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So....I post on a thread about the Hero account update and said I would "support" the game and purchase (4) hero accounts if certain requirements were met which the majority of the critics voice their concerns about. I get the post removed and this little gem of a PM from OHM. Top notch customer service! MIND you, nothing I said in my original post was inappropriate or against TOS.
I keep asking myself why they are so stubborn and childish. Suggestions to make the game better and more populated is obviously being viewed as something bad by CRS, something that must be surpressed and deleted... why ??
But ok, so they want the game to be low populated and they want more ppl to unsub. Then that is what they gonna get.
"your"...."well know"
Did you honestly expect a post like that to not get removed?
If you feel like that, much better to use email. As it is, that message won't ever be read by people in positions to consider it
SWG > Aces High > WWIIOL
I dont often post in here but reading a lot of your posts I have to comment. I read the one about the nasty comments made towards your family and the sad thing is that there are some pretty bad people out there and no one should have to tolerate that kind of abuse. What you are also right in saying is that there are 2 sides to every story!
Why though did you only tell half of your story on the post that has been moved? (Yes I am a Mod on the official forums so I have seen the moved post) I will stand by any action I take on the offical forums and I personally would have moved your post also.
Why dont you put on these forums the whole post and then people will have seen your "full" version?
I just would not want all your genuine concerns/issues undermined because your not providing the "full story" in other areas.
Ohm looks sexy! Go big blue!
tilo- let it go dude, seriously. I didn't realize how much your hanging onto nothing. Your border line embarrassing yourself.
Why dont you put it up here yourself ?
I would more want to know why the op did not put forth a full disclosure of his/her thread, as well as what he recieved as a pm from the mods on the forum. An actually it is the responcibiity of the op to put forth the full infomation, not the mods from the forum he/she is complaining about. So far i view the op as a childish whiner that wanted to vent after getting their post/thread takendown/removed, and now painting him/her self as the victim by not showing anythign that could undermine that fact (such as the content of thier thread/post).
Thats one way to view it.
I myself see a very disturbing PM sent by CRS and someone who claims to be a mighty official forum mod who has access everything but offer nothing to back it up.
How? It is merely a pm telling a poster that their (as of yet seen) post was needed to be toned down, and that their hate or additude is not welcome on thier forums (which si their right, they own the forums, and so place the rules for how you can post, and what you can post.). Till the op can actually stop the bullshit victim act, and showcase their actual post/thread they are the guilty party, as the pm was not in any way mean or hateful (unless you are a bitter prick, that wants to just spew hate about a game on their forum.). An i see a bitchy prick that is playing the owe is me card with thier blatent little look what i got for a harmless thread (that they will not even show.) act.
If you are going to accuse someone or somethgin of doing something , than you better bring both the evidence of how you are innocent (the origanal post/thread), and what you recieved for said innocent post/thread. It is on the person complaining job to prove they were wronged, not the person they are saying did them wrong to prove themselves, though the mod could have put it up it is not thier responcibility (it is the op's responsibility so they don't writern off as a child having a tantrum.)
I for one would have loved to seen the entire thread before the guys over at wII online moded it. Got to be something to whats up.
Kind of hard to judge what was said or not said at this point. I see an upset user, and I see a few gm's who felt they needed to come over here and dish out more of a whipping.
However without the original post that got him in trouble in the forums, and not knowing the context of how it really went down, it is hard to tell if it was deserved or not.
I always find it funny that after folks get slammed on game forums they come over here to try and make their point, and usually they known what they done to deserve getting punished.
This is not CRS official forum (thank god for that) so their "only positive" posting rules do not apply here. I see that several defenders of the game have a big issue about that, but you cannot do anything about it. Calling ppl haters and bitter pricks just won't do.
Is that even legal?
If it sounds, walks, and moves like a duck, more than likely it is a duck. What is funny is i do not even play the game, i have a problem with people that hide behind mis-information (and not giving the people you are posting to the full picture is mis-infomation) to color themselves as innocent, and then making the other people (mods or otherwise) look like they are overbearing, when if you look at the full picture it is the so-called innocent party that is actually guilty of bringing what happened onto themselves. An nothing is said about the rules here, the op merely choose to not post the thread, and so damned themselves as a whiner that is now bitter for being told to cull their hate and tone down their posts. An the mod from their forum came to warn people that there is more to it than what the op is putting forth, and that his selective posting of infomation was coloring what he/she did differently than what it was trully.
If you dont play this game then you dont know that this attitude towards paying customers as shown in the PM (but generally much worse) is very frequent from CRS.
I agree on that seeing the full thread would be best, but I also think its great that this attitude gets shown here.
Isssue is that it is here-say if that attitude is pervasive in the forum/games, and so without proof that it is that way than it hard to take it as true. Add in that they have put themselves into a place of looking like a guilty person, and so now showing that they have such a attitude is nullified by his hiding the reason for the pm (the post/thread.). If you are going to bring things to light, than you are better to bring it to light without leaving out anything. In the long run he/she largely has invalidated what they set out to do.
Tilo, do you have a quote of your post by any chance?
I'd like to see what you wrote.
The OP has explained (briefly) what he posted.
The other guy who claims to be mod says he is wrong.
I demand that both of them present "evidence"! If they dont its up to everyone to make their own decision on who is right or wrong. From my experience with CRS I dont think its unbelievable that OP is right, although I'm surprised that it wasnt DOC who sent that notorious PM.
Claim, evidence or what ever court lingo we can use, I dont feel I should quote his original message as this is tottaly up to him.
No personal agenda with Tilo in any form but if you want to make statements for other people to comment on then provide the full facts. It wont change some views of people that are badly "hurt" by this game and cant move on, but at least other can express their opinion on the truth!
Wow I feel a Tom Cruise moment coming on....
Very True but its all we got sometimes. TS can sort so many things out but some are reluctant to do this.
i think by not commenting at all after the intial OP was made speaks more the the veracity of the OP than anything else in this thread.
Why make the post int he first place if you have no intention of backing it up ? Seems to me the posters asking for more information have boxed the OP into a corner he is not willing to come out of.
Lolipops !
Void, the OP has a history of making posts like these w/o anything to back it up.
There are a ton of us here, so he should've started the thread here and CRS couldn't do a dam thing about it.
Dont even waste your time in the official game forums, you have more activity and more relevant posts in here anyway. Maybe its because this forum allows people to actually discuss issues without the fanboi stamp of approval. The most entertaining part in all of this is that the game has more people disgusted with it than support it.
And stop giving them money ffs. If your not happy with a product cut the life line already. They may linger around for quite sometime, as they certianly have done for years already, but the chances you will see anything changed/added/dev'ed at this point is pretty clear.
SWG > Aces High > WWIIOL