My favorite pet is my therizinosaurus because i really love how its a dinosaur and it gives the spell Lernaean Hydra at epic/mega. I know that there are people who will love this pet trust me.
p.s. This took me at least 10 or 15 min to scroll down lol but it was worth it.
My favorite pet is the TailStorm Panthera I got from my friend. It gives me 2 spells, Storm cat and dispell i think, and it gives me +101 health and +25 critical rating.
Scrolling down to the comment box takes forever and ever >.< I would just be scrolling down, the comment box would show up, I'd get excited that I could finally comment, and then it goes "JK LOL," leaving me to go back to my endless scrolling. I feel accomplished for finally making it
Anyway, my favorite pet is the Sea Dragon for unhatched stats (spell-proof, spritely, pierce train, et cetera). For appearance, I love the Tempest Hound and Tailstorm Panthera. They're absolutely adorable
I love all the pets in wizard 101. I believe they all have special abilitity's and talents. I myself have several (lol). The one that is my favorite ,however, is the "Humongofrog". I left it sitting at my home for a long time before i decided to train it one day. It started healing me at teen status, and has proved the be the most amazing pet i have so far. Out of all the pets i have, this one has captured my heart and my attention .
I like the Deer Knight pet the most. Not only does it match my Nightmare outfit, but it also gives me a Feint 'item' spell card. This is a very handy card when fighting certain bosses that won't allow traps normally. Somehow, pet Feint always manages to stick. Try using it on Luska Charmbeak,.. it works like a charm! -Oran Stormtamer
my favorite pet of all time now is the lump of coal pet from yuletide pack because just like the snowball pet the pets card spell it gives is called krampus which is a really awesome and cool spell to have and see!
My favorite animal is my unicorn, because I got my unicorn and named it Princess Daisy, and a couple weeks after that I was told I was getting a baby sister named Daisy.
My favorite pet
would be my Firecat.
I am a high lvl and i still have my firecat.
I think she brings me
good luck since I had
her ever since I was
a lvl 5
My favorite pet is my therizinosaurus because i really love how its a dinosaur and it gives the spell Lernaean Hydra at epic/mega. I know that there are people who will love this pet trust me.
p.s. This took me at least 10 or 15 min to scroll down lol but it was worth it.
my Favorite pet is the mythical beast
My favorite pet is the TailStorm Panthera I got from my friend. It gives me 2 spells, Storm cat and dispell i think, and it gives me +101 health and +25 critical rating.
Scrolling down to the comment box takes forever and ever >.< I would just be scrolling down, the comment box would show up, I'd get excited that I could finally comment, and then it goes "JK LOL," leaving me to go back to my endless scrolling. I feel accomplished for finally making it
Anyway, my favorite pet is the Sea Dragon for unhatched stats (spell-proof, spritely, pierce train, et cetera). For appearance, I love the Tempest Hound and Tailstorm Panthera. They're absolutely adorable
--Alia Legend
i think my favorit pet is the satyr helps a million times
i like my phoentx on my fire girl
I want hydra.
I am all about the giraffe
"All expectation leads to suffering" Buhhda
I like the Deer Knight pet the most. Not only does it match my Nightmare outfit, but it also gives me a Feint 'item' spell card. This is a very handy card when fighting certain bosses that won't allow traps normally. Somehow, pet Feint always manages to stick. Try using it on Luska Charmbeak,.. it works like a charm! -Oran Stormtamer
mine is my nightmare, Abby is her name, she casts unicorn and spritely, and casts life shields.
My favorite pet has to be my nightmare pet i got when i was only level 4 or 5. It may cast unicorn and gives me +150 health.