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Inflation in the past year

I started playing at release and played for about a month.  When i quit i was one of about 20 capped players on Malygos alliance.  I left because i really couldn't find anything to do.  I could never find a group to do end game raids with. 

Due to the lack of decent mmorpgs released in the last year (imo) i've been thinking of making a return.  I was just curious on the inflation of gold since i've left.  When i quit i had about 700 gold which was A LOT then.  The highest price item i'd seen at the auction house was about 75 gold.  Stacks of silk were going for about 2-3 gold.  +7 scopes were about 5 gold.  For money i camped the Changuk Smasher (sp?) in a desert that i can not remember the name of.  Near the town w/ the neutral auction house.  I put the hammers up for 25 gold buyout up at the auction house.  Anywho i was just curious how these prices compare to the prices now.  Any input would be appreciated.

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  • IcoGamesIcoGames Member Posts: 2,360

    At level 60 golds relatively easy to come by. I've had a sustained maximum income of 75g per hour, farming for Essence of Earth and selling Ice Cap/Dreamfoil.

    I'm leveling my Druid again and have noticed that most blue items levels 20 - 30 sell at an average of 10g, and levels 30 - 40 sell for a little more. Once you reach in the mid 50s, blue items can range greatly depending upon the item. I've seen some of the crafted arcanite items sell for a few 100g. Purple items sell well, but rarely do I see them top 1000g.

    Keep in mind, this is the economy on my main server, Azgalor.

    Oh, cruel fate, to be thusly boned. Ask not for whom the bone bones. It bones for thee.

  • ZprimeZprime Member Posts: 37

    Its pretty much the same on Blackhand.  most blue items range from 15g - 200g depending on rarity and clas usability.  Assassination blade nowadays ranges from 120g -190g and mage/rogue set items usually 40g - 120g.  As for epics we get Glowingbrightwod staff on the AH constantly I have seen it range from 650g -1200g but they are a very common item don't know why the are so expenisive.  Krol is another big one at 800-1000g. 

    Money seems to be easy to come by as well. I currently am holdign about 550g between my 2 lvl 60s.  Farming for tradeskill materials is the way to make money on my server - Fiery Core, Lava Core, Essences of Air/Earth/Fire/Water.

    "A day without denial is a day you've got to face."

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