Many people are saying to get the 670 sli on TTL's oc3D website but there isnt much i can use to justify the SLI setup apart from amazing gaming performance
Today i was going to go with the 670SLI but now it seems like the 7970 could be a better choice because its not as overkill plus the 670 cards are some brand called AFOX which i have never heard of and use stock coolers so im really not sure on which setup i should be using
Many people are saying to get the 670 sli on TTL's oc3D website but there isnt much i can use to justify the SLI setup apart from amazing gaming performance
Today i was going to go with the 670SLI but now it seems like the 7970 could be a better choice because its not as overkill plus the 670 cards are some brand called AFOX which i have never heard of and use stock coolers so im really not sure on which setup i should be using