Personally i believe all the pets are equal, but if I HAVE to pick a favorite it would be the frontier dragon, they are rare and colorful, also comes with a handy card and great stats.
My favorite pet would be the Efreet. Its fits me because it loves to cast sprites...a lot. Also its a pet you can make hybirds with other lvl 78 pets. I have a mash up efreet of the gnome pet, which is great because i am secondary in life. No pet can top off a Efreet pet from the Fire School
My Utility Dragon cause it looks like a normal dragon but it isnt it can cast spritley spell and i have 5 epic spells to unlock people dont realize its secret potential. it is also good for my conjurer because it helps with myth attacks and it is also great at pet derby!
Everybody Has A Wonder Pets that's why there so speical to everyone, but there's only one pet that nobody has "EVER SAID" The BEST PET 4 for meh IS "MY BASILISK IT OWNS" It's better then any other pet that anyone has had.
Ianthine Spectre!!!!!!!!! gives me Animate which summons a minion of death for x pips. It helps out a lot when I get stuck in hard situations and have no pips.
Starfish, it's smiling face got me through Celestia, Zafaria, and Avalon. I know I can smile when he smiles. Training it is never a chore (unlike hatching) I've gotten amazing help from him in battle, he gives mana, pips and damage! He has certainly been my favorite for a while!
Jade oni
hell hound
I think my Polar Cat is my favorite.
My Favorite has to the Ice Wyvern, the Feirce Hound or the Mythical Beast!
i got many beautyfull pets and i liked them all
but my favorite is pale maiden i got from nightmare pack
she is pretty , elegant and fits nicely at my side or linger at her grave stone
( Fire school and death student)
i hope mine wins 3rd price cos i used up alot of crowns getting my pale maiden
but i finally get to have her and show her off to all in the spiral
my favot pet is my wraith that is epic, that has learn defy, proof, unicorn, and add balance