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Given the current timeline for Camelot Unchained we're looking at Kickstarter next month and if successful a roughly September 2015 release date if memory serves me right. Now we all know that these dates are tentative and due to better than suspected pledges you could see development a bit ahead of schedule or even sliding in order to add stretch goals, but if they hit the 2 million right on the head then that is the current projected release I believe. I would imagine that those who pledge enough would make it into Alpha, Friends and Family Alpha/Beta, and Closed Beta Testing which would be at best a year off since to my knowledge a final engine has not been decided upon.
So, after we place our commitment to the game next month during the Kickstarter Campaign what do people have planned in order to pass the time?
What types of incentives would you like to see in order to help close the gap between the time of the project being funded and the inital testing phases leading to the title going Gold?
Bear "replicant" Powell
"I am Shaolin-Style!"
DAOC Live (inactive): R11 Cleric R11 Druid R11 Minstrel R9 Eldritch R6 Sorc R6 Scout R6 Healer
This would work for me. Specialy the private forum. Probably would have to be a non-disclosure agreement, but that's cool. It would give backers a place for some constuctive feedback, and morve dev interaction with know backers.
"The two things that are going to survive nuclear winter are going to be cockroaches and WoW." - Mark Jacobs
Camelot Unchained Fanpage
Yeah, I think MJ's approach in wanting backers playing and giving feedback ASAP is awesome. It should help shape CU into something amazing.
That and so much more. I want our backers, who also happen to be our core customers, to be more involved in the evolution of CU then they might expect. As long as we all (backers too) stay true to the FPs, it should be a lot of fun to hear what a tightly focused group of backers have to say/vote on during the game's development and evolution.
One of the things that people have already noticed and commented on is how some of the things I'm saying (like the last FP) were in part similar to what somebody may have said. Well, as I've said many times, I do want and at times, really need feedback on various aspects of my vision/plan for CU.
Thank you, I appreciate that. However, we have a difficult road ahead of us with the Kickstarter (as many people have commented on). While we are getting a great response, newsletter signups, etc. until we hit our goal, I'm not getting the least bit excited yet.
Sorry I've been a bit absent the last week but with the family issues and getting V1.2 out the door, I've been quite preoccupied.
Mark Jacobs
CEO, City State Entertainment
Was hoping to see more incentive ideas from people rather than just more copy pasta.
Playing other games during the non-testing phase is a given for most of us gamers.
The backer forums is something we're expecting along with developer transparency (somewhat) within the private community. However, what other ideas do you have to keep interest up once it's been successfully backed and help to draw more people into the fold?
Mark is going to surprise us which is a given, but your ideas here might surprise him as well.
For example: I think it would be interesting to see a small app given to us that helps to plot out the environment and we can work toward placement of various battlefield objectives and unknown objectives (such as craftable dwellings, barricades, etc) could be placed. This would give us ideas for showing how WE would place the items in the most strategic way possible. If shown as a basic map with simple graph style overlay we could imagine it in the same way we'd approach our own tabletop games or strategy games. Devs could look through our ideas or run a basic program looking at correlations to how we think when approaching various obstacles.
Just an idea.
Bear "replicant" Powell
"I am Shaolin-Style!"
nothing more then what i normally do, i stopped going oh i want this game and ill just have to find a way to get by till then.
sorry but until i play a game i no longer have faith it will be the solution to all my troubles, so i just moniter them but dont get myself to hyped pointlessly.
oh and kickstarter is a auto warning light for me with games so meh.
F2P may be the way of the future, but ya know they dont make them like they used to
Proper Grammer & spelling are extra, corrections will be LOL at.
I healed Mistwraith and all I got was this stupid tee-shirt!
Game wise?
Tried GW2 for a few months and really enjoyed the PVE, but it got boring after a while. The WVW wasn't what I'd hoped it would be.
That inspired me to try EVE for the first time, and I'm LOVING it right now. Been playing 3 or 4 months I think.
It fulfills some of my gaming needs, but still something's missing. I don't quite get the same RPG feel from a spaceship as a character.
This actually inspired me to fire back up DAOC. I've been tinkering around with new characters on it for a month or so. I'm actually leveling up a valewalker right now, because Hib was the one realm I never got super far in. It's fun, and nostalgic, and kind of old and new at the same time. I played hardcore 2001-2004, but not much since then, and only then a couple battleground characters.
Gaming wise, hopefully the above will tide me over until alpha of camelot unchained, because I'll definitely be a kickstarter.
Until then, I'll browse all the forums, websites, youtube videos, facebook pages, etc... posting comments and trying to be involved here and there. At some point the "backers private forum" will be a good place to chime in.
Tuktz -
Black Deserts.
Oh yeah, and DaoC, cuz it's still a lot of fun.
Rolled a New toon yesterday, and am having a blast running through the Bg's.
Lots of players on ^-^
P.S. Sorry to all those albs we rolled in Killa,
You guys put up a good fight!