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A short write up on Kill Ten Rats regarding telegraphed combat experience at Arkship 2013. Writer paints an interesting mental picture of what to expect. And this is just one of the starting zones. Sounds reassuring so far.
This was my favorite part:
"The telegraphs extend to just about everything. There were spike plants in the field that acted like mines. If I tripped a spike plant there was about a 2-second wait as I was shown a circular telegraph around the spike plant. If I was fighting creatures near a spike plant it became a mini-game to see if I could trip a spike plant making sure the creature was inside the circle (and not me) when the mine went off. This was also a good way to get dissimilar creatures to fight one another. If I overaggroed a herd of deer and some predator at the same time, I could strafe to get the deer into a predator’s telegraphed attack knowing the deer would then ignore me to fight the predator. I’d kill them all, of course."
Sounds like a lot of fun, telegraphs seem like there going to add a new level of depth to gaming. While some may argue they simplify things and dumb it down, perhaps with these systems in place, end game raids will boast some pretty intuitive designs?
i can see boss fights having some really intresting mechanics with a player base that can communicate well easily. Thoughts?
I got to play the game a couple weeks ago and I was surprised how much I actually like the telegraph system. I always felt like I needed to doge and move. It was a lot of fun.
Did it feel tactical in nature? There seems to be this misconception from anti-telegraph people that telegraphs = easy mode. The article states otherwise. What's your feelings on this since you actually tried it?
I only got to play a lvl 6-12 zone, so the telegraphs weren't all that crazy, but it always kept me on my feet. It also gets crazy when you battling more than 1 mob.
ya Dance Dance Revolution and Guitar Hero keeps me on my feet too... but in a MMO... lame.
Trying to think how to phrase this... did you actually need to dodge? As in, if you didn't you were about to have a very bad day, or could you still just tank and spank, albeit inefficiently?
That mobs can hit each other is good to hear... will no doubt lead to some interesting encounters, and stories.
Monster Hunter does telegraphing right, Wildstar's telegraphing is technically "easy mode" since it gives you EXACTLY the size of the AoE and it's pretty impossible to miss with large shapes on the ground, etc.
While I don't care either way (I would prefer having a game be easy telegraphs and have to dodge stuff, than no telegraphs at all and everything a monster throws at you is insta lock single target) telegraphing SHOULD be much more subtle, a very specific sound from the mob, or a particular body movement (shifting stance, etc) these are the proper way to telegraph moves, and then trial and error on the best ways to avoid them, learning patterns, size of AoEs, best counters to use, etc.
Here's a video of an example:
Every move this monster makes has a certain telegraph (even though some are only a couple frames and hard to distinguish) but a very good player can go through a fight and take little to no damage from understanding the telegraphs.
TL;DR Telegraphs are always better than no telegraphs but the ones in Wildstar are "easy mode".
That was my initial thought as well, but while watching the video linked in it occurred to me that they seem to have a lot of different attack patterns there. Being only a starter zone most were simple circles, lines and cones, generally varying in size, but some were combinations or even multi-directional. Clearly there is a lot of potential in the system for the designers to create some very interesting and intricate attack patterns.
Now assuming that telegraphed attacks hurt (and hopefully they do, hard to tell from the video due to all the cheating going on), do you really want to learn all those attack patterns, for all the different types of mobs throughout the entire game, by trial and error? Also keep in mind that this is an MMO and will get a lot more chaotic at times than the 1v1 (or at most 4v1) of MH.
actually sounds pretty cool, and not just the 'handholding' its been described as.
If in 1982 we played with the current mentality, we would have burned down all the pac man games since the red ghost was clearly OP. Instead we just got better at the game.