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NCSoft and Carbine Studios have announced that WildStar will officially launch into retail service in 2013. To celebrate the announcement, the team is ready to take the lid off of several key features and character backgrounds. Be sure to check out Som's part 1 preview!
Humans: Resourceful, but also headstrong and brash, Human Exiles never back down from a fight, whether it’s in their best interest or not.
Granok: These hulking rock people are among the best warriors in the galaxy, and the only group to face off against the Dominion and win.
Aurin: Characterized by their animalistic ears and tails, the Aurin are highly spiritual protectors of nature.
Check out the latest State of the Game letter on the WildStar site for more information.
Let's hope there are a few with longevity in them all. I've been waiting for a long time for a game I could play for a few years, not months.
What happens when you log off your characters????.....
Dark Age of Camelot
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.
What are your other Hobbies?
Gaming is Dirt Cheap compared to this...
EQ2 fan sites
Good news!
Going to wait to get my hands on it in some kind of beta before getting hyped on this one though.
Definitely. WildStar and TESO launch. Possibly EQ:Next too. Camelot Unchained just announced. I'm excited for the future of MMO's
I angered the clerk in a clothing shop today. She asked me what size I was and I said actual, because I am not to scale. I like vending machines 'cause snacks are better when they fall. If I buy a candy bar at a store, oftentimes, I will drop it... so that it achieves its maximum flavor potential. --Mitch Hedberg
"Small minds talk about people, average minds talk about events, great minds talk about ideas."
What I worry about is that with NCSoft (with the exception of Guild Wars) pulling back from the west and attempting to concentrate on their own home market in Korea, that Wildstar will suffer the same fate as the other 5 western MMOs that they've killed.
(Dungeon Runners, Auto Assault, Tabula Rasa, Exteel and CIty of Heroes)
I suspect that for all their creativity, the folks at Carbine are nothing more to NCSoft than a rounding error or a tax write-off on their spreadsheets and as easily disposed of. If it's not a "WoW-Killer" or not fantasy-themed then they're not really truly interested in it.
If Wildstar is still around a year after launch, I'll be surprised. And it won't be because it's a bad game or concept and despite all the hard work of the people at Carbine.
It'll be because that's just the way NCsoft rolls.
"Wake UP! Time for SCIENCE!"
-Adam Savage "Mythbusters"
We've said that every year for the past decade, and look how it turns out.
So true. I was really interested in this game until NCSoft killed CoH. If Carbine can pry their game out of NCSofts clutches, I'll take a look at it, but only if.
Carbine has the same standing with NCsoft that ArenaNet does, don't worry about any plugs being pulled. and for all of you who claim to be so worried,here's the sure way not to have the game yanked...stay subscribed this time.
You must be smoking something because 2013 is going to be a bad year for MMOs. The only thing 2013 will do for MMOs is be a step towards changing the genera for EQNext and Titan. Thats all it will do.
^ This. I am super excited for Wildstar!
You are pretty matter of fact. Care to share your figures? I would say it worries me but to be so butthurt about it smells of troll.
Have you been following the game?
Crafting - is looking to be a huge role of the game, tied in with housing.
non combat gameplay - housing , crafting, exploring, leading.
fortress ownershtip
action oriented combat
large scale raiding
it's taking a few things from the success of mmo's , i highly doubt wildstar is going to be purely raid based. THe game is trying to offer a totally different style of play to appease everyone. it looks promising, and i am totally hyped for this. Everything on the market sucks right now, so wildstar is my only hope.
Even though im completely out of pc gaming right now this game does catch my eye. Depending on what kind of hype next gen consoles can dish my way and how this game is doing 2-3 months after launch, this is the one game on my radar that could possibly make pc gaming worth it again to me.
Just have to wait and see.
No its not offering everything for everyone. Its going to be a Large scale raid game that will fail. Period. WoW had 5 Million players when it had 40 and 20 man raids. WIldstar will come no where close to that with todays MMO population. Its not hard to understand that only 8% of all WoW raiding guilds are 25 man and even they are having major troubles keeping 25 man raids going. Your Raiding player base is shrinking and the majority that is left only want small raids. So how will 40 mans work with few people to do them? Guess what it will not happen it will fail. Every game that goes back to 2004 design or earlier rule sets do not work. Its a fact. Watch people leave this game a month after release just like all the rest of the MMOs.