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There are two lures for MMO gamers everywhere: The lure of being a godlike power in a given world and the lure to be just an Average Joe who happened on greatness. We take a look at why these are important with particular regard to The Secret World. Read on before heading to the comments.
Sure, I never actually get far enough in my play to actually experience most the new content (I have some weird unresolved latency issues that make area transitions a pain in the butt), but whenever there’s some new perk or quality of life addition, I come back, I chat with people, and I just run around killing whatever’s evil enough to be in reach with gleeful abandon.
One of the main reasons why I keep coming back to TSW is the fact that it’s one of the few MMOs that comes closest to being my favorite personal escape.
Read more of Victor Barreiro Jr.'s The Secret World: The Two Lures.
While i do enjoy the Ordinary to Extrodinary part of the game. the other thing i like is that they flat out tell you, your not alone, Your not the only one, your not even rare. This makes it so that when you start running into other people in TSW, its not a OMG another chosen one, and another... and another... and another. Where as in games like WoW and GW2 they make a big deal about you being this awesome amazing hero who is standing in a MASSIVE CROWD of amazing heros while still treating your like your special.
The only people that treat you special in TSW are those who are not apart of the "Secret World", Thats probubly out of fear too. I just enjoy a game actually taking a moment to comment on the fact that while your special your not rare. that way when i enter agartha and see a crowd of Anima users, its not immersion breaking.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
It's a cool game, but it dosen't have very lasting content, I enjoy that the quests are not tun to X pick up item, but some are just too far out there. I don't think most people spend 5 hours on a single quest so they just google it, in the end you just google before even trying hwich is sad.
Actually i dont have anyone in my cabal that does that. i can see it happening on Servers like Grim and Cerb however when you walk into the RP servers its almost like a completely different game.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
I take it your not a templar, Its a main part of the templar opening when your meet the person giving you weapons. i can see why Illuminati want you to feel special, Because they want their people to be full of themselves thinking they are amazing. As for the Dragon they keep you in the dark on everything they can, also makes sense why they wont say anything.
If you want i can find a youtube link to prove EXACTLY what im saying.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
Because i can.
I'm Hopeful For Every Game, Until the Fan Boys Attack My Games. Then the Knives Come Out.
Logic every gamers worst enemy.
This is what he says specifically:
"Never mind why this power's been awakened in you. You're not the only one, and you're not The Chosen One. You're part of an army -- our army -- and from now on, you'll do what you're told."
What can men do against such reckless hate?
When I want a single-player story, I'll play a single-player game. When I play an MMO, I want a massively multiplayer world.
Very nicely put.
Ofcourse I have my own set of gripes and list of things that could have been done better, but over all I feel its a amasing game.
One of the things I like about this game is it feels more down to earth and over all feel more realistic then most mmos out there.
The weapons for instance give a the feeling they are actually practical and usefull in RL (most actually are), unlike the oversized trent in most mmos nowadays that look like weapons that would be more harmfull to the wielder then their opponant.
Even the combat animations feel more like those used in actual combat instead of the holywood-dragonballz hybrid combat animations that look very flashy and spectacular but would get you killed in RL..
Secrets of Dragon?s Spine Trailer.. !
Best MMOs ever played: Ultima, EvE, SW Galaxies, Age of Conan, The Secret World
The Return of ELITE !
Was psyched when I heard about the new 1.6 whip aux weapon. But, I was a bit disappointed that the "free gift" for subscribers this month was the Anubis piece(s) instead of unisex Indiana Jones fedora that would have went really well with that whip.
Overall, I'm really liking the game. I had been kind of set adrift after a long (LONG) time playing World of Warcraft -- I quit that game after 6.5 years about a year after Cataclysm because the design philosophy and developer attitude had abruptly changed and I didn't like the direction WoW was headed.
I tried Star Wars: The Old Republic for 3 months, started that game on day one of early game access, and absolutely hated it. Sigh, what a mess.
I hit the fork in the road around late spring and the two choices were Tera which had already launched or Secret World which was delayed a bit, but seemed like the better choice. Being impatient, I tried Tera instead of going with TSW and while the graphics were great, and the gameplay was innovative, the game just felt "odd" and I could never warm up to it (I don't think Tera being f2p would even make a difference, I could never connect to the game, so I canceled that subscription).
I went back to Star Trek Online a while back and while I always like the game, it was never a real AAA MMO game and when they threw their loyal subcribers under the bus with Season 7 patch in November, I canceled that subcription after 33 months of uninterrupted sub'bing. Sigh, another one bit the dust.
So, I needed a new MMO and since I was trying to avoid the 600 pound gorilla (GW2) the only "new" game left on the list was Secret World. I gave it a try in November before it went b2p and I was very impressed. It's not perfect and still has a lot of warts to overlook, but it's fun and different enough to keep my attention (for now). Now, if they'd only get their internal distractions settled (restructuring, layoffs, other growing pains) maybe I'd feel a bit more comfortable playing the game. In the meantime, I'm having fun playing the game and crossing my fingers, hoping they sort out all their issues and are around for a long time because it is one of the more unique MMOs out there.
Hey folks.
Some thoughts: One of the things I like about the story is the implications of getting supernatural powers is what havoc it does to your ordinary life.
Opening is that it flies in your mouth.... prior to that, you were asleep. BUT PRIOR TO THAT? You were probably wondering what breakfast would be, and what work was going to be like.
The contrast between that and facing the horrors of a world beyond the doldrums of existence... that's the big draw for me. Even if I do happen to be a rank and file soldier against the apocalypse.
A writer and gamer from the Philippines. Loves his mom dearly.
Can also be found on
TSW seems to be really hit and miss for most people....I was part of the "its awful" crowd.....I followed it for 2 years before it launched and was just very disappointed in it......IMO Funcom's best game was made in 2001 (AO) and they've gone downhill ever since.