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Let's get a list going of the kickstarter backer rewards that would really motivate us to back the game.
On this thread if you like something someone above you wrote, go ahead and copy and add it it to your own list so we (and City State Entertainment) can see common requests.
Hopefully this thread will influence what CSE ends up offering and make the CU kickstarter more successful because they'll see what would really motivate hardcore RvR fans to back the game's development.
I'll start us off. I don't want to see anything that unbalances the game, (uber-weapons, etc.) so...
I'd like to see:
- early alpha/beta access
- early ability to secure character name
- early ability to secure guild name/sigil
- beta code for a friend
- a special, kickstarter only, realm-specific mount, voted on by the beta testers
- a founder title
- a cool particle effect that I can apply to any of my weapons in the game
- possibly pre-paid for the first few months subscription fee (depending on level I backed the kickstarter)
- a large Camelot Unchained map of the RvR areas
- a slight glow/aura that emanates from our character's head/chest (when not stealthed)
- a few animations/taunts which only kickstarter backers get which can be used in PvP to mess with your enemies
- entered into a drawing for a custom-painted Camelot Unchained PC with a 512GB SSD, GTX 690 GPU, Sabertooth mobo, etc.
Let's get some additional ideas going.
What would really push you to back CU for a good chunk of your hard-earned money?
If you like any of mine feel free to copy into your own list.
So, what would make a cool kickstarter backer reward for CU?
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
- everything you said (except the mount. I hate mounts. Hopefully there will be speed songs and caster speeds or something similar)
- winged helm
- other cool helms that aren't obtainable in-game ("robin hood", jester hat, wolf helm, stag helm, wizard hat etc.)
Can't think of anything else...
tl;dr: hats, lots of hats.
DAoC - Excalibur & Camlann
Oops. Yep. You're right on about the mounts. I forgot about minstrels/skalds/bards and speedsong 5.
Good call on the hats!
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
If im going to back a game through kickstarter it's because i love the concept and believe in the game, the development company and the joyous absence of a publishing house forcing their hand. I back kickstarters in the hope of seeing dev's realise their dream and producing the game they envison rather than some rushed-out-the-door watered down version.
A title would be nice, like the Founder title in DAoC which shows other players you were there from the beginning, but otherwise no, none of this free crap for me.
Expresso gave me a Hearthstone beta key.....I'm so happy
I struggled with how to word the request for backer rewards for the kickstarter.
I thought about asking, "what do you think other people would want to see offered as a backer reward" but I thought it a more telling thing to ask people what they personally would pay for.
I salute you Zinzan. I think we both want CU to be a success and want to kickstart it because we love the concept and believe in the game, the developer and I also am so elated that EA is *not* a part of this. However, other people may need more tangible reasons to kick in 50, 100, 200 dollars.
So I guess I better reword my request...
In order to help raise the 5 million dollars needed for this game, Mark Jacobs (and a few other investors) are chipping in around 3 million. They need to raise an additional 2 million. What should they offer on Kickstarter to backers to help entice them to fund the game to help raise the necessary 2 milion dollars to hit the 5 million necessary to make this game happen?
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
1. General supporter (nothing.. $5)
2. Copy of the game when it comes out $60-80 Founder title + forum access + beta
3. Beta access + title + forum + extra beta key + first stage beta $130
4. Alpha access + title + forum + tshirt $200
I am not sure I will go higher then that so it is hard to come up with rewards
$350 Lifetime subscription for an account with 1 character slot
$500 +5% general damage resist for one character of your choosing can not be transferred?
$600 Full account lifetime subscription, can gift someone a game with couple month sub payed
Around 1k supporter event where they throw a party for these guys?
2-3k lunch with the team?
I have no idea for higher
I'm probably going to be chipping in for this game, still need to read the rest of the foundational principles from Mark's blog, and hope to get more clarification of the no PvE thing. However, I hope to be able to afford the following rewards: free copy of the game, and access to early/mid beta. If I can get both for $100 I will be probably going that high.
The chance to win the custom pc would be an awesome bonus and will probably gets tons ot $5-10 pledges I would bet.
Some people wonder why we would support a game before it's release. That you are supporting the game by buying a copy of it. For me, I think it is because a lot of us 'niche' fans realize these games aren't going to get big studio financing, and if they do, we know the big studios are going to force the developers to change for more mass-market appeal. I look forward to, and hope this is a game that will keep gamers entertained for years to come; even if it is not 100% for me (but I hope it is).
Born as a berserker, I was also a hero, a bounty hunter, a paladin ,a troubador and a paladin once again during my Mmo''s experiences .. Now travelling in a galaxy looking for a new adventure
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
As mentioned before, alpha/beta access or pre-purchase should definitely be in for an affordable amount. This will be a strong incentive for the majority of the interested players to back the kickstarter project.
For those who are willing to spend a larger sum, one could imagine unique weapon skins. If you give maybe 1000 $, you could send a draft to the developers that would be implemented in game.
But please: No pay-to-win
As this list gets longer and as we get closer to March, I'll update the initial post with everyone's ideas and the number of times people requested a specific kickstarter backer reward.
Some good ideas folks! Keep them coming.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
Hell yeah. Something I can put on the wall. My thoughts exactly. Show my support for the gamers and gamer community and this game.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
yea i like those first few ideas, dont know about the selling of power though.(well i
But some other things i think would be good would be a more open line of communication with the developers for us armchair developers...
TRF - GM - GW2, PS2, WAR, AION, Rift, WoW, WOT....etc...
Future Crew - High Council. Planetside 1 & 2.
Make a massive book kept in every major town that contains the name of every founder who pays X amount.
For the really high end, make it so that their in game name is set in stone for life. Like on a grave stone, or a statue, or carved into some kind of wall of greatness. There are many examples of this in Ultima Online and now even in Warcraft. It is a very intimate and epic thing.
X amount adds your player name into a future story line/quest (This would be ridiculously epic). It may be a little tough ,because you don't want to use someones name that is like (Bigtonkabull) etc.
Making a player immortal and famous is going to pull in the most amount of $ and it should. That is why we are all here
I dunno, I think alpha/beta access should be under 100 dollars. I mean in general, all this mount stuff, glowy effect, etc is just superficial. And yes, I agree that mounts suck, so no need for it. Speed song is fine (yes, that Minstrel flute and drums are music to my ears)
So just put me down for alpha access but c'mon keep in the ballpark of 30-100 bucks.
As long as any such rewards take zero dev time - anything.
I don't think dev time should be spent on fluff 'rewards' for kickstarter backers.
At the moment this is looking like the first kickstarter I may actually back...
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
I only want 2 things:
1.Beta Access and the game when it comes out.
2. An item I can name.
actually I'll probably end up funding this one regardless, but it will be the first kickstarter I take seriously. Most of the rest have been a joke.
Currently Playing: ESO and FFXIV
Have played: You name it
If you mention rose tinted glasses, you better be referring to Mitch Hedberg.
I looked at the Wildman kickstarter (which sadly does not look like it's going to fund because they need an additional 600,000 in the next 4 days) and was surprised to see quite a few people had backed it for their highest amount ($10,000) to be invited to the launch party, be in a special video blog, and have their names in the game's credits.
According to my rough estimates, even at $60, raising 2 million dollars would require over 30,000 backers!
So, it definitely makes sense to offer some really high dollar amount backing options. Because one person backing for $10,000 is the equivalent of 167 people backing at $60.
So, what are some other 500-10000 dollar backer ideas for Camelot Unchained? Ostensibly these don't have to be something you personally would pay but are ideas for City State to consider as they prepare for their upcoming March kickstarter?
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
$5 and up: automatic full closed beta access
$50 and up: free collector's edition game and bonus items that come with it
$150 and up: lifetime subscription
* Edited to be cheaper than what you would typically pay to get the same rewards anyway.
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
I think just beta access should be more like 20-25.
Beta + regular digital edition of the game when it comes out should be 50.
Beta + boxed regular edition should be 60.
Alpha + beta + digital collector's edition (including cloth map) should be 80.
Alpha + beta + boxed collector's edition should 120.
Alpha + beta + boxed collector's edition + first year pre-paid premium level subscription should be 200.
Alpha + beta + boxed collector's edition + first three years pre-paid premium level subscription should be 350.
Alpha + beta + boxed collector's edition + LIFETIME premium subscription membership should be 500.
Here's my math for your consideration...
A $15 per month premium subscription for one year comes out to $180. If you pay 100 for the game, that comes out to $280 plus tax (at least in my state), so really $300. So, at $200 it would be a $100 savings for a one year membership plus you'd get into the alpha and beta.
For the three year option you'd normally spend $15 X 36 months = $590 + 100 for the collector's edition. So 690 + tax = $759. So, at $350 you'd save just over 50% of what you'd otherwise spend. Deep discount for helping to back the game at such an early stage in development.
If you plan to play CU for 10+ years (like some people are still playing DAoC), then think of how much you'd save in the long-run with a LIFETIME option. $15 X 120 months = $1800. Plus 100 for the collector's edition = 1900. Plus tax and you're at $2090. So, you'd save $1590 if you went with the $500 option.
What scares me though is that the Wildman kickstarter just got yanked today and they were asking 1.1 million and only got 504K with around 9,235 backers. That's an average of 54 dollars per backer. CU is asking in the neighborhood of 2 million. To make that happen with an average person backing at 54 dollars would require around 37,000 backers. Yikes!
Let's keep going with backer ideas! There's less than 20 days until March.
Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.