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Website: Click Here
Focus: Bounty Hunting / PvE
Style: Hardcore while we're awake.
Prime Time: 7:00pm – 1:00am EST
TeamSpeak3 Server: (no port, no pass)
(Early recruitment: Awaiting western release)
A little bit about Unlimited:
Guild Expectations – Our full code of conduct can be found here. Some key points:
Why Start Recruitment Now?
When the first official division of Unlimited formed, it was brought together as one idea conceived by gamers who had never played together before; recruitment started with no release date in sight. Often, start-up groups like this become the target of ridicule, believed to have no more than a few weeks of survival in a new game. We beat the odds with our first division and believe we can take the ArcheAge division just as far with the same careful preparation.
Before release, we have the time to prepare essential parts of the guild. First and foremost is the core of members as described above. It will be designed as its predecessor was, with an emphasis on the guild community itself, and the relationships of the people in the guild.
Are you interested?
Here is our Application Process
Take a look at us, join us on our forum/TeamSpeak and get to know us. Find out why Unlimited is not only a guild that will intrigue you and want to follow, but one that you’ll want to play with in ArcheAge.
Don't think you have the background?
Take a look at us anyway. Our approach allows us to help those willing and able to learn so that they can become a functional and supporting gear in the construct that is Unlimited. We don't want to tell you what to do, we want you to learn what to do so that you can pass along that knowledge to others who come later.
Have questions?
Visit our website and ask away on our forum, hop into Teamspeak and meet members, or drop an email to our leaders:
Unlimited is Looking for Officers!
Unlimited has open Officer opportunities for those who qualify.
In the initial post, we described our reasons for starting recruitment early including the most essential part of the guild; its core members. The second part to that is additional leadership. We are looking for individuals interested in continuing to plan and prepare the guild for the release of ArcheAge.
Qualities of Leadership Needed to be an Officer
If you’re interested, reach out to us on Teamspeak: (no port, no pass). You'll want to look for "Adam" or "Nick". If you are having trouble catching us, reach out to us on our forum: Daedalus (Nick) and Amraz (Adam). Personal discussion goes a lot further than any kind of text correspondence that we could have here, so please make every effort to contact us on Teamspeak. We want to get to know you and any previous leadership experience, just as you should want to do the same with us.
Thanks for reading.
Looks like you guys have your sheot together.
Sounds like a good guild.....
All Will Be Well.....
Will do asap...
ty for the offer!
All Will Be Well.....
I wanted to take a moment to expand on these points a bit and tell everyone a bit about what we're NOT looking for.
The search for additional leaders is not something we take lightly. The ideal is certainly that we have members join and naturally grow into leadership positions without usurping because they think they know better. However, some people just love to be on the leading side of things; making things happen for their own enjoyment, but more importantly, for the enjoyment of those they are enjoying the game with. We don't want to overlook the opportunity to pick up fantastic leadership support by ignoring these gamers.
We look forward to hearing from you.
I thought it would be appropriate to clear up some misconceptions about Unlimited that may encourage you to take a look at us, or perhaps a second look if you've visited our website and passed up the opportunity to throw in an application.
We refer to ourselves as a community, but I've noticed that there is some negative connotation surrounding discussions of the "guild" vs "community". There are obvious pluses and minuses to each, but let me explain what we are exactly so you can better decide if we're a good option for you. Unlimited members value the relationships between all particpants within the community. We're still young, but our community, to date, has never risen above around 65 (active) people at any given time. Most of our current participants are former members of the Guild Wars 2 group that are anxiously awaiting the release of ArcheAge.
Before you single us out as one of the massive conglomerates bent on multi-gaming sub-sections with incapable sub-leadership driven through micromanagement, hold your thoughts and recognize that we're focusing on one game and growing naturally. We don't deprave our ideals and contaminate our guild, or community, for the sake of growth. That said, if you are interested in our search for additional leaders, recognize that this is an effort to grow with new leadership that will adopt and work with the existing leadership; no doubt becoming of one sound mind by the time the game is released (certainly not always agreeing, but absolutely always with the guild's best interests in mind). If you're looking for a guild that has a goal in mind of staying together through games for years to come, we may be exactly what you're looking for.
As we've said before, the best way for you to experience what kind of gamers we are is to spend a few nights on Teamspeak with us. We promise not to disappoint.
Regardless of whether you are interested in joining Unlimited for ArcheAge, or perhaps you're just looking to pass the time with a good game that doesn't get a lot of credit, I welcome you to reach out to us and enjoy the wait with TERA. If you're checking out our guild for ArcheAge, there's no better way to experience how we game and the true personalities of our community -- we encourage you to jump on this opportunity to play something with us before the AA release.
If you have any particular questions about the game, don't hesitate to contact me privately.
Heya guys,
So I went to go try contacting you through TS but it looks like TS and your website is no longer being hosted or is down. I'm interested in the Officer positions as well as helping prepare a guild for ArchAge or helping form a guild so if this community still exists or wants to exist, please message me.
I have more than 8 years experience leading a community/clan in multiple games that lasted that long as well as a lot of potential ideas and skills. I'm really not too big on applications and prefer to meet you guys and do an interview instead if that is possible.