Very sad news, i loved almost all the work that THQ have done so far and even if the next projects are already in other hands (warhammer,Saints row..) im still sad about its cease, as much said already, others deserved more that fate but unfortunately this is how real world works, rest in peace THQ i will never forget your work.
Also im really interested to see what SEGA do with the warhammer franchise...
sad news. I hope a good company saves Saints Row, Metro and Darksiders. I need more direct sequels on those games. Specially saints row. Oh and whoever vuys Metro, it needs a good co-op campain a la Gears and Lost planet.
Sega = Good People guys. Really. I wish they were still in the console market like they used to be (Sonic is my console Hero of choice), but they just couldn't compete with sony after the launch of the original playstation.
Originally posted by DaedalEVE Sega = Good People guys. Really. I wish they were still in the console market like they used to be (Sonic is my console Hero of choice), but they just couldn't compete with sony after the launch of the original playstation.
To this day I stand by my opinion that Dreamcast was a better console in all facets than playstation, however it did not have the developer support that Sony had and Dreamcast exclusives did not hold up to the mega hit Playstation exclusives around that time (Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid)..
While they have done well in the game side of business, I wouldn't mind seeing them return to consoles.. They should approach those folks working on either the OUYA or jump in with Valve and that Steam Box..
Theres still vigil....
Run vigil run....or you wil enslaved for life
Better to die young and loved than old and hated
"It has potential"
-Second most used phrase on existence
"It sucks"
-Most used phrase on existence
Ex-Vigil is being hired outside of the auction by Platnium Games; makers of Vanquish / Bayonetta.
Think Platnium is also trying to get DarkSiders IP.
Gdemami -
Informing people about your thoughts and impressions is not a review, it's a blog.
Very sad news, i loved almost all the work that THQ have done so far and even if the next projects are already in other hands (warhammer,Saints row..) im still sad about its cease, as much said already, others deserved more that fate but unfortunately this is how real world works, rest in peace THQ i will never forget your work.
Also im really interested to see what SEGA do with the warhammer franchise...
BestSigEver :P
To this day I stand by my opinion that Dreamcast was a better console in all facets than playstation, however it did not have the developer support that Sony had and Dreamcast exclusives did not hold up to the mega hit Playstation exclusives around that time (Final Fantasy 7, Tekken 3, Metal Gear Solid)..
While they have done well in the game side of business, I wouldn't mind seeing them return to consoles.. They should approach those folks working on either the OUYA or jump in with Valve and that Steam Box..