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Has anyone watched The Simpsons in the last ten years? I cringe, they have simply run out of ideas and they parody cartoons that originally parodied them (Family Guy). It is funny when you witness a phenonem trying to play catch up, another one I remember is Metallica desperately trying to emulate Nu-Metal, despite all their innovation that went before.
The problem is everything gets old, and those old boys with a 'Peter Pan' complex try to compete, yet they are slightly too comfortable and relaxed with who they are so it appears false.
I am not even sure if MMO's follow this trend because the lead-in's are so long. Yet, I see the concept aired that certain mmo concepts are 'old hat' and companies trying to distance themselves from them. I would place GW2 as a prime example.
My point is that perhaps people should stick with what works for them and innovate on their own credentials rather than in response to a general noise emanating from the crowd at large.
I am sure I am incorrect though.
Most entertainment properties that you that you think of as iconic grew out of taking ideas that were already floating around. You just weren't familiar with the sources they were copying, combining and building on.
I can assure Iwas, they just were not mainstream, so can we please put that argument to bed instantly.
read above, mate, I was inventing a topic, but so many here do I thoutht I may as well..
Well, if you didn't like what I've already said, there probably isn't anything else I can add that you will appreciate.
actually, take it or leave it (and please leave it) I thought I was ... oh nevermind it was a mistake, but cannot be bothered justifying myself. By the way is the unicorn always this angry?
No, no, not angry, never angry (well, almost never, there was that one kickstarter thread back last June that I got a bit carried away in but I digress). If I come across as angry, I'm doing a terrible job of emoting my words.
Well Family Guy is a very idiotic version of Simpons. I (sigh) have coworkers who adore the show .. and they are simpleton's let me tell you. They may know what they do - but personality? Zero. Family Guy, great show for idiots, help them to become idiots? Hmm
Problem is that the younger generation watches stuff thats "new", and thus they automatically get subjected to inferior quality television.
It's a shame, because stuff like Pinky and the Brain puts the currently aired crap to shame (Pinky & the Brain is currently on YouTube for free, go watch it). That's good entertainment. Wholesome, moral meanings, but funny.
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Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
I HAVE to pull you up on this. If you think that Family Guy is less intellectualy stimulataing than the Simpsons (2000 and beyond) then frankly your brain is fried. I mean there is just no argument.
In that timeframe, no argument?
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Are you arguing for or against me?
2000+, no argument? I didn't think there was an argument.
edit: If you are in confusion, pls refer to my endorsementof of 1990's cartoon. Got the picture?
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
Not really mate, I will defend late 80's to late 90's Simpsons to the death, anything that happened after 'meh'. Sorry also got concentrated on a depressing tune so was not intentionally rude.
What can men do against such reckless hate?
Same side, but you were argumentative?
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
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A bear, how about a sweety? Don't get to down on masculinity and feminimity ,, Careful what you wish for ...
Want a nice understanding of life? Try Spirit Science: "The Human History"
Recognize the voice? Yep sounds like Penny Arcade's Extra Credits.
I've always found watching The Simpsons to be similar to watching paint dry.
Now let's talk about bears...
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.
-- Herman Melville