7 (not sure if home 64 or pro is better but currently using vista 64)
Processor- Intel i5 (not sure if this would be better then my i7 but my i7 is in my current pc)
Mobo- Z77X-UP4TH (heard this is a good one and my current pc is running with its default one)
Boot drive-Sata SSD (not sure what i have but this is gotta be better lol)
cd driver-DVD+RW
Hard drive-Baracuda (forgot exact name lol)
PSU-corsair CX 600-700wt
sound card- ??
current pc is a dell studio xps desktop and i've upgraded some parts but still isn't all that great
3 yo pc still consistant freezing issue and tired of it all !
video card
power supply
current pc specs
OS Name Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium
Version 6.0.6002 Service Pack 2 Build 6002
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Name RON-PC
System Manufacturer Dell Inc.
System Model Studio XPS 435MT
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 2668 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date Dell Inc. 1.1.4, 12/21/2009
SMBIOS Version 2.5
Windows Directory C:Windows
System Directory C:Windowssystem32
Boot Device DeviceHarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.0.6002.18005"
User Name Ron-PCRon
Time Zone Eastern Standard Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.99 GB
Available Physical Memory 4.49 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.2 GB
Available Virtual Memory 12.3 GB
Page File Space 8.28 GB
Page File C:pagefile.sys
A lot of things can cause a freezing issue. Improper voltage settings for the CPU or RAM are bad. Improper frequencies or timings can cause freezing. Hitching due to loading data from the hard drive is often described as "freezing" by some people. A corrupted hard drive is another simple cause of "freezing" issues. Wouldn't you rather fix what you have than spend all the extra money replacing something that is probably good, given a few minor tweaks and upgrades?
I would start by putting a SSD in your PC after you fix whatever is causing the "freezing" issue. Read these forums to find recent advice on good SSD choices.
If you really don't want your current PC, I'll take it and fix it so I can sell it on ebay. If you are willing to let others help you troubleshoot it, post more details about the "freezing" issue so we know exactly what is happening.
This is my post from the Dell Forum which nobody has really given me a cure for the problem
I've had this computer for about 3 or 4 years now and i've taken this pc to the retailer i got it from and had tests done and ran diagnostic tests on the dell site and everything checks out however i never thought this was an issue because my pc has been freezing almost since a got it.
the freezing is usually when i first start it up and takes anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes before freezing this includes any sound looping and in worst cases screen scrambles any pictures or i get blue screen of death.
I've replaced parts in it such as video card,PSU, added RAM to it but still the pc freezes and i had a friend who knew more about dell pc's check it out and she said the heart of the matter is the motherboard has anyone else really had this problem that possibly leads to just replacing the motherboard ?.
If the motherboard is the problem can anyone give me information on a good replacement for me ? maybe a possible bigger case for my pc if i wanted to get a bigger and better motherboard and move into a bigger case ?.
I've also had my keyboard die on me at random for no reason and had to reboot in order to type is this just reason to replace my default dell keyboard ?
no on the GPU i think mine is like a 500wt can't remember offhand.
and i was really thinking of building a seperate PC and possibly using some of the parts in my current pc if i can and if not i'll keep the old one as a backup or something.
What's your budget, and where are you looking to buy parts?
Also, could you give the list of exact parts that you have? Give the exact brand name and model as often as you can.
budget 1000-1200 give or take what i can save up.
i don't have any parts right now.
i've been looking around between newegg & tigerdirect
my first thought was to use some of the existing parts in my dell xps and work from that but i still can't figure out what is freezing my pc but i've been told the video card,ram,motherboard,OS any of these could cause freezing.
i've replaced most of the parts at one point or another except motherboard & OS
this is a 3 year old dell i have now it works well enough but i think i can do better either upgrading this or building a new pc.
It could be a driver conflict.
Try adding discrete sound and network cards.
Swapping the ram. You said you added ram so are you running with 4 sticks? if so try running with just 2 of each to see if it's a ram issue.
Defragment the HD if it hasent been done.
Have you tried an OS reinstall?
the ram sticks are newer and bigger then what i had before and my info says the ram is maxed but it i did the math and i have more ram but it caps off at 8gb for this mobo i think aswell.
not sure how i'd go about things with sound & network cards.
OS reinstall i haven't tried in awhile not sure if that will wipe everything.
I noticed something recently after re-watching a video on youtube that had a program for fan speed/temp that once the computer reaches about 75-76c it will freeze however mine is ranging from 71-74c and its running fine so until it gets hotter and if it freezes i won't know for sure if its just a simple fix like having more cooling fans or something.
on this note if its a cooling issue i will feel really REALLY F***ing stupid >_<
however i would still like to do some upgrading lol
List what you are wanting to reuse.
Detailed descriptions and not " 700w power supply". This will at least give a starting point for what you need to buy, whats good and can be reused, ect.
the parts i replaced i think i could reuse
power supply- TR2 600wt
video card radeon 5770HD but i might try a different brand
RAM 8gb
also replaced my hard drive but its probably the oldest of the replacements so that might be out but its a 1TB or 970gb w/e
thinking i might try another OS like win7 or win8
The power supply will need to be replaced. The RAM while not the best will easily do. The 1TB drive can be used as a storage drive most likely.
You can probably use the optical drive ( dvd/cd drive / burner ) as long as its sata.
The 5770 is up to you if you want to replace or not. If you have the budget then you can go either way. A 660 or 7870 ( or above ) will be a nice upgrade over the 5770.
You also need to consider - are you going to be able to put this together>? or will you have to pay someone local to put the parts together for you. Its not hard really, but if you have never done it before you may want someone to at least help. Or see if a local PC shop can put it together for a small fee.
i know a person or two that can put pc's together and i'm learning myself.
budget would be 1000-1200 give or take what i can save up.
i posted my specs so it could help narrow down some questions too
This is a build based around your budget of roughly $1k and considering the parts you have and can re use.
CPU and Mobo combo
Case- This is mainly a matter of choice / taste for you. I go for functionality over looks. Its up to you how much you spend on a case.
OS- This is windows 8 ( 64 bit ), could go with this or windows 7 either one.
CPU Cooler
Total = $922 + shipping. Then $35 in mail in rebates. After rebates and shipping should hit around $900 roughly.
If you are reusing the RAM , HDD and Optical Drive then that should be everything you need. If you want to spend more you can upgrade a bit. A more expensive motherboard with extra overclocking features, a bigger SSD, a top of the line GPU, ect. I was trying to be budget minded while keeping good quality.
I would let Quiz and a few other regular posters add their thoughts and ideas before you buy. Also be aware to take some advice with a grain of salt. ( and yes that may even include mine
thats pretty good list of parts but i'm not sure about two things, the OS and the case.
i really like the look of these
full tower looks great but mid towers not bad only thing i wonder about is that much space with the full tower and what else i could squeeze in to upgrade down the road.
Thermaltake TR2 power supplies are garbage. It's plausible that that alone might be your problem, though it's also plausible that it has damaged something else in your system and that's the source of the problem.
I'd try getting a good quality power supply first, and seeing if that fixes everything else. If not, then you would have had to buy a new power supply anyway, so you just keep using the power supply you just bought. Here you go:
More wattage than you need, but it's high quality and it's $90 with the promo code, which is appropriate for a $1000-$1200 budget.
Case is going to be up to you. Those you linked are perfectly fine and will work great. Thats your call on what to buy / spend on a case as most will do.
OS is also up to you. Do you want windows 7 or 8? just get the 64 bit version and you golden either way. I am sticking with 7 myself, but alot of people like 8. Decide what you want, really cant make a bad choice there IMO.
This +1
I missed that promo on the PSU, nice find on price and quality for sure. And he very well may be correct that trashing a cheap PSU may solve your whole problem. may not to tho.
never thought the power supply would cause any issues considering i had the default psu that was 250wt in this pc with my radeon card which the guy at best buy was shocked my pc didn't blow up from a weak psu and strong video card and the psu was bought in 2011-2012 can't remember exaclty.
i've had this pc for around 3 years and i've replaced the parts i listed and i still have the freezing issue how would getting another power supply solve the problem ?
the parts i read that cause freezing i replaced most of them except for motherboard and maybe hard drive and i've watched a video of a brand new xps out of box with this freezing issue and my only thought is it might be just plain overheating the fan speed program has ranged from 65-74c in the video it went to 75-76c and froze in the exact same way mine has.
I think i'd go with win7 home 64 since i've been using vista home 64 and works good.
You may have replaced a shitty PSU that couldnt handle the system with another shitty PSU that cant handle the system.
But then again, maybe not. Hard to tell. But the advice of buying a good solid PSU and putting it in to see if it fixes your problem is solid. As you win either way. Your system gets fixed, or you have a great PSU for your new build.
If you are not interested in attempting to fix your old system then thats still a great deal on the PSU quiz linked.
you have a point there sorry if i'm arguemenative about this stuff lol.
The freezing may have been caused by overtaxing a power supply enough that it damaged something else. The "something else" would then be the direct cause of the freezing, but getting a known good power supply will at least prevent further damage. The power supply also has the advantage that it will be compatible with any modern computer, so you don't have to worry about buying a part that you'll just have to replace again if you decide to replace the computer.
while checking out the psu on new egg i was trying to get the promo code to work which doesn't seem to wanna work and i signed up for the discounts and found this
would this work just the same its abit more but not that big of a deal.
If the promo code won't work, then you go with a cheaper power supply instead.