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It looks like some online ARPG are integrating more MMO features, or becoming one.
Diablo 3 - add AH, very much a MMO standard feature.
Path of Exile - have some common zones
Marvel Heroes - though pretty much a D2 like ARPG with marvel characters, have common zones, and the devs does use the MMO label.
Are there more?
Funny you don't complain when people are beating deader horses like:
- no sandbox ... wahhh
- no open world pvp ... wahhh
- things are to easy ... wahhhh
At least this is less discussed than those dead horses.
There is nothing new under the sun. We all beat dead horses.
I happen to agree w/ the sentiment of the OP. The genres are growing more similar.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
And it is probably natural because MMOs and ARPG shares a lot of their audience. Look at WOW ... 1.2M wow players bought D3 through annual pass (and the overlap is probably even larger if you count non-annual pass purchase).
Some of the MMO gameplay (click a button, go into a group of 4 or 5 to run a dungeon) is very much similar to that of a ARPG.
If they actually make them more like mmorpg I would play them. The thing to me with those game, is simply they lack content.
There's just so much more things to do in your typical mmorpg now compare to those game(where you just simply farm the same thing over and over again).
ARPGs have always been, to me at least, predominantly a single player game with multiplayer capabilities. When you look at poe, very little has changed from diablo 2. Sure you have each act's town as a common zone, but this is nothing more than an in game representation of the channel system in diablo 2, and its still perfectly viable to experience the game from a single player perspective (this is how i have been playing it). Mmorpgs on the other hand, have always been more focused on representing a "world", where the multiplayer aspect is an unavoidable feature.
Personally i think you have it the wrong way round. Mmorpg's seem to be becoming more like ARPGs.
They will hurt themeslves mostly. (enrage timers anyone?)
I dont think there is a game system "to rule them all", the closest we got was when mmos actually featured outlets for many types of people, which is no longer the case.
Flame on!
I know what you mean, but it does seem he is not calling any of these games an MMO, or stating they change what MMO means either. Rather, he is just making a point that the 2 genres are beginning to overlap one another. I for one am all for it too. I am happy to see some features of an MMO incorporated into an ARPG. In fact, its part of the reason I am so interested in Marvel Heroes despite any proof of it being an MMO as the developers label it.
Sadly. But been saying this for a long time too.
Sure. But wouldn't you play them for a short time? Just finish the content and move on.
Suckle on the Homogenization!
Tastes good, does it not?
Couldn't agree more. ARPG's are simple to a fault. I don't care if one audience likes the other, they are about as far away from a virtual world as you can thanks.
Neverwinter can't possibly have that simple click click click boring ass combat (as a poster above me stated). But then again look who's making that game, I guess anything is possible from them.
but we use the same areas in MMORPGs over and over again too.
Like the main city.
Like the arenas.
When rerolling.
If the combat is fun enough, or the arenas are fun enough... we will do same content over and over. Random encounters like champion mobs, and random map layout helps some.
But people will sometimes do the same content a million times, like in DOTA games.
So if the encounters/PVP/combat/loot etc is fun enough, you dont have to make a lot of content
Why is it sad? If you like MMO, you may like some of the ARPGs which are becoming more like MMOs. Worse case, you don't like these games and don't play them.
They don't take away from the current MMOs.
Some may even argue that some ARPGs have more content because they use random dungeons. So at least you are not doing the same dungeon again and again, which is the main play style in many MMOs.
We are talking about ARPGs, not MMOs here.
In the point regarding enrage timers, i suppose not all MMOs features are good. However, don't you think AH and some public zones are popular?
Don't you think a public zone is a better lobby than a menu? There may even be gameplay there.
What are you looking for, what is your need, or compulsion to repeatedly keep asking the very same question?
"No they are not charity. That is where the whales come in. (I play for free. Whales pays.) Devs get a business. That is how it works."
lineage eternal is an arpg thats a full blown mmo and it looks fantastic, arpg play style is fun but way to limited.. diablo 3 4 player max.. and re running the same stage over and over,
imagine if there was new content all the time, it be awesome
ARPG's are mostly from a time before MMORPG's.
Many people (not all) are not pleased with their gameplay which lacks variety, like decent professions, discoverng an open world, full 3 D controls, thousands of people in an open world.
They have advantages over MMO's too and as such I doubted they could take off. But it appears they are not up to their tasks.
Advantages like no attunements or reputation grinds to advance in group modes are countered by extreme grind and repetitive gameplay.
What a game like D3 is good at is adaptable solo challenge though (through its Monster Power Play since patch 1.05), but most fast play modes/challenges are already included in games like the DOTA genre, so ARPG's are going nowhere I am afraid.
The question - of course - is where are MMORPG's going ? Nowhere I am afraid either.
It all depends what Kaplan has up his sleeves. I would go for a massive complete open world with cross server game play (no need to take portals that way) and solo challenges going along with grouping content (perhaps with phasing to support these challenges in an open cross server world).
If Kaplan doesn't succeed, I think new MMORPG's will become short lived like ARPG's. If WOW would become less popular, the MMORPG market will be really niche in an on line industry where fast/fun/satisfaction NOW is the default playing mode.
Come on Nariusseldon, you are becoming a Bandmaster with one drum here.
You know what my views are, you don't see me doing a thread a week about them. Give the new posters a chance.
Really? I thought you flog the dead horse about sanbox, open world and what-not way more.
I do like a thread a week. At least breaking the monogamy of every thread ranting abotu easy mode, no death penalty, lack of community and lack of open world.
Lineage Eternal looks great. I will definitely try it out when it is released.
And yeah, lack of content is an issue. I am sure there are those who are sick of doing act 3 inferno runs in D3. May be people should play them for a while, leave, and only come back when there is new content (like an expansion, or the new boss fight inferno machine in a patch)?
ARPGs are not MMOs .. no one needs to play them for years. Heck, i love ARPGs but i doubt i will play every one for years. Borderland (the first one) was great .. but it is meant to be finished, and then i moved on.
"Really? I thought you flog the dead horse about sanbox, open world and what-not way more."
I joined in 03, you joined in 07, now look at our post counts. Nuff said.
AH and public zones are trivial from the arpg gameplay perspective (in the best case, DONT MENTION ZE D3!!! ), once you try to go deeper, things will cause trouble, like hardcore progression, instanced bosses or the mentioned enrage timers.
The unfortunate thing is, the problem is not clear on the first sight, i mean, a turn based game in realtime everyone would notice right away, but these subtle things?
Flame on!