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I'm sure this has been answered somewhere, but I did not find it.
I was one of the many people that bought the original version of the game which as we all know failed on release. I was wondering if I have to re-purchase the game to play in the re-released version? I'm sure others would appreciate an answer to this quesiton as well.
I am interested in getting back into the game, but not at the cost of re-purchasing.
Thank you very much for your answer.
If you have the original FFXIV, then you wont need to purchase A Realm Reborn, but if you wish to play the PS3 version you will need to purchase that one. Only fees we will have to pay is to activate our subscription.
Good guys Square-Enix
Thank you for the quick reply!
And that is great to hear, I looking forward to jumping back in
The new will have gamepad support Guild Website and Recruitment link
You will also get into beta as of Beta Test Phase 3 (one is starting soon, there is a total of four before the relaunch)
Beta test 3 will be a 35+ level cap beta where you can use 1.0 characters or create new characters, however these will be wiped before Beta 4 (open/PS3 beta). All characters created or used from 1.0 in beta 4 will have their progress saved and carried over after launch.
Once ARR officially launches you then get an additional 30 days to try the game before having to subscribe again.
Wow, this is great to hear! Thanks a ton for that information.
I'm glad Squenix is doing this as I believe this gives them the best chance at a successful release.
Definitely but Square Enix has done a great job of managing FFXIV's poor launch, they didn't start subscriptions for over a year while they rebuilt it to something worth paying for, then everyone who decided to pay subscriptions after that got a reduced subscription rate for life and access from beta 1 (plus a special chocobo and their names in the credits if they request it).
But anyone who paid a dime for FFXIV gets access from the start of the real beta (where the whole world is open rather than just limited areas). So everyone will have a chance to really judge for themselves if they want to give it another shot.
Dont mean to thread-steal, but seeing as you had your question answered, I thought I'd save everyone a hassle and just ask here.
For open beta, does everyone get access? Like would we have to pay to try it? I'd like to be able to atleast try the finished product and see how I like it. I didn't spend a penny on the first version, so I'm not sure.
Open beta will be available to anyone with internet access. No purchase needed.
Actually, only the area of Gridania will be accessible for the first two phases of beta. Phase 3 and Phase 4 the three starting nations will be opened up. Nothing has been said about Coerthas and Mor Dhona for beta.