it depends on what server your talking about how many members and np do they have, how active they are, what grade they are, what lvls they are, what kinds of equipment do they have, etc
Lol this topic is dead, but I figure I'll let you all know who the best clan is. ELT is best clan in any server. With over 15mil NP's as of today they double any server's #1 Clan. They are on Xigenon and they roxXx allllll you.
it depends on what server your talking about how many members and np do they have, how active they are, what grade they are, what lvls they are, what kinds of equipment do they have, etc
Although I only play Diez, I'm pretty sure the best clans (powerwise) go something like this:
Ares- Fire
Diez - Blood
Beramus - Who knows, who cares?
Xigenon - Same as bera
Cypher - Ho_Chi_Minh_Army, if they are on this server (99% sure) would be pretty good force.
Lol this topic is dead, but I figure I'll let you all know who the best clan is. ELT is best clan in any server. With over 15mil NP's as of today they double any server's #1 Clan. They are on Xigenon and they roxXx allllll you.
Don't believe me? check it out
[Jesus80x - Xigenon]