Below is our guild charter. If you like what you see already check out our awesome website and fill out a quick application. We would love to see you join our ranks and may the 9 watch over you!
Recruitment Officer of Midnight Reveries.
Midnight Reveries is at it's core is a group of people with similar goals in mind. Those goals involve being a dominate force in The Elder Scrolls Online in both PVE and PVP. Our PVE endgame is to be the furthest progressed guild in the game at all times and our PVP goal is to capture Cyrodiil with our allies in our alliance and crown ourselves Emperor. If those goals fall inline with what your's are then read on.
Recruitment is done through our application located on the forums. Applicants will read over this charter and then create a post to be approved by Midnight Reveries leadership. Based upon your application you will be accepted or denied. As Midnight Reveries sees more success post launch of Elder Scrolls Online our recruitment standards will go up accordingly.
Our current goal in recruitment is a focus on numbers. We want like-minded gamers who have a desire to be apart of our vision. All players recruited pre-launch will be placed in the Member rank. By recruiting heavily pre-launch of The Elder Scrolls Online we hope to be at the front of the leveling pack and into raiding and pvp as soon as possible. After our initial launch goals are met then a process of “cleaning house” will take place placing players into ranks based upon merit/speed of leveling. Midnight Reveries is a competitive raiding guild and such actions are necessary to meet our goals. That being said all members will have opportunities to prove they deserve to be apart of our raid team.
Our post-launch ranks will look like this:
Friends and Family - Members of the guild that are associated with us but not interested in becoming apart of our core raid or PvP teams. Friends and Family have the opportunity to join things like mass PvP as well as alt raids if those opportunities are present. The members who vouch for these types of players in this group are solely responsible for their actions.
Trial Member - Newly invited players to the guild that raid with us. Trials will have a a trial period ranging for 3 weeks that can be extended if the leadership feels they need more time to evaluate them. Needless to say trials should be on their best behavior and strive to prove they are worth keeping.
PvP Member - These are players in our ranks that have a special interest in PvP but no interest in PvE. This rank will be lead by a PvP Officer and strive to put Midnight Reveries on the map in the Faction vs Faction conflict in Cyrodiil. This is the highest rank available to regular members of the guild without getting into leadership positions.
Raid Member - These are the raiders of Midnight Reveries. Players in this rank are expected to show up to raids and play their class to the fullest. This is the highest rank available to regular members of the guild without getting into leadership positions.
Officer - This is the backbone of the guild. Officers are there to make sure everything is running smoothly. In the event of conflict within the guild Officers are expected to handle the situation if they can. Some areas Officers might specialize in are: PVP, Raid Leading, Website Upkeep, Crafting/Raid Materials.
Guild Leader - This position is for the individual who leads the guild in the appropriate direction. The goals of the Guild Leader are big picture while at the same time making sure we are on the right path. All decisions important to the future of the guild rest on the Guild Leader with input from Officers.
What is expected of you:
Raiding Show up prepared. This means doing whatever you can do to make sure you are ready for the raid. This includes enchanted gear/raid consumables/gems etc. This also includes watching any videos to learn more about the boss fights before you join the raid. The raid leader doesn't need to waste time explaining how a fight works if everyone already knows.
Attendance If you can't make a raid you need to let an officer know. This includes posting in absentee forums ideally but also acceptable are in game means as well as email/text. This helps the leadership plan our raids and makes up more effective.
Drama-Free Don't cause unneeded drama in the guild. If you have a problem with another member then talk to an officer. NEVER bring drama inside of the guild to outside of the guild. Recruitment and status hinges upon guild image and drama tarnishes that. If you are a constant source of drama in the guild your usefulness might become outweighed by the problems you bring and you will be removed.
Interaction outside of the guild We are trying to build Midnight Reveries into a successful guild. If your dealings with other players outside of the guild are not inline with that plan there is a problem. If you can't help but to troll people outside of the guild then do it on an alt not affiliated with us.
i so want to apply and raid :<
i checked out your website but i have yet to see raid information like on what days and what time you guys will be raiding. i dont want to apply and then dont follow through with it due to conflict of schedule
There are people who play games and then there are gamers.
I believe our plans are something from the 7 EST to 12 EST. Days are undecided. At least that is what I last heard.
Such a great group of people, and more and more people are joining all the time. Check out our website (soon to be new and improved), chat with us on the forums, and get on our public mumble for some great TESO discussions and goofing off too!
Also, our raid times will most likely be during peak times like KeeKee said, I'm going to say more than likely 4-5 days a week with the other days being optional, and the raid will still happen if there are enough people. at least thats what we've done in the past. If nothing else, please come join our forums, get on mumble with us and just hang out! You're likely to find that you'll want to join regardless, and if nothing else we'll have a great ally when the game actually launches!
I was the guildmaster on one of the biggest guilds in SWToR and I play a lot of other mmorpgs or did including Everquest, EQ2 and much, much more for years. I signed up for the beta like the minute it was available. I will be looking for a good guild but I have friends that I play most games with that would want to be in it too. So let me know! I am interested though!
If anybody knows the guild. Jedi Mind Tricks from The Fatman server. I was Tha'Brav, Dooku, etc.
Those 4 man raids are gonna be hardcore!!
Jona ^_^
We always like to have people that enjoy playing and doing adventure zones with their friends. We were on Master Zhar lestin. Was a tiny server that was destroyed by the exodus in SWTOR .
They don't want to call it raiding because it makes it seem too similar to WoW. They call them adventure zones. They have mentioned that encoutners won't be one boss but usually many constantly coming at you that react differently each time you enter the zone.