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I need some help... just gonna put some history in here first to help you help me
I am 18, started college now, being kept very busy... but not too busy to completely disregard gaming. I've always loved FPS, that is my favorite genre that I haven't tired of. You could play it for 10 minutes and have fun... that's sort of what I want in a MMO. Basically, I just want a game where it isn't endless grinding, takes forever to level, etc... you know, what makes a good mainstream game anymore :P
WoW was my first MMO and I love love loved it... but I got bored around lvl 50. But the premise was there... but I saw through the facade of end-game content. Yes, recently it has had lots of additions, but it just doesn't seem rewarding enough.
I'm looking for an MMO that isn't mainly focused items, but on the combat, the gameplay. I want the fighting to be fun, the one thing to enjoy the most. I don't want to spend most of my time in towns buying this and that, staring at my stats figuring out what I want to add 2 points in forever... I want to play. I want to make good use of my time, and have fun doing it. Yes, it takes time to be rewarded in games, I understand that and will accept that, but that doesn't mean it has to be boring.
I disliked EQ2 because of its quest system, rounding up quests in a town, going into a field, rinse & repeat. I want a game with decent graphics... I don't want 2D or something. Guild Wars was fun, but lacked depth. DAoC was fun, but a little too hardcore for me. I've resorted to free games, been playing Gunz occasionally, tried Rakion, ROSE, Maple Story... nothing is sticking.
Am I hopeless? I've never played SWG, I know Anarchy Online is aged but supposedly good and partially free, I'm not sure what else is available.
Money is no issue. Sorry to make this be a huge rant... I just want to get hooked like I did with WoW again!
City of Villains maybe?
Whatever you do, never pre-order anything with NCsoft, don't buy the pre-order for the extra item, you risk screwing your account and waiting...6 days and waiting now. Eh, that is pretty cool? Pre-ortder to self mutilate! New concept! Don't risk the pre-order!
The game will be nerfed and the gameplay destroyed, Cryptic is that way, they like to give a good product then remove inch by inch. Kinda like torturing folks, so play until you don't bear the "improves" they bring into the game. The combat is fast, there is only 1 thing to do when you level up, everything is fast an intuitive.
The other option would be Guild War, I don't know much about it so I can't talk, some stuff I strongly dislike (personnal tastes), but might be appealing to you from what I read. GW staff are the real Blizzard staff, Blizzard is run by imposters!
Based on what you write, I would not recommend any other MMO except maybe the Planetside or WW2, if this is your type of games.
- "If I understand you well, you are telling me until next time. " - Ren
I've been lookin at games all day and I think I found what might work out for me, Lineage II on a private server. The thing stopping me from being interested in it is the only thing you ever hear... it's grind. Now I've learned that isn't necessary
Well for me I use to play SWG hardcore, but play less and less since SOE scrwed the game up just recently. I give that a free trial after Nov 12th once the "NGE" come out.
Since you played WoW then i can't give any more advice on that.
I play CoH occasonaly and CoV that game is fun, but the lack of loot bothers me.
I'm really wating for RF Online which is a Mech type MMO it looks little Anime but the graphics are simply amazing.
Check it out here
Private servers are only illegal if the Admin charges the players to play on the servers, but in all of the L2 priv servers i have played I have found they all suck. Either the GM's are corrupt and give away free items to people who donate or the servers are up 50% of the time and the lag is unbearable. And Lineage II tends to bring out the fag in people, I started a charecter on a 40x and was constantly pked and ganked all the way to 75. Im thinking about giving COH another try and getting COV then eventually move to RF online
I've been lookin at games all day and I think I found what might work out for me, Lineage II on a private server. The thing stopping me from being interested in it is the only thing you ever hear... it's grind. Now I've learned that isn't necessary
hmmm....private servers.....not a good thing.......but, thats your decission. Just remember that a private server (and they exsist for almost any game) is not the true game but how someone else envisions the game. Usually someone who would prefer an easy or exploitable version.
L2 is dependent on items also so unless your private server provides you with gear, you will have a level 75 whatever in noob cloths....... have fun storming the castle
Am I hopeless?
Nope, maybe you are looking at the wrong types of games. Huxley will be out soon, that sounds like something more along your liking........maybe (?)
Anarchy Online is all about stats. In fact, the technical details is what makes the game if you don't enjoy numbercrunching the game seems wrong for you.
Haven't played SWG so I can't give you suggestions there.
I suppose a casual game like CoH/CoV would suit you.. but like GW it's a game lacking in depth.
Maybe you can try Saga of Ryzom, combat in that game is pretty fun because of good mob AI. But still you won't find in it the fast-paced fun of FPS.
I have noo idea wht AutoAssault is like but maybe you want to look into that? Or perhaps wait for SUN which promises console-style combat whatever that means.
MMO Fav List:
Lineage 2 | 5x Silver Ranger, 7x Shillien Elder <- Active
WoW | 6x Rogue, 1x Priest
Anarchy Online | 8x MetaPhysicist
Saga of Ryzom | Matis Light Armourer
Waiting for: Age of Conan, Lineage 3
i'd say, try planetside for a month.. you can buy the game for like 15 bucks inluding the add-on. as soon you get started with planetside you can do the vr training where you can get exp points for, just try out all the weapons and vehicles and you will end up with 10 Certifcation points. those 10 points will be enough for you to get a decent battle gear and a vehicle, get yourself a good and active outfit and fire away!
Even though the game works with a level-up system you can still have a load of fun, as long you have the weapons/vehicles you want (you can even give up the certification for that weapon and certificate a new weapon/vehicle) and an active and good outfit you can have fun without worieng getting exp, you can rank up even faster by ignoring that whole bs. The max Battle rank you can get in planetside is 25 and is easily to get by an experienced fps player in like a month or 3 at casual play.. (i call 3 hours each schoolday and 8 hours on saturaday and/or sunday casual :P) Planetside is also a fine game if you only have 10 mins, you can use the HART to drop in the action right away.
I'm in the same boat as you. Nothing seems to be satisfying.
I still Play GW pvp, but I'm bored silly and the PvE was so easy it's not worth doing.
I'm watching Pirates of the Burning Sea, but I'm skeptical, Vanguard which is a throwback to EQ style PvE and Age of Conan, which sounds like a lot of PvP.
I like the whole Look of RF and the game sounds like it plays well. what has me nervous is the total lack of dev response for the forums. I've never had a ton of success with Asian games, no offense intended but they just don't seem to care and their games are a bit different from what I'd choose.
I think I have a similar post around here somewhere.
Don't even think of going to SWG(RIP)
Like me you probably want to get into something now and not wait for any of the new beta's to ever get finished.
I downloaded EVE and AO last night, played AO a bit, very dated graphics and overall feel, but the charcter classes look very interesting, will stick it out for a few days and see how it goes. Plus was very cool when a live CSR popped in to ask me if I had any questions since I was new.
EVE looks pretty complicated and is purely space based, there seems to be two kinds of people for EVE those that hate it and those that absolutely love it. Will be trying it out in the next few weeks.
COH/COV I have a 14 day buddy pass from a friend and have been trying it out. The gameplay is fun but repetitive, and isn't a very "deep" game. Seems to be a game you can play for a few hours and not play for awhile then come back to it and haven't really missed anything. No other way to get a free trial as far as I know other than these passes.
Played ShadowBane, seems kind of fun but can't get over the click to move thing... Has a 14 day trial
Saga of Ryzon, Gameplay was ok, fun because you can put your points into any skill but didn't seem to be too many people on US servers. Has a free trial also.
Sadly right now there doesn't seem to be anything overly exciting out. The prequel to Dark and Light is supposed to be out this month and it is free. Might be worth investigating, everything else is in some kind of beta...
Let me know if you find anything interesting.
"Put your foot where your mouth is." - Wisdom from my grandfather
"Paper or plastic? ... because I'm afraid I'll have to suffocate you unless you put this bag on your head..." - Ethnitrek
AC1: Wierding from Harvestgain
Really addictive game....
Great replies, thanks a lot for the ideas everyone.
It's not that I don't like quests, I just don't like quests to be there to give you a purpose for grinding, I'd rather be rewarded for it in more ways. Like WoW, those quests were pretty good... you got the XP, plus the additional XP for completing, and a (usually useless to your class) item.
It's not that I don't like the stats, items, etc, that's the fun of customizing characters to your own preferences... it's just that I'd rather mainly focus on things like skills, strategy, etc. A more action-oriented RPG is what it sounds would be best for me, but I just didn't "feel" GW, and tired of WoW. Anarchy Online was a little too dated for me.
Planetside always looked interesting to me, a real MMO that is also a FPS, but what has always turned me away was that I've heard there are like 300 players peak :O Still might be worth a try though! Especially since it's so cheap... sure wish they had a trial, but being so old, I can see why they wouldn't.
The private server I am currently trying Lineage 2 on is pretty fun so far, and popular for what I would expect from something unofficial. The XP is only 6x normal, so it's fast, but you still go level to level (I've seen 5000x XP... guess that just so everyone is equal within minutes?) I'm still debating, and the main thing I don't like is it's point-and-click to fight combat... I prefer, like on my rogue in WoW, to have FPS-style WSAD controls to have an added strategy, rather than just using the right skill.
I never expected so much help, thanks again, I'll take everything into consideration